At this time, in the village committee of Liyuan Village, dozens of men and women were chatting around a young woman.

"Don't make any noise. I'm trying to find a way? I still have 50000 catties in my family. I'm not in a hurry. Let me think of a way to help the leaders in the town today. If there is a purchase, buy yours first, and then buy mine. ". A woman has a head of lawsuits, but these villagers just talked about it just now. When they heard that the leaders of the town were coming, they didn't leave at all. They all squatted at the door of Liu Xiangli's office and waited for the leaders of the town to come.

"Fragrant pears, it's not difficult for us. In fact, if we don't sell the pears at home, we'll be finished this year. Some of them have already started to think bad. Yesterday, we took out more than 100 kilograms of bad pears. It's heartbreaking," said an old man who was trying to figure it out. Others echoed.

"I know, isn't it trying to figure it out.". Liu Xiangli knew that this was the truth, and her family's pears began to be bad.

"Come, come, Xiangli, the leader of the town you said is coming.". A young man came in at the gate. He saw the car. No one else in the valley had ever driven into Liyuan Village except for the leaders of the town. However, from the mountain in the East, you can see all the cars running on the National Road at the foot of the mountain. It's just too far away to see clearly. From the mountain, it looks like a dung beetle.

"To the director, you are looking forward to coming. Come in and have a drink.". As soon as Xiang got off the bus, he was welcomed by the villagers. Of course, Liu Xiangli was the most enthusiastic.

"No, let me introduce you first. Here, Xiaoding, this is Comrade Ding Changsheng, director of Liyuan district. Changsheng, this is Comrade Liu Xiangli, secretary and director of Liyuan Village.". To just not slow introduction.

As soon as Liu Xiangli saw Ding Changsheng, he immediately lost his head. Whether the leader of the town was kicked by a donkey or squeezed by the door, what could be done by sending such a hairy boy to do, what could be solved? He hoped that the town could send someone who could really do something practical, but he didn't expect that every crop would be gilded.

When Ding Changsheng looked at the woman in front of her, she was really interesting. She looked black. However, the years of hard work made her figure strong and graceful. Especially the bulging soft flesh on her chest was conspicuous. Her upper body was a pink sweater and her lower body was a pair of blue trousers. She was closely attached to her body. On her feet was a pair of cloth shoes made by herself. She was a rural woman But the woman looked very smart. Her big eyes twinkled, as if she were taking x-rays. She looked at Ding Changsheng all over the world. She shook hands with him in spite of her dissatisfaction, and then she said nothing.

"Hello, secretary Liu. Please take care of it in the future.". Ding Changsheng was very polite.

"No, no, you are the leader. Please take care of us.". When Liu Xiangli said this, he didn't mean to respect the leader at all.

"Let's talk in the room" Xiang Gang also saw that Liu Xiangli was not cold at all to Ding Changsheng.

In fact, the ceremony is very simple. It is to send Ding Changsheng here, and then explain that Liu Xiangli, the local villain, cooperates with his work. Xiang Gang doesn't want to see Liu Xiangli's bitter gourd face, so he doesn't even eat food and has to go directly.

When seeing him off, Liu Xiangli was generous enough to pull to the side. Ding Changsheng saw him off and fell far behind.

"Director Xiang, what do you mean in the town? I'm burning my eyebrows here. If you don't tell me how to send a more stable person here, you still have to send the prince party here. To tell you the truth, this is the relative of the leader.".

"How do you know?"

"How do I know? Did you see him like that? Did you graduate? Like a middle school student, can he pick up the responsibility of the Liyuan district? Who will be responsible for what happens? "

"Comrade Liu Xiangli, this is a matter decided by the Party committee at a higher level. You certainly don't need to be responsible for it, so you don't have to worry about it.".

"But what about my one million catties of pear? Who will sell it to me? " Liu Xiangli was in a hurry.

"It's up to you to solve it yourself. There's no market in town.".

"But last year, when we changed varieties, we let them grow in our town. If we can't sell them now, we don't care. What kind of reason is this?"

"Comrade Liu Xiangli, when planting in the town, he also said to encourage planting, but he didn't say to sell it on an exclusive basis. You have to make clear.". Xiang Gang is also a little annoyed. It's all because Tian Jialiang brought in the so-called pear improvement project for his political achievements. This is indeed a good thing, but after the improvement, the output has increased greatly, and now it can't be sold. Who do you want to talk to.

Ding Changsheng stood far away. Although he didn't hear what to say, he was very excited to see Xianggang and Liu Xiangli talking. It was estimated that there was nothing good between them.

This woman is really a little bit of flavor, dare to think and dare to say, if the ordinary rural women, who dares to quarrel with the leader, it seems that Liu Xiangli is really in a hurry. Ding Changsheng stands by the door, hands Du shankui a cigarette, lights the fire and takes a puff, and says, "Doug, are you so cruel to let me stay here?"

"Ha ha, that's not what I mean, but it's not far away from my master's place. If you cross the mountain in front of you, you'll be there ten miles away."."Shit, it's not far away. It's not open to traffic. It's estimated that we won't be able to get there in three hours.".

"It's also true. Since township head Kou has pinned you here, do a good job, but this woman is not easy to be provoked. Look, you have a quarrel with director Xiang.". Du shankui said, pointing to two people in the distance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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