Because of some cases, Huo Lvmao and Miao Zhendong worked together for many times. Although they didn't have a good relationship, they both worked as police officers, so the relationship was OK. Therefore, Miao Zhendong took two bottles of Maotai liquor and drove to Huo lumao's home that night.

"Miao team, what do you mean? If you come to eat, I don't care about your meal. If you come again, I will drive you out.". Huo Lvmao jokingly said.

"Ha ha, Huo Suo, you don't give your brother face like this. Anyway, I come all the way.". Miao Zhendong said with a smile.

Miao Zhendong is a very responsible person. If he doesn't know what happened in the case, he doesn't want to eat because he doesn't want to eat. When he goes back, he reexamines Wang Hu Hu. Wang Hu still insists that he killed Chen Biao after hearing the dialogue between Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang that night. Later, he said that Zhang Qiang didn't know whether that person was Zhang Qiang, because he spoke very little Yes, ah, and so on. On the contrary, Ding Changsheng asked more and said more.

In this way, Ding Changsheng's suspicion is growing. But what's the motive of Ding Changsheng? He has a festival with Wang Laohu, which is known to all. But what are the enmities between him and Chen Biao, so that he will lead the disaster to Chen Biao.

"Come on, have a drink.". Tian E Ru went to the street to buy some cooked vegetables. After a while, Huo Lvmao and Miao Zhendong drank them. However, Tian E Ru didn't participate. She didn't go far. Instead, she hid outside the door to wash clothes.

"Huosuo, it's very difficult to handle the case of Wang tiger. I'm in a dead end now, and I can't get around it.".

"Well? Or is it because of Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang? "

"Well, he insisted that Chen Biao was killed only after listening to the dialogue between the two men. How do you say the closing report will be sent to the procuratorate, or will it be returned for re investigation?".

"It's a difficult thing to do. What do you mean by looking for me today?"

Tian E Ru was washing clothes, but when she heard them talking about Ding Changsheng, her movements slowed down. Now, she is extremely concerned about Ding Changsheng.

"Huo Suo, I just want to ask if Ding Changsheng and Chen Biaozi have any problems or other disputes. You are his master, and you are the most informed one.".

"Ding Changsheng and Chen Biao?" Huo Lvmao felt his chin and thought for a while. Suddenly, he thought that he had suspected that Ding Changsheng had rescued Chen Biao's woman. However, it was just a guess, and he didn't want to tell the story. No matter what happened to Ding Changsheng, it was brought out by him. If something happened to Ding Changsheng, could he have a light on his face?

No, I haven't heard of any unhappiness between them. Silence to see think for a while, Huo Lvmao firmly said.

Miao Zhendong didn't get any information from Huo Lvmao. Although he was very disappointed, he could only handle the case here. When he went back, he would first close the case and transfer it to the procuratorate. Then he would call back.

"Township head, you must solve this matter for me. You brought Ding Changsheng in at the beginning. Now please take this guy away again.". Huo Lvmao sat on the chair in front of Kou Dapeng's desk and said with a fierce puff of smoke.

"Why? Did you make a mistake or were you fired? "

"No, the boy is a troublemaker. I'm afraid I can't keep him there.".

"What do you mean? Isn't he all set up, or is it specially approved by your bureau? That's not a word.". Kou Dapeng is also anxious. What he is most worried about is that Ding Changsheng causes trouble.

"Do you know the king tiger of lujialing?"

"You know, he didn't kill people, and he was arrested by you. What does this have to do with Ding Changsheng?"

"Township head, things are like this..." So Huo Lvmao explained the cause and effect of the matter and the situation that Ding Changsheng was facing now.

"So you mean to get him out of the police force?"

"Yes, in fact, this is also a kind of protection for him. If he is still in the public security team, I'm afraid it will be our inspector who will investigate this matter next time. It will be very troublesome. But if he is not a policeman, he is investigating the procuratorate. My second aunt is in the procuratorate. I brought Ding Changsheng out anyway. I will say hello to her I'm afraid it's a little easier to say.

"Well, then where are you going to let him go?" Kou Dapeng asked.

"Not me, but where are you going to let him go?" Huo Lvmao said with a smile, "how can I mobilize him?"

Looking at Ding Changsheng's gluttonous manner, Kou Dapeng feels that it is a little difficult to export. When he looks at Zhao Xinya and Ru who are cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, and Kou Yingying of Ding Changsheng, he finally says: "you two, avoid it. I'll tell Changsheng something about work.",. Zhao Xinya smiles and doesn't say anything, but Kou Yingying doesn't go away until Kou Dapeng wants to blow his beard and stare. Kou Yingying just makes a face and goes back to the room.

"What, let me go to the district director? I'm a good policeman. Why do I do what director? By the way, what level is the director? "

"It's not a matter of rank. I think about it like this. You look very powerful when you are a policeman, but can you go up? If you look at your police station, do you know how many years it took Chen Bing, the instructor, to survive? How old are your directors before they become directors? The promotion is too slow. Therefore, I think you'd better come out as soon as you're not working for a long time, so as not to come out later. Kou Dapeng thought for a while, but he could only persuade Ding Changsheng from such an angle, otherwise the boy would not agree."Uncle, I know you are good for me, but the chief officer you mentioned is too small. When can I get to your level?" Ding Changsheng immediately changed a face that wanted to be promoted and made a fortune and bargained with Kou Dapeng.

"You village, lujialing, Tianjiazhuang, Liyuan Village are not small districts, and now you have no secretary, it is not your territory, you are the master.". Kou Dapeng saw that Ding Changsheng was on the road, so he first made an official wish, and then he would give you a bridle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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