Facts have proved that this time, governor Luo Mingjiang has indeed given in, and seems to have reached some kind of agreement with an Rushan, Secretary of the provincial Party committee secretary an Rushan. Di Kuncheng, Secretary of the provincial Party committee secretary an Rushan, is appointed Deputy Secretary and acting mayor of Huzhou, and Shi Shi Shi Aiguo is the Secretary of Huzhou municipal Party committee. However, another strange thing was that the investigation team of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly withdrew, and all investigations on Jiang Wenshan, the former Secretary of the municipal Party committee, were terminated.

If there is no deal in this, everyone will not believe it. However, this kind of transaction is not known to everyone. Luo Mingjiang finally bowed his head to an Rushan and acquiesced that the party and government of Huzhou city fell into the hands of an Rushan. He only saved the political life of an official who had made mistakes, but also won confidence for his camp. That is, Luo Mingjiang is benevolent and righteous, It's not the kind of person who breaks down a bridge and fails to save the dying. This kind of benevolence and righteousness is indeed rare in the officialdom.

The so-called one person gets the road, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky.

Since an Rushan has sent his secretary to Huzhou as the head of the government, and Shi Aiguo, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee, is a new recruit of his own, he has given Shi Aiguo face in terms of personnel arrangement, that is, Tao Chengjun, the former Secretary General of the government, has become the Secretary General of the municipal Party committee and joined the ranks of the Standing Committee members.

"Secretary, do you call me?" Ding Changsheng, who is still the Secretary, put down the phone and knocked on the door to enter shi Aiguo's office. This office is not the one used by Jiang Wenshan, but is newly decorated according to Shi Aiguo's preference. No matter how short of money the government is, the leader's requirements can still be satisfied. In this regard, people who handle specific affairs have deep experience.

"Come on, Xiaoding, sit down. I'm too busy at this time. I've always wanted to talk to you, but I haven't had time. Today is just a little time. Come on, sit down.". Shi Aiguo, sitting behind his broad desk, pointed to the chair in front of him and said.

Ding Changsheng sat down on the chair, still the same as before, without any formality. He likes to show his true face in this way. In fact, it is not easy to cause other people's precautions. If you are careful, you may be on guard.

No one can say how much role Shi Aiguo's trip to the provincial capital played in Shi Aiguo's taking over the post of secretary of the municipal Party committee. But maybe the provincial government has deliberately let Shi Aiguo take over the position of secretary. It is Shi Aiguo's visit to the provincial capital that has strengthened the determination of the province. However, in any case, is Ding Changsheng successful in this matter But no, this is a fact, even Tao Chengjun and Shi Aiguo think so in private.

In today's society, especially in the officialdom, everything is always ready. It's just like a person who goes through the needle. If you can't get on the line, you can't do it slowly.

"How about it? Is it all right? "

"It's almost good. In fact, it's skin injury, but no bone injury. So the good is OK. I can't drink now. Alas, I'm greedy these days.". Ding Changsheng always put himself on the position of Shi Aiguo's family. Although it is easy to cross the boundary, he believes that only in this way can Shi Aiguo see himself from the role of a secretary, rather than just a secretary. Only when the leaders take you as his family's nephew, can you get the maximum benefits.

"You guys, you still care about wine. OK, when you can drink, I've given you half a bottle of Maotai in my house. Have you been thinking about it for a long time?" Shi Aiguo also liked this secretary more and more. However, Gu Qingshan, the head of the organization, took over the Secretary as his son. He could not say anything more.

"Ha ha, leader, this is what you said. You can't go back on your words.".

"Well, let's get down to business. Kang Mingde is no longer suitable for the post of financial secretary. These days, I have been considering new candidates, but there has been no suitable one. Many of these local cadres meet the requirements, but they know the people, the face and the heart. It's hard to say that there is a pure stand in the middle. So I've been thinking about who is suitable for this position. You've come to Huzhou The time is not short. What are the cadres you are familiar with? "

Ding Changsheng was excited. This is not in line with the rules. How important a financial secretary is to ask a secretary if he has a suitable candidate. What is this? Is it idle chatter? Or is it a formal consultation? In Ding Changsheng's consideration, I'm afraid the former meaning is more reliable. At least, it's more appropriate to discuss such issues with Tao Chengjun, Secretary General of the municipal Party committee. I don't have that weight yet.

To be honest, Ding Changsheng really doesn't know.

"Secretary, I haven't been in Huzhou for a long time, and the people I contact are all from the street. How can I be the financial secretary?"

"Oh, really not?" Shi Aiguo asked with a smile.

Looking at Shi Aiguo's smile, Ding Changsheng is shocked again. Is it?

To tell you the truth, although secretaries can't tell what shit they're pulling when they see the leaders pouting, it's almost a guess. Otherwise, such a secretary is too stupid, and the leaders don't like to use them.

Ding Changsheng was shocked to think of a man, that is, Zhonghua, the executive vice governor of Xinhu District, who is also his old boss. However, after guessing, this can't be said. If he says it from his own mouth, Shi Aiguo is absolutely uncomfortable, which shows that Ding Changsheng is in caoying and has a heart in Han Dynasty. How can he still read the old master?Ding Changsheng pretended to be at a loss and shook his head, saying that he really did not know.

"What do you think of your old leader Zhong Hua?" Shi Aiguo said, still smiling at Ding Changsheng asked.

"Mr. Zhong, secretary, do you want him to be the financial secretary?"

"What do you think?" Shi Aiguo asked.

"Secretary, it's not what I think, what kind of things the leaders have set down, how can I interrupt? This, he is my old leader, I can't say.".

"It doesn't matter. Our talk today is also a small chat, and it has not been decided. This is just my idea. Don't mix personal factors, that is, what do you think of Zhong Hua's appointment as financial secretary?"

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