"It's amazing. Baishan No.1 middle school, it's like stepping into the gate of the university with one foot. I didn't see. I thought you were a silly girl from a small place, but I didn't expect to be a student of Baishan No.1 middle school.". Ding Changsheng's eyes in Ling Shan's body shuttle patrol several times said.

"You're a silly girl, but I heard Erdan brother say that you're also good at learning. You're the first in Haiyang No.1 middle school, and always the first.".

"Well, forget it. The hero doesn't mention the courage of that year. Let's go. You can order whatever you want. You're Chen Erdan's cousin and my cousin. If you want to eat anything, you can still manage a meal.".

"Hey, let's go to eat spicy hot, the place is lively.".

"Why don't you look down on me? I'll treat you to Western food. See? There, Wang Houju, how about I invite you to eat Western food there? "Ding Changsheng pointed to Lingshan, the king's residence wine in the distance, and spat out his tongue." my cousin said that I should stay away from you and said that you are not a good man. If you are so courteous today, you will not come up with any bad idea. If we don't go, we'd better go to a place where there are more people, and the place is safe. ". Ling Shan made a face and said with a smile.

"I'm not a good man. I have to peel off his skin when I go back. I've ruined my reputation in front of outsiders. If I don't let him pay a 120000, it's not enough.".

He he, you sold him is not worth the money. Ling Shan said that she had already led the way to find Malatang. In fact, she also wanted to find a quiet place to have dinner with Ding Changsheng, but she still felt that it was not good in her heart, because this guy was too bold. Last time in the backyard of his cousin's house, she dared to treat himself like that and never give him another chance.

However, there was a voice in her heart that she kept telling her that this was a good man. After all, there were few who dared to come forward in case of danger. Therefore, to seize the opportunity, they finally found a big stall on the roadside under such a contradictory and self-contained state.

"In such a place?" Ding Changsheng doesn't dislike the bad here, but he wants to show that he has to pay more for it. It is you who choose this place.

"It's OK. Make do with something.". Ling Shan has picked up the napkin and wiped it back and forth on the chair on the table several times. Ding Changsheng stands aside and looks at Ling Shan, who is busy before and after, to collect his seat and her seat. When Ling Shan, who is wearing a cardigan, bends down to wipe the chair, he clearly sees that today Lingshan is wearing a red bra, which is the same color as the sweater outside, a small one tied with red rope The stone fell down, and I don't know who sent it to her.

"Well, I'll do it myself.". Ding Changsheng took a napkin to wipe symbolically, and then sat opposite.

You can order what you want. I'm the same as you. Ding Changsheng throws the menu to Ling Shan.

"I'm not welcome.". Lingshan said with a smile, Lingshan smile best to see, a white teeth in the red lips, and then a sentence of sweet words gush out.

"Don't mention it. Just kill me and apologize for my recklessness that night?"

"What?" Ling Shan didn't understand.

"It was in the backyard that night.".

"You, what do you say that for? I have already forgotten.". Ling Shan blushed with shame, and her heart was beating violently, because after that night, she had countless times in the dream scene of that night, especially Ding Changsheng hugged her and forced her to kiss.

This is the first throb of a miss spring girl. When a stream of heat spurted out with the feeling of fatigue, she experienced the first tide of her life. Since then, she has become more and more unable to extricate herself. Sometimes, she can imagine that there is a man on her body. The heavy feeling gives her more stimulation, and the man is basically the one in front of her Longevity.

Yes, it was he who brought himself to a state he had never experienced.

"Ling Shan, do you have a man's hair?" Ding Changsheng hesitated and asked.

"What? Man's hair? Joking, you don't know how strict the management of Baishan No.1 middle school. Those who fall in love will be dismissed if they are found out.

"Oh, so strict, if you don't know, such as falling in love with boys in other schools.".

I don't know. I'm not a teaching director. Ding Ling had a look.

Ding Changsheng looks around. At this time, the big stalls have not reached the best business time, but Ding Changsheng's male hormone has developed to the largest node.

Ling Shan poured a cup of tea to Ding Changsheng, but when it was handed to him, he grabbed his small hand with lightning speed. Bai zhe Nen's smooth hand was tightly held by Ding Changsheng. For a moment, Ling Shan was a little afraid. Here was a big stall. As long as he made a voice, he would lose his hair today. "What are you doing? Let me go, let my classmates see me in trouble.".

"I'll let you go if you promise me one thing.". Ding Changsheng leaned forward and said with a smile. He was right. Ling Shan didn't dare to raise his voice, just like in Chen Erdan's house.

"What's the matter? Let me go. Let go.".

"No, as long as you promise me, I will let you go."."Well, speak, speak quickly.".

"Ling Shan, do you know that you are the most beautiful Bridesmaid I have ever seen. I was shocked when I saw it that day. As for what happened later, I was all for you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?".

"Oh, what are you talking about? Let go of it. Someone is coming.". Ling Shan listens to Ding Changsheng's words, but when she hears Ding Changsheng's almost naked confession, although her mouth is still hard, but the force of pushing off her hands is much smaller. Her heart is sweet like a broken honey pot. It's so big that no boy has ever said such a thing to herself.

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