Finally, I don't know how Xianggang and Liu Xiangli talked about. Anyway, Xiang Gang Tieqing got on the car and left without saying a word, and Liu Xiangli's face was not good, so Ding Changsheng was embarrassed to be caught in the middle.

"Well, director Liu, where do I stay at night?" It's 78 or 80 li away from Guangshan road in Linshan town. It's impossible to go back at present.

"Oh, Liu San, Liu San, come here and arrange this. Ah, what's your name?" Liu Xiangli forgot the name of the new district director.

"Avoid your surname Ding, Ding Changsheng.".

"Director, do you call me?"

"Oh, this is the new director Ding. Clean up the district and arrange director Ding to live. I have something else to do. I'm going to leave first.". Liu Xiangli finish also regardless of Ding Changsheng, direct what to do.

This is the way for Ding Changsheng to sell pears. If you are in a hurry, I will take you to the office. ".

"It's OK, Liu San. How many pears have we collected this year?"

"There's no exact number. It's about one million catties, and many of them are beginning to rot. so director Liu is anxious and what kind of things. There is no way to deal with it. Who knows that after this year's improvement, we will receive so much at once.".

"How many do you have in your family?"

"I don't have a lot in my family. It's only about 10000 kg. It's not all pears. There are also apples planted in my house, so it's hard to sell them. There's no way. The traffic here is not very convenient and can't be transported out.".

"Well, I see. You take me to the office first. I'll call first.".

The office of the district and the village committee are in a courtyard. It is a stone house. Before liberation, it was a landlord's courtyard. Now it has been some years. However, these houses are warm in winter and cool in summer. After transformation, the windows have been enlarged and the lighting is enhanced. The table is 80% new, with a large circle chair on it It's a cotton mat. It looks very delicate. It may have been left by the last director. There is a telephone on the desk. It's a tool to contact the outside world. Although there are mobile phones, the signal is not stable.

"Director Ding, please sit down and have a rest. I'll give you a place to live.". Although Liu San is a young man, he is the director of the village's social security.

When Liu San went out, Ding Changsheng called Yang Fengqi.

"Hello, who is it?" Ding Changsheng heard that Yang Fengqi's whole person had changed and became sunny. He could feel the warmth of the sun thousands of miles away from her.

I'm Ding Changsheng. Excuse me.

"It's you. Where's the phone? I remember your unit is not this number. Yang Fengqi was very surprised. Since that day, Ding Changsheng had no news. Yang Fengqi didn't know what the matter was, so he didn't dare to call Ding Changsheng.

"This is my office phone number. I changed my unit and stopped being a police officer. Now I am a district chief in a valley.".

"Is it because of me?" Yang Fengqi's breathing was a little bit short, and Ding Changsheng could tell that there was some worry in the bread, which made him feel a little better.

"Not really. I want to change the environment. I have something to ask you for help.".

"What's the matter, you say, do you need money and how much?"

"It's not about money. I met a big problem when I first came here today. You are outside. You have a wide way to go and have a lot of knowledge, or you can give me some advice. There are more than 1 million jin pears in the mountain up to now.

" Oh, it's this matter, fruit merchant. I really don't know about it, but you can rest assured. I'll ask you immediately to see if there is any way to sell it. ".

"OK, thank you. I know it's hard for you. Please help me, otherwise, the people here will work in vain for a year.".

"OK, I'll contact you right away. Are you ok?"

"It's OK. I'm fine. Let it go. It's over. There won't be anything else.".

"OK, thank you. I can sleep at night now. Thank you.".

"After that, you don't need these, you just want to be happy.".

"Thank you. I'll be happy. By the way, how about the quality of pears?"

"Very good. This is a new variety developed in cooperation with the Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It has thin skin and juicy meat. It is very refreshing.".

"OK, I'll send someone to do it right away.".

"My mobile phone doesn't dare to use now. If you have something to do, please call me.".

"It's so serious. You give me the address and I'll send you some phone cards. Is it convenient for you to contact the outside world there? Is there any way to get online? "

"There's a phone line here. It should work.".

"OK, I'll send it to you as soon as possible. It's not just that I asked you about the fruit merchants. You can also use it on the Internet and microblog, so there is a greater chance of success.".

"Well, it's a good idea. We should work together inside and outside. I'll go to investigate how many kilos there are in total tonight.".

"It seems that you are full of energy. If you really don't want to do it, come to me and I welcome you.".Forget it, you are too professional to do it.

"No one is born to be able to, I can train you, how, think about it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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