Take a look at Ling Shan's blushing face like red paper, and you know that the little girl must have been moved. She was just embarrassed, so she let go of her hand. As soon as his hand was loose, Ling Shan felt a chill in his heart. He felt that his silence made him angry, so he quickly raised his head and looked at Ding Changsheng, who was opposite him. It was really fun.

"Do you have time in the evening? I want to invite you to the cinema.

"I, I'm going to the college entrance examination soon. I don't have time to go to the movies.". Although, I want to go, but still refused, because this is the girl's reserved, she had to make a gesture.

"It's just one night. It won't take you much time.". Ding Changsheng leaned forward and didn't give Ling Shan the chance to resist. He found that the girl was shocked and began to have him. Now the thing to do is to strike while the iron is hot.

"No, my cousin said that you are not a good man"

"Chen Er'an, you have to castrate him when he goes back home, which will damage my reputation everywhere. In fact, the person who mentions a good person, who speaks ill of me, is jealous of me, and you can believe that.".

"Envy you, what do you have to envy? Are you rich or have land?".

"Well, there are a few acres of mountains in my family. It's not too early to be abandoned. Otherwise, you should stop going to school and go home to farm for me. You can weave and plough my fields. What a wonderful life it is.".

"Bah, shameless. What kind of person do you think of yourself? I have been studying hard to jump out of that gully. You'd better drag me into the gully. After this meal, we'll walk half way to the sky.".

"No, I'll wait for you at the gate of your school in the evening. If you don't come out, I'll look for you in the classroom until you come out.".

"Why are you such a rogue? I don't have time. I'll take the exam in a few months. How can I have time to hang out with you, a little rascal.".

"What's this? I'm a glorious people's policeman. I think you're the first offender, so I won't care about you. If we slander the people's police like this in the future, I will certainly handcuff you.". What Ding Changsheng said was correct.

After dinner, Ding Changsheng sent Lingshan to the school gate, and repeatedly told him not to study at night. He was waiting for her at the door. Ling Shan didn't say yes or no. anyway, he ignored him. Ding Changsheng felt relieved and whistled when he left.

It's not easy to get a girl just by mouth. Although the key point is still a bubble word, there are many ways to do it, such as giving gifts. This move has been tried and tested.

While having dinner just now, Ding Changsheng noticed that Ling Shan's mobile phone was a very old-fashioned one. It was basically to send short messages and make phone calls. It was estimated that other functions were emergency dialing such as 110. So Ding Changsheng decided to send her a mobile phone. It was convenient to connect with each other. The key to falling in love was to have tools. Now mobile phones are necessary Products.

Although an Apple phone is nearly 5000 yuan, Ding Changsheng thinks it is worth it. He doesn't want to be so muddled all his life, but he doesn't have any brothers and sisters. So he wants to run his own empire, which inevitably involves the problem of employing people. In fact, when Uncle long handed him the check of 1 million yuan, he was thinking about how to make the money produce more money This is his heart disease, but Yang Fengqi opened a window for him, that is, he must have his own team, whether it is a man or a woman, he must have his own circle.

Chen Erdan is one, his wife Luo Zihan is one, and the other is just this little girl Ling Shan. If a man is willing to work for you, the best way is to tie them together with common interests. To make a woman willing to use it for you, the best way is to let her fall in love with you, for the pure image without emotional experience A piece of white paper like Ling Shan, he is using this method, of course, he also like the original bridesmaid.

Not out of Ding Changsheng's expectation, Ling Shan really asked for leave, but now Lingshan is behind a big tree not far from the school gate, secretly observing the school gate. She sees Ding Changsheng walking back and forth at the school gate.

"This guy is really here, go or not.". One of her small hands was on the tree, and her natural and clean nails kept looking at a piece of bark. At this time, her heart was so contradictory. Her other little hand was in the upper farmer's pocket, and her palms were full of sweat.

One voice told her, don't go, don't go, it's dangerous, but another voice told her, go ahead, he loves you, you should love bravely, he is your prince charming. At this time, Lingshan is in the battle between man and nature.

At this time, she saw that Ding Changsheng had already begun to negotiate with the security guard, so she quickly came out from behind the big tree and walked firmly to the gate. As soon as Ding Changsheng, who was close to the security guard, saw Lingshan coming in the distance, she immediately followed him out of the school gate.

"I thought you were not coming. I was going to look for you inside.".

"What do you want me to do? If you have anything to say, I have to go back to self-study.". Ling Shan said while walking forward.

Here, for you. Ding Changsheng hands the iPhone 4S to Ling Shan."This is for me?"

"Of course, your mobile phone should have been changed. Who still uses it now?". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"No, my mother bought it for me. Is it expensive?" Ling Shan can't wait to open the box, take out the mobile phone in the hand to grind.

It's not expensive. This is a new card. I saved 2000 yuan in it for telephone charges. Don't worry about not spending it.

It costs me more than 20 yuan to send short messages.

You can call me if you can't. I'll probably go back to Linshan town in a while. Call me if you want me. Ding Changsheng saw that there were not many people around him, so he put his palm on Ling Shan's shoulder.

"Oh, you are a man to be seen.". Ling Shan is blushing. Looking around in a hurry, he picked up something and left in a hurry.

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