When he returned to Linshan town again, Ding Changsheng was already a real policeman, which was a miracle in the eyes of other joint defense members. However, according to Huo Lvmao, miracles need to pay a price. Therefore, if you want to be like Ding Changsheng, do you have the courage?

"You boy, OK, I didn't mistake you at the beginning. What's your plan for the future?" Kou Dapeng takes the tea from Ding Changsheng and asks.

"I don't have any plans at present. Let's do it first. Why, uncle has a good place for me to go.".

"I don't have it. But if you don't want to be a policeman, I can transfer you to the township government. My authority is limited to this. Your aunt heard about you and worried about it. Yingying is even clamoring to see you. No, since you are back, let's go back to have dinner at night.".

"Well, I haven't eaten my cousin's cooking for a long time. I'm greedy.".

"It's not easy to have a government establishment. Don't take things seriously.".

I know, but it's not easy from the police to the government.

"It's easy to handle. I have a classmate in the Organization Department of the county Party committee. It's OK to transfer an individual. But you have to think about it. It's easy for the police department to come out. If you want to go back, it's not so easy.".

"Well, I'll think about it.".

"I don't know what plans you have in the future. If you want to go up, you have no future in the police business. Can you become the director of public security in your life? If not, it should not be very difficult to work as a department level cadre in a government department.".

"Uncle, I'll think about it again. After all, I've just become a formal policeman. If I run away at this time, I'm not very righteous.".

"You boy, when have you ever stood up for justice?". Kou Dapeng said with a smile.

"I'm still very righteous, uncle. Who haven't been in touch with recently?" Ding Changsheng frowns and teases his eyes. Kou Dapeng knows what he means.

"No, it's the end of fate. Since that incident, she has never looked for me. Of course, I wish I could just break it.".

"Well, it's the happiest thing to have a good beginning and a good ending. After all, there are not many people who break up peacefully like this. Which one is not one who cries and two makes three hanges. Isn't that good?".

"Yes, but you should be careful about it. Don't let it slip in front of your aunt. It will be troublesome at that time.".

"Haha, that may be, but, uncle, I come to see you today, there is another big thing.".

"What's the matter?"

"I've brought you a big investor. Aren't you still worried about attracting investment?". Ding Changsheng began to speak out his intention gradually.

"Investors, bullshit. Who do you know?". Kou Dapeng doesn't believe it. After three months of training, Ding Changsheng seems more energetic, but the oily strength in his bones can't be erased.

"What I'm saying is true. The man wants to develop rare earth minerals here, and then he will build a rare earth processing plant here. Although the state now restricts the export of rare earths, this rare mineral is definitely worth investing, which is also the idea of those investors.".

"Rare earth ore, we have rare earth ore here? I don't know.

Kou Dapeng is also a little confused. He has worked here for several years. How come he hasn't heard of such minerals here.

"Yes, I've seen the mineral distribution map of that man. It's about to the west of lujialing to our village. It's a large area. Several earth hills in the middle contain rich rare earth mineral resources. It's estimated that if it's developed, there won't be a few decades of development, and my uncle won't know where he will be promoted.". Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"You boy, I am at this age, where can I be promoted?". Although Kou Dapeng said this, he was active in his heart. In the poor place of Linshan Town, it was difficult to attract investment. If Ding Changsheng said it was true, the task of this year would be easily completed. Moreover, his county leaders must have a deep impression.

"However, uncle, I have to remind you of this matter. Although this is a multi million investment, the mining of rare earth minerals has a great impact on the environment. When the negotiation comes, we must stick to the environmental governance. After all, this is the place where we have lived for generations, and we can't harm our descendants because of the current investment.". Ding Changsheng said that it was a betrayal for himself and Yang Fengqi, but his conscience could not get through. He had to make it clear to Kou Dapeng. He knew that such words were useless to Yang Fengqi, because Yang Fengqi was a businessman, and she hated it to the bone, and certainly would not make efforts to control pollution and soil erosion.

"Well, you said that very well. After all, mineral development is one-off and non renewable. We can't make money for others to earn and leave us a mess.".

"Yes, uncle. You're right.".

Kou Dapeng is about to speak with a smile. At this time, there is a knock on the door. "Come in". Kou Dapeng is full of air.

"Chief Kou, are you still eating here tonight? I asked them to arrange. " The door opened and a woman in her thirties put her head in and asked.Ding Changsheng has a look at the woman at the door. The beauty of this woman is obviously not dressed up. There is a kind of flattery between her eyebrows and eyes. Even Ding Changsheng can't sit still, especially her tight jeans. She wears a pair of knee high boots on her feet. Her high heel is seven centimeters high, which makes her more flexible.

No, I'm busy tonight. Kou Dapeng said very kindly.

"Well, you are busy.". He bowed slightly and closed the door again.

"Uncle, the new one?" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"You boy, do you have the right type? This is the new director of the party and government office. Don't talk nonsense.". Kou Dapeng is very serious, but his face and expression show that he and this woman are not so simple.

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