Chapter 107

When Ye Li knocked on the door.

A familiar person came out.

Wearing a straight suit, meticulously combed hair, with a warm smile on his face, “Who do you call?”

Who is this person…

Why are you familiar?

Ye Li feels that his mind is a little confused.

Who is this guy?

Which idiot wears a suit at home?


There are no wrinkles at all, how did he do it? !

Ye Li is full of curiosity.

“I’m looking for him, Mr. Robert Downey. Is he home?”

“That’s me, may I ask you…” Robert Downey Jr. had already recognized each other.

This is the famous Ye Li!

Although he has never appeared in Hollywood, he has never seen each other’s photos!

But at this point, come to find yourself, who else besides him?

Except for this man with discerning eyes, whoever has such bright eyes can choose himself at a glance! ?

He is handsome, with delicate skin, and his slightly curled hair, yet he looks unruly!

The blood-red eyes proved that his achievements were made by his own hard work.

The clothes on his body are somewhat casual, this is the real artist!

In fact, because of jet lag, Ye Li feels a little uncomfortable in his body today.

“You are?!”

Ye Li suspected that he was wrong!

What about the Iron Man in your mind? !

Say it’s Iron Man Bengang? !


Looking so awkward…

You meow Sherlock, right? !

Why did you shave your beard? !


“Yes, sir, may I ask…”

Robert Downey Jr. desperately maintained his image.

This is a major event related to one’s life.

“I am a director from China, my name is Ye Li.” Ye Li introduced himself, “I am here to invite…”


Ye Li really hesitated!

Is this guy really? !

Or is it just the same name and last name?

This is too…

Out of your mind, right?

Do you want me to stand at the door and say?

At this time, a blonde woman came out from behind, “Donny, is Ye coming?”

In an instant, all of Robert Downey Jr’s disguise was discouraged.

His little dignity.

It was a world-renowned director who personally invited himself to film!

My reputation spreads far…

However, all of this is nothing more than spectacle.

“Yes, dear, Ye has already come.” Downey showed a bitter smile.(Read more @

“Mr. Ye, it’s a great honor for you to come to my house!” Susan invited Ye Li in.

Arrived coffee for Ye Li.

This atmosphere is right…

“Mr. Ye, this time you are here, are you inviting us Downey to film?” Susan asked straightforwardly.

Seeing her husband still carrying it, she knew that Downey still hadn’t been able to put it down completely.

“Yes, I have a new film here and I want to invite Mr. Downey to be the leading actor.” Ye Li smiled and looked at Robert Downey Jr.


I promise!

I had said yes ten thousand times in my heart, but his face was barely visible. Downey asked, “Mr. Ye, I would like to ask, what kind of film is this?”

“Superhero.” Ye Li said.

Is this the basic process?

He had no idea that it was Downey’s self-esteem.

“A superhero? Mr. Ye had made a superhero movie before?” Downey seemed to be looking at Ye Li.

He has not made a similar movie before.

In case you lose…

This is his posture.

In fact, even if he is asked to act in a tertiary film…maybe you have to think about it.

“It’s been filmed, and it should be released in North America soon. China’s current box office has reached nearly 600 million US dollars.”

Then…nearly…600 million dollars? !

Robert Downey Jr. was completely dumbfounded!

Is it such a high box office? !

Susan laughed, “That’s really congratulations to Mr. Ye, now Dao Ye is the big director at the box office of $1.5 billion!”

Downey suppressed the excitement in his heart.


The next one is me!

Wow, Kaka!

I’m going to be popular!

“It’s a great honor to be invited by Mr. Ye. I still have a few questions.” Downey began to ask seriously, “How much is the investment in the movie?”

“About 100 million dollars.”

“Where will it be filmed?”

“The shooting was taken in North America and China.”


You are asking if the content of the substance is good? !

Ye Li found out.

Downey seems…

I don’t really want to ask so many questions!


It’s a bit of self-esteem.

He couldn’t help but laugh.

But there is no point broken.

A man who was once brilliant, then fell to the bottom again.

Many people are ruined in this way in their lives.

But he is not!

Even in his previous life, he re-emerged and made greater glory!

Such a man…

Without self-esteem, it’s really impossible.

Ye Li patiently answered all questions of Robert Downey Jr.


Susan touched her husband with her knee, and he suddenly recovered.

What stupid things I have done!

How much time was wasted!

But then…

What should I say?

“Mr. Ye, do you need me to change your cup of coffee?” Susan broke the embarrassment, “Donnie’s situation, I must have known it before you came. Although he hasn’t been filming recently, he is constantly improving himself. ”

“Moreover, Downey’s professionalism and professional skills will definitely not have any problems.”

Ye Li nodded: “Donny, if you don’t mind, I call you that, okay?”

“Of course!” Downey nodded, how can I agree to it without appearing to lose face?

“This movie will start shooting this year. I don’t know what Mr. Downey’s salary is now?” Ye Li asked.


Susan also wants to raise the price for her husband.

Who knows, Downey said first: “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars!”

Ye Li smiled, this guy!

Have you been willing ten thousand times in your heart? !

The surface is so arrogant!

“Half million dollars, maybe it will be harder to shoot, Downey, happy cooperation.”

It seems that the price is also the same in the previous life, Ye Li is not going to cheat him.

Ye Li stood up and shook his hand.

Robert Downey Jr. stood up quickly.

shake hands.

Did I agree? ?

I didn’t say anything!

Don’t you ask for my opinion? !

“Donny, I’m going to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate!” Susan is still very happy, her husband can get another chance!


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