"Mr. Zhong is a cadre from the provincial finance department, and he has also served as the county head of Haiyang county. I think the experience of these two aspects, as a director of the Finance Bureau, should be no problem. Secretary, I don't know how to make any evaluation on the governor. After all, he is my old leader.". That's all Ding Changsheng can say, which also illustrates the fact that Zhonghua is indeed a professional. He has experience in managing a county, and a small bureau is not a problem.

But it's hard for Ding Changsheng to say what he thinks of Zhonghua, and he can't say it, especially in the face of the current boss. If you evaluate a past boss well, you can't forget him. If you don't make a good evaluation, you have no conscience. What do you want the current boss to think, and will he evaluate me in the future? So this is a subject with deep pitfalls, There is no answer.

"Well, as you said, I know that the position of the financial bureau is very important, so there must be a reliable person to control the overall situation. Personally, I think Comrade Zhong Hua is appropriate, but we have to exchange views with other comrades. That's all for today. Don't talk about it outside.". Shi Aiguo specially ordered.

After Ding Changsheng left the door of Shi Aiguo's office, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was not so simple. Although Zhonghua was an outsider and was not as deeply influenced by Jiang Wenshan as others, Ding Changsheng also understood that Shi Aiguo's current situation was that no one was available, nor was it really no one to use. In fact, there was no one of his own to use. Jiang Wenshan has always had the right to speak about personnel in these years Yes, it's very difficult for him to get in touch with his own people. It has become such a situation now that the financial secretary is so important that he can't find a suitable person to hold the post.

Therefore, it is not necessary for Shi Aiguo to make Zhonghua the director of the Finance Bureau. There is no need for him. Ding Changsheng does not have such a big face. However, if Zhonghua is employed just because no one is using it, how can Shi Aiguo guarantee that his descendants like Zhonghua will obey his orders. Zhonghua is not from a humble family. He has been in touch with these official affairs since his mother's birth. He is the successor of the next generation trained by Zhong Fengyang. How can he be a servile person who has no idea of his own.

Ding Changsheng's head is not big enough, and his standing place is not high enough, so he can't see why the boss put forward such a trick. The good thing is that he is not the new official who can only think about something by himself. He has a spiritual mentor, his godfather Gu Qingshan.

"Eh, Xiaoding is coming. Come in, come in. How about your arm?" It was Yang Xiao who opened the door. When he saw that it was Ding Changsheng, he immediately cried out with joy.

At the beginning, Yang Xiao was really worried about what happened to her daughter and the boy, but after a period of time, he found that there was nothing wrong with them. What is particularly rare is that now her daughter dares to go out and gradually leads a normal life, which makes Yang Xiao very grateful for his son Ding Changsheng.

"Godmother, have you cooked my meal? I'm starving.". Ding Changsheng is not polite. He will eat when he comes in.

"Do it, come in quickly. Xiaomeng said just now. You know how to eat until you get a meal. You don't know how to help me with my work. Ha ha, don't worry. It's because I let her work. She's so depressed that she can't even cook a meal. I'm so worried. What can I do when I'm married? Is it a tiantiantiantianxia restaurant?" As soon as Yang Xiao saw Ding Changsheng come in, he stopped complaining.

At this time, Gu Xiaomeng just poked her head out of the kitchen. Ding Changsheng said with a smile, "godmother, what's so hard about this? Find a New Oriental chef to marry. Is that Xiaomeng?" Ding Changsheng intentionally runs on Gu Xiaomeng road.

"Ding Changsheng, do you want to smoke?" Gu Xiaomeng is not willing to be outdone.

After fighting with Gu Xiaomeng, Gu Qingshan has come back from work. Ding Changsheng stealthily takes over Gu Qingshan's bag, takes off his coat and hangs it in the closet behind the door.

"How can I have time to come here today? Are you very busy these days? I've moved my home again.".

"No, everywhere is busy moving, busy setting up the office, where we have been basically ready, godfather, I have encountered a difficult matter today, you can help me with the details.".

"Oh? There are things you can't guess. Come on, what's up Gu Qingshan changed his slippers and sat on the sofa.

"today, stone secretary asked me a question, who is the director of the Finance Bureau, which is more appropriate. You said that this matter has the final say. If he wants to change his position, he should not ask me," is it right to ask you the Minister of this organization? "

"Oh? He wants to change cummingde? " Gu Qingshan was stunned. Although he knew that when Jiang Wenshan was in power, Kang Mingde didn't give Shi Aiguo less obstacles, but he didn't immediately change people. It seems that Shi Aiguo is really fed up with Kang Mingde's anger. This is a list to be drawn.

"Yes, I thought about it, but I really didn't think of anyone who was suitable. It's normal. I'm not the head of the organization. How can I know the situation of cadres? But then he said a person, which scared me. Godfather, who do you think he said?"

"Who is it? It's not you, is it? " Gu Qingshan joked.

"How can it be me? It's Zhonghua. I can't guess why it's him. Besides, he's not secretary Shi's man? It's hard to understand. ""Zhonghua? Well, it's unexpected, but I'm sure it's not because of your relationship. You don't have the face. ". Gu Qingshan said after drinking water.

"That is, I have this self-knowledge.".

"His original backer is Qiao Yang, but it seems that this supporter doesn't work well. Although he has been approved by Secretary an, Secretary an sent his secretary to be mayor. Obviously, he still doesn't trust him very much. It's no wonder that he has been hooked up with Secretary an for a few days.".

"What does that have to do with the appointment of Zhong Hua as the financial secretary?"

"If you think deeply about it, it means a lot to do it. You boss, you don't see that the work is not so smart, but you really have a few brushes for scheming.". Gu Qingshan said with a smile.

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