Chapter 108

and many more!

“Ms. Susan, no, I have other things.” Ye Li stood up, “I won’t bother you!”

Although there is nothing else, Ye Li is exhausted!

The jet lag has not yet been adjusted back.

Before I personally confirmed the situation, I can’t relax at all!

after all……

Who knows, what’s the situation with Robert Downey Jr. in this world?

If this world, he paid 50 million US dollars.

Absolutely substitute yourself!


“If it is convenient, you can come to my hotel to sign a contract tomorrow, okay?”

Before leaving, Ye Li asked.

“No problem at all!”

Susan has forgotten that Time Warner still has a mission.

I want to catch Ye Li’s line.

However, she is only an affiliate of the studio, and is not an important task.

The most important thing is your husband, isn’t it? !

Watching Ye Li leave by car, Robert Downey Jr. breathed a sigh of relief, “Susan, you are so embarrassing to me!”

Susan hugged her husband’s waist, “What’s the matter? For an opportunity, how many people in Hollywood are willing to give everything, Downey, although you have reformed, but you want market recognition, you can’t bring it anymore. With the arrogance of the past!”

Downey smiled bitterly: “I know too, but…”

“Your two hundred and fifty thousand dollars was very good just now! Looks like you can’t wait!”

Susan teased.

“He didn’t send out an invitation again later. What if he chooses someone else? Doesn’t he have more choices?”

“Isn’t he a production cost of 100 million dollars?” Susan asked curiously.

One hundred million dollars, the general salary accounts for about 30%.

This is universally recognized in Hollywood!

So, as the actor’s salary, over one million is really not too much, right?

“Yes! Just because he has a production cost of more than 100 million yuan, he can definitely hire tens of millions of male protagonists, can’t he. ¨?”

Downey smiled, “How much do we have left?”


Susan listened to nothing but bitterness!

But quickly laughed and said: “It’s okay, Donny, Ye’s influence is enough to make you popular! Even if Hollywood doesn’t have a chance, we will go to China! Ye’s influence in China is even greater!”

“of course!”

Downey is full of confidence in the future!


Downey suddenly came back to his senses.

“What’s the matter, dear?”

“I forgot to ask what movie I made?! I haven’t seen the script! In case he lets me make a movie that is not suitable for children…”

Downey was crying.


Do not!

It’s because I’m so excited, I don’t have any logic at all.

“We didn’t sign the contract, did we? Don’t worry.”

Susan comforted her husband.(Read more @

“I don’t even read the script, it only costs two hundred and fifty thousand.” Ye Li almost laughed to death. “You can lie to him to make a…hehehe movie first, and then praise him.”

“If this is the case, it will be very explosive!”

Ye Li had a small calculation in his heart.

I have to say that if Ye Li had just come up with a contract, Downey would definitely sign it!

However, Ye Li will not do this.

I am someone who wants to be a great director!

How could it be possible to destroy the Great Wall?

After returning to the hotel, Li Bingbing hadn’t come back yet, Ye Li slept again.

It turned dark…

“You are… jet lag?” Li Bingbing was speechless, “It’s dark now, can you still sleep?”

Ye Li is in great spirits at this time!


“How is today?” Li Bingbing asked with a smile, “Have you found an actor?”

“Found it, sign the contract tomorrow.”

“That’s fine!” Li Bingbing’s face was exhausted, “Captain China” will be released in North America the day after tomorrow. We will attend the premiere together? Xiao Peng will be there tomorrow.”

Ye Li shook his head, “It’s too much trouble, Bingbing sister, I think you are tired, or just sleep here with me? My bed is comfortable!”

“Bah!” Li Bingbing said, “My bed is different from yours?”

“How can it be the same?” Ye Li said seriously: “There is me on the bed!”


The Downeys came to the hotel where Ye Li was staying and signed a contract.

Both parties brought lawyers.

“Mr. Ye, I forgot to ask yesterday, what movie shall we make?” Downey asked embarrassedly.

“This is the script, Donnie, take a look first.”

Ye Li held back his laugh.

Today’s Downey is obviously less arrogant than yesterday.


This name is really bad!

But soon, he was attracted by the script.

“Thank you Mr. Ye, I will cherish this opportunity!” Downey said seriously.

Soon, the two parties happily signed the contract.

Next, Peng Yuyan and Li Bingbing ran for publicity, while Ye Li stepped on spotlights everywhere.

Yes it is!

In the next movie, Ye Li will shoot “Iron Man”!

He is not going to make any changes to this movie.

Whether it’s the movie image or other aspects, it’s pretty good.

And it is Ye Li’s first Hollywood movie in the true sense.


it goes without saying.

Mainly, “Iron Man” is indeed deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After several attractions have been determined.

Ye Li returned home early.

Participate in publicity?

At least he is not ready to do this yet.

Next, prepare the crew and prepare for shooting.

Iron Man, ready to take off!

Wait until Ye Li returns to China.

The drama that Yu Zheng shot has also been completed.

This is a campus love idol drama, the male lead is Lin Gengxin, and the female lead is Zheng Shuang.

Main campus love.

No abuse, no bloody bridges.

It’s pure and sweet!

“`. Ye Dao, when I was still (for the money) doing the post-production, the people from the winter melon video have already called one after another to find out!”

It is not yet the Lantern Festival, Yu Zheng has been busy for a long time.

This is a play in its true sense.

“Are they so anxious?” Ye Li smiled.

“It’s all in your name!” Yu Zheng said with a smile.

“Are you confident to do a good job?” Ye Li asked.

He gave the script, and he invested in the funds.

If Yu Zheng still fails to do well, Ye Li will be ready to change.

He gave Yu Zheng the opportunity to train him.

I can’t make so many films by myself.

There is always someone to help.

“Of course!” Yu Zheng promised with a slap on his chest, “you will be fine in a while!”

The two walked into the classroom where the company provided by the school was located.

Lin Gengxin, Zheng Shuang and Wang Churan have also arrived.

“Ye Xuechang… Happy new year!” Zheng Shuang’s eyes glowed when he saw Ye Li. straight.

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