"Wow, who is this? Where is this handsome guy from?". Ding Changsheng follows Kou Dapeng. As soon as she enters the door, she is seen by Kou Yingying. She screams and rushes out. It's no wonder that Ding Changsheng's tall figure looks good in this police uniform, which adds a lot of points to the image of the whole person.

"You are not big or small. Let go of your eldest brother. When you are so old, you don't look like a big girl.". At this time, Zhao Xinya also came out with a lot of noodles on her hands. It seemed that she was cooking. After last time Ding Changsheng gave a Xiang Lian, Zhao Xinya never forgot about this young man. She was also worried about whether he was obsessed with the power of her husband, and that she would bring her daughter bad. However, since then, no one came, Only then did she realize that her worries were unnecessary.

"No, he hasn't come for a long time. He also said that he would help me with my homework and guarantee that I could be listed in the key high school. I think he is bragging. I just want to settle accounts with him today.". Kou Yingying said with a pout.

"Ha ha, good aunt. It's OK. I just want to have a sister like this. Look, what's this for you.". Ding Changsheng took down the backpack on his back and gave it to Kou Yingying.

"Wow, Changsheng, I love you so much. It's a tablet computer, or the latest iPad computer.". Kou Yingying exclaimed excitedly. This is also Ding Changsheng's experience in the association with Lingshan, so she bought a tablet computer for the little witch.

"Changsheng, how can you get so much money? She is still young. It's not good to give her these things.". Kou Dapeng didn't say anything, but Zhao Xinya was still kind enough to complain, because she felt that Ding Changsheng's salary for a month could be as much as that of other people's.

"Auntie, don't worry. The money is my own and clean.". Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

"Oh, mom, why are you so wordy? I'm hungry. Go and cook. Brother Changsheng, teach me how to play.". With that, Kou Yingying pulls Ding Changsheng to her boudoir.

Ding Changsheng looks at Kou Dapeng, who shakes his head, smiles bitterly, and waves his hand to let them go.

Maybe it's because Zhao Xinya is helping to collect and carry all day long. Kou Yingying's boudoir is clean and tidy. There are big posters of some stars on the wall. There is a student desk next to the bed, and a multi-functional swivel chair looks very high-end. At this time, Kou Yingying can't wait to open the package. When she bought the computer, Ding Changsheng had already asked the assistant to install it Part of the software, can be said to open can play.

Ding Changsheng is sitting on the chair, and Kou Yingying is honest sitting on the edge of the bed, poking her head to look at the screen. After a long time, she couldn't hold on, so a hand reached into Ding Changsheng's thigh to support her body. Just now, both people's attention was on the computer, but after a while, Ding felt a little wrong. He found that Kou Yingying's hand was not right When I know when I even put it on my baby, no wonder I think it's a bit wrong.

After demonstrating all the functions, Ding Changsheng said, "you can play by yourself. I'll go out and talk to your father.".

"No, you stay with me.". Kou Yingying looks at the screen, does not agree.

"Well, can you sit on the chair and I'll sit on the bed and watch you play.".

"Why, it's not good now.". Kou Yingying turned her face and looked at it. Wow, she almost got into his arms. Moreover, her hand seemed to be in the wrong place. She could not help blushing. Her sister-in-law went back to her own hand.

Ding Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to get up. However, Kou Yingying, who was the first to stand up, pressed herself on the chair. She secretly looked at the door of the room, and then boldly put her arms around his neck behind her. Who is this person? Is she still a 15-year-old girl.

"Changsheng, why are you so nice to me? Do you like me?" Kou Yingying lies on Ding Changsheng's shoulder and chuckles.

"Yingying, don't talk nonsense. I always take you as my sister. If my cousin and aunt know about it, I won't be able to come again. Besides, what do you think you are a child's family?"

"hum, you think I don't understand. I told you that there are more lovers in our school. Last week, I went to see one of my classmates and she asked for leave Do you know what disease she has

"Cancer? ",

" wrong, she is pregnant and convalescent at home after the abortion. Do you think I understand this? ".

"Ah, really, your school is too chaotic. How old are you?". This really shocked Ding Changsheng.

"Cut, I'm not that I haven't watched TV. In ancient times, girls like me were mothers of several children.".

"Yingying, your important task now is to study hard, get into the key high school, and then enter the University, and then you can consider these problems you think about now.".

"Hum, you cheat. You'll be married and have children. I'll tell my mother in the evening that I like you.". Kou Yingying said with a smile."Oh, auntie, if you say it, I'm sure you'll never see me again.".

"Why?" Kou Yingying doesn't understand.

"Fool, if you say it, your mother will not let me come to your house, so I will be clean.".

"Well, don't think about it. I told my mother that I want you to help me with my homework. Come every day. I'll go right now.". Kou Yingying said and turned to leave, Ding Changsheng turned back and grabbed an empty.

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