"Changsheng, it will not delay your work, you have no black and white career, if you have an urgent task, you have to leave immediately.". When Kou Yingying mentioned that Ding Changsheng would help her with her homework, Zhao Xinya was a little worried.

"It should be OK. The police station is not too busy recently. Besides, my uncle has a car. If I have an emergency, I can ask dugo to send me.". Ding Changsheng can only say that. If he can't, Kou Yingying will be unhappy. He really doesn't know what Zhao Xinya and his wife think. However, he thinks that if they don't agree, they will be rejected by Kou Yingying. Why should they ask for their opinions at the dinner table.

In fact, it's not difficult for him to cram for junior high school. Just thinking of Kou Yingying's performance just now, he has a kind of anxiety in his heart. The little girl is so young that he knows so many things about men and women. If you think about Kou Yingying's petite and lovely figure and skin, he has a sense of guilt. Even if she teases you again, you should not have that However, he planted a seed of evil in his heart. This seed was like the first time he saw Zhao Xinya. It was buried in the soil, waiting for the chance to sprout.

"OK, that's settled. I'll tell Huo Lvmao that I won't arrange for you to be on duty in the evening. Xinya and Yingying are about to be promoted to junior high school. You can take that room out and let Changsheng live at home. During the day, he has no time and Yingying has to go to school, so I'll make up for it in the evening, but Changsheng, there's no tuition fee.". Kou Dapeng didn't care much about his daughter's tutoring, but just now when his daughter asked Ding Changsheng to tutor him, his wife began to complain again. His daughter Yingying's homework was really terrible. This month's final exam dropped several places. In this way, even the midstream could not be preserved.

"Yes, yes, I agree.". When Kou Yingying heard Kou Dapeng's decision, she almost jumped up. Compared with her elder brother, the boys who pretended to be deep in school were just dregs. Having such a handsome boy to accompany her to study all day, she began to grow grass in her heart.

"Brother, you can. You've only been a member of the joint defense for a few days, but you've become a formal police officer.". After dinner, as the guest room has not been cleaned up, Du shankui is responsible for sending Ding Changsheng back.

"Oh, dugo, to tell you the truth, I'm a dog's excrement luck. Cough, don't tell me. Did you eat it or find a place for us to have a drink.".

"Well, well, why don't you do that? We'll go to my master's, where there's a lot of delicious food. We'll sleep there at night and come back early tomorrow morning. Are you OK at night?".

"Great, I've always wanted to meet your master. Go to your master's place. By the way, does your master drink? I bought some bottles of good wine in Baishan and brought them to your master. It's not good to come to the door empty handed at night.".

"It's OK. Don't worry. My master doesn't smoke or drink. I guess he can have a meal when he goes. He has two meals a day. It's time to open fire.".

"Far away?"

You'll know when you get there.

In Du shankui's words, the car drove more than 100 Li to the provincial boundary. Finally, he met his master on a deserted hill.

"Brother she, is it true that the world's best people like to live in this deserted place?". Ding Changsheng asked curiously. Up to now, he doesn't know where she shankui's master came from. If he hadn't had a grudge against him in the past and no hatred in recent days, he would not have dared to come here with him.

Several houses stand on the hillside. The front and back of the houses look swarthy. After a close look, we can see that they are all kinds of fruit trees. A light is like beans. When we hear the car climbing, the door of the room opens. At this time, the lights in the room pour out, but it seems that there is a little popularity in the open field.

"Monkey boy, why are you here at this time?" As soon as they got out of the car, an old man's voice came, which seemed very reassuring and full of vigor in the night, and there was a kind of shock.

"Master, I have brought someone to see you. You have always said that I am not competitive and can not inherit your mantle. See if this guy has the qualification to be your apprentice.".

"Ha ha, you monkey has a son. It depends on the chance. Forget it. Since it's your friend's hair, come in and have a meal. I've just done too much.".

As he spoke, Ding Changsheng approached Du shankui. He saw an old man whose hair was almost gone, but he tied it up in a bun and inserted it with a green thing. Ding Changsheng had poor eyesight and didn't recognize it. It was a good Jasper hairpin.

"Hello, master.". Ding Changsheng had a good eye and bowed.

"Ha ha, slow down, slow down, I didn't say to accept you as a disciple.".

"Well, dugo is my elder brother. His master is my master. His parents are my parents. Our brothers are good-looking.".

The old man's tone was stagnant. People's feelings were discussed from here, or he was too thoughtful. However, the boy's words aroused his interest.

"Are you a policeman?"

"Yes, Shifu, I'm also making a living."."Du shankui told me that you robbed the gun to save people. His courage is commendable, but it's too reckless. If you have something wrong with your parents, how sad they will be if you raise them so much.".

"Master, no, they must be very happy, so that I can be reunited with them.". Ding Changsheng's tone sank. Every time he talked about his parents, his mood was still not calm.

The old man was stunned again. He shook his head to see the two men enter the house. This made Ding Changsheng very unaccustomed. He had not seen the oil lamp for many years, but he actually saw it here.

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