When Kou Dapeng saw that Ding Changsheng agreed, he was relieved. However, Ding Changsheng was not a fool. If Kou Dapeng was really good for himself, why didn't he say this before? There must be something he didn't know.

"Uncle, this is not right. If I do a good job, I have to come out and I won't do it.". Ding Changsheng said while looking at Kou Dapeng's face.

"You, you have been a civil servant for such a long time. How can you be so scoundrel? Didn't you promise to be good just now? Why did you change your mind again?"

"Just now, the more I think about it, the more wrong I am. Uncle, we are the only two of us here. Please explain to me exactly what's going on. Has anyone asked you to say something?" Ding Changsheng doubts.

"Well, although you and I are not related, just like you said, you call me uncle." here, Kou Dapeng looked at the kitchen and Kou Yingying's room, and whispered: "in fact, although I don't say it on the surface, I still want a son in my life. You are no more than a few years older than Yingying. I really treat you as a nephew. Today, Huo Lvmao looks for you When I said that the criminal police team is on you, it's about the case of Wang tiger. He said that it would be very bad for you to stay in the police station. That's why I talked to you and transferred you out. In this way, we can narrow down the target. What's the matter, please tell me? "

Ding Changsheng knew that there was something wrong with this, but he didn't think it was because of Wang tiger. What he didn't expect was that Miao Zhendong would not let it go. Now that he thought that he could kill people with a knife, he not only helped Yang Fengqi get rid of Chen Biao, but also got rid of Wang tiger's inner trouble. But it seems that no one is a fool He continued to stay in the police force. Once the incident was exposed, it would be the police system of Haiyang county that would be tarnished. If he came out by himself, even if the incident was exposed, the impact would be much smaller. For this, he understood Huo Lvmao's approach, but he did not first discuss with Ding Changsheng, but found Kou Dapeng here. It seems that he does not believe himself.

"Now that Huo Suo has told you about this, I will not repeat it to you. However, I promise that although I have conflicts with Wang Hu, I have no contradiction with Chen Biao. I will not ask him to kill Chen Biao. Moreover, I have a conflict with Wang Hu. He will not kill me, but will follow my command to kill others. What's the matter Was it kicked in the head by a donkey. Chang Sheng looks indignant.

"Well, it's OK to come out. Some time ago, the director of Liyuan District asked for leave to give birth to a child. In fact, it's evasive of responsibility. Mother, it's only five months. What kind of children do you have? You may have heard that this year, the ten thousand mu pear garden in Liyuan Village has a big harvest, but now they are all in their own cellar. They can't be sold. The branch secretary of Liyuan Village comes to the village to look for it all day There is no way, so no one in Liyuan Village is willing to take over this mess. Otherwise, if you are young, you can be the director of this district. If you are a new graduate, you can enjoy yourself. ".

"Ah, Liyuan Village, so far away, it's full of mountains. You'll send me to the valley at once. Uncle, can I work in the town?"

"In the town, all the district offices are in the village. Why are you in the town? Besides, if you want to wander around the town, it's still under the noses of the police. You can avoid the wind in the mountains. But I can tell you that Liyuan Village is a big village. The people are fierce. You can do what you can, but you can't and don't be greedy for hard work. Don't make trouble for me. There are others There are several villages, one is your village, one is Tianjiazhuang, and the other is lujialing, the village of your father-in-law's family. ".

"Stop, uncle. Who are you listening to and who is my father-in-law?".

"Li Jianshe, you didn't build all the houses for others. I heard that it was built like a prison.". Kou Dapeng joked.

"The rumor is not that I said you, uncle, you are still a party cadre. You don't believe in rumors and don't spread rumors. You don't know. You still make rumors here, and don't know where your party members' consciousness has gone these years.".

"You, son of a bitch, looking for smoke, aren't you?"

Ding Changsheng ha ha ha smile, quickly got up to find Kou Yingying tutoring homework to go.

At this time, Ding Changsheng became a hot potato. Huo Lvmao secretly reported the situation to the Bureau. The director thought that it would be better if he could be dealt with as soon as possible, so as not to be really known by the outside world. That would be the police inducing the suspect to kill. However, he felt extremely sorry that he wanted to recruit this guy into the police force In a few months, we should vigorously publicize Ding Changsheng's heroic performance in the shooting incident. Let alone in the whole country, we should launch activities to study his spirit in the whole province. At that time, we should not ask the director general who he is, whose soldiers, and he is more important in the eyes of the leaders? But now it's a bloody mess.

"Does Miao Zhendong say something?" Director Chen Junwei asked Huo Lvmao.

"In fact, it has nothing to do with Ding Changsheng and Zhang Qiang, but Wang Laohu insists that he killed people passionately after listening to their conversation. However, who said it? Did anyone say that he didn't have a witness? It's all nonsense. But Captain Miao is very serious about his work. In the end, this is a homicide case of great significance.". Huo Lvmao quietly put some eye medicine on Miao Zhendong."It's a pity that I wanted to start learning from Comrade Ding Changsheng's heroic deeds next month, but it's all in vain.". Chen Junwei lamented.

"Director, I think this is a pity, but compared with the risk, I think we should be more careful.".

"Well, you're right. Let's do what you want. It's said that Ding Changsheng is a distant nephew of Kou Dapeng.".

The relationship between the two families is not bad. Said horumo.

"Well, first of all, I'll tell Miao Zhendong not to engage in criminal investigation for a long time. You'll be suspicious. Well, Xiao Huo, go back first. This is the end of the matter.". Chen Junwei said, but the tone of regret is obvious.

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