Chapter 106

“Oh! Li is so lucky to meet you!”

Anderson’s eyes flashed.

It seems that we have to start with Li.

She is the boss, isn’t she?

Anderson thought he had found an opportunity to make a breakthrough.

“So, is there anything I can help?”

Even so, Anderson is still very polite.

Ye Li nodded and said, “I want to find an actor in Hollywood.”

“The hero?!” Anderson’s eyes lit up.

“Yes it is.”

“Can I recommend a few to you? Ye, I know a lot of good actors in Hollywood!” Anderson said immediately.

A native North American superhero movie!

It can definitely detonate the entire North American market.

At the level of Ye Li!

Anderson absolutely believes this!

Because the foundation of Ye Li’s previous movies is here.

Even if it might hit the street, there are countless companies in Hollywood willing to give it a go!

What’s more, an actor? !

The actors also definitely hope to be able to appear in Ye Li’s movies.

The shadow of the famous tree of man!

Ye Li has raised a big banner in Hollywood!

As long as a hello, someone must join his banner.

There are many good actors among them.

If you can build a bridge from it, you can also end up with an incense.

“No, I already have the actor I want.” Ye Li’s goal this time is also very clear.

He has to!

“Who? Is it convenient for me to know? You know, it should satisfy the curiosity of a middle-aged man!” Anderson showed his uninteresting humor.

“Robert Downey Jr. I think you all know him!”

“Oh!” Hearing this name, Anderson felt like he was hit in the head. Does Paramount really want to continue investing? !

“Ye! This is really a very bad choice!”

Ye Li shrugged, “I don’t think, at least, he is as handsome as me! No! He also checked me a little bit.”

“I’m not talking about this.” Anderson shook his head and said, “He has ruined himself! Ye, if you made such a choice a few years ago, I think it was a wise move, but now… you You know… he…”

Anderson didn’t know how to describe it.

“If a person is not a sage, who can be blameless?” Ye Li smiled.

Anyway, it is not domestic, all domestic bans.



Anderson didn’t understand.

“An old saying in China is that people are not gods, how can they not make mistakes?”

“This is really a wise remark, but I am not optimistic about this person!” Anderson said bluntly, “Ye, sometimes, cheap does not mean good!”(Read more @

Ye Li shrugged.

Whatever you say!

Stupid humans!

Now he is the cheapest!

However, when he appeared in my movie, he would be the highest paid in North America by that time!

These, they don’t know.

I know it alone!

“But, Mr. Anderson, I don’t know the address of his home. Do you know where to find him?”

“I will help you ask!”

It’s a favor to Ye Li.

Anderson is also a shrewd man, first he contacted Robert Downey’s friend, Mel Gibson.

Then got the home address of Robert Downey Jr.

Ye Li didn’t say it was broken when he saw it through.

In the afternoon, Ye Li took a taxi to a villa area.

Knocked on the door of one of the villas.

Time to call back.

Robert Downey Jr. is not doing well these days!

There have been no films looking for him, which made him financially poor.

I can only rely on my wife.

However, Downey, who was standing at home today, received a call from his friend.

“Donny! Your chance is here!” Mel Gibson straight to the point.

Downey sighed, “Mel, what chance is there to find me now? I have been abandoned by God because I have done too many wrong things.”

Mel Gibson said: “Really, Downey, a great opportunity lies in front of you. Just now, the general manager of Paramount asked your address. It is said that a director from China wants to invite you to make a movie!”

“The director of China?” Downey was a little puzzled.

Isn’t it suitable for China movies?

“I don’t know how to fight!”

Mel Gibson said: “It’s the Ye who filmed “The Mummy” and “Buried Alive”! He came to Hollywood recently, and he might be looking for you in the afternoon!”


“Of course, Donny, believe me, take this opportunity, Ye’s directorial ability is beyond doubt, don’t underestimate him because he is young, the most important thing is that many film companies in North America now want to cooperate with him! Your chance comes Up!”

Downey jumped up from the sofa excitedly, “Really?! Thank you so much, Mel, I will prepare now!”

After hanging up, Downey was excited like a child.


he knows!

And watched those two movies!

It’s really a wonderful film!

What should I prepare?

Damn, how long have I not acted?

Do I need to revisit it?


Tell your wife first!

The wife of Robert Downey Jr., Susan Downey is a producer.

She tried to help Downey several times, but in the end there were no good resources to give him.

This time, she will definitely make her happy!

“My dear! What’s the matter? I’m very busy today! A very important person has arrived…”

Susan got on the phone and hadn’t finished her words yet.

I heard my husband Robert Downey Jr. exclaimed excitedly: “Susan, congratulations! Bless me! I was caught by a director, and I will shoot his new movie!”

Susan froze for a moment.


I have been working hard lately, but I haven’t had any good results.

Has anyone changed their minds?

“Really? Honey! That’s really great!”

In any case, give your husband enough encouragement.

Whether it is a dragon suit or a marginal character!

At least he won’t let him do nothing at home!

“Of course, do you know? He is a director from China, Ye! You know! He is coming this afternoon, what should I prepare? Do I need to bake an apple pie? I don’t know if he likes it or not. .

Or prepare a bottle of champagne? I’m so excited, by the way, I should go out and fix myself. ”

Susan was dumbfounded, “What?! Did Ye want to find you to make a new film?! I’ll be back soon!”

“No, I’m going out now, I’ll go to the beauty salon, um, then, by the way, do you know the phone number of the hourly worker? Let her come to the house to clean…”.

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