Chapter 272

“The film “Soul of Town” is ready to be released! Promote it.”

When Mr. Lu left, Ye Li warned.

“Understood! Over here…” Mr. Lu asked, “Fundamental matters.”

“You take the lead to get up, rent a place, and just fool around. Ask for director Kong Sheng for me. I’m going to hand over the “Ghost Blowing Lantern” series to them.”

“The production level of their company is still guaranteed.”

Mr. Lu also agrees with this point.

The quality of the “Langya Bang” last time is excellent.

“By the way, Dao Ye, will “Langya Bang” also be the movie universe…”

“you guess!”

Ye Li smiled, “I need to make an appointment with Director Wu Ershan, I still have a few universes to open…”

“Ye Dao… how many universes are there?!” Mr. Lu became interested, and simply sat in the car and didn’t get out of the car. “Talk about it!”

“You will know from now on. Get off the car and go to work! Otherwise your salary will be deducted!”

Lu always walked away dingy.

After dealing with the domestic affairs, Ye Li returned to Hollywood by plane.

Although the construction period has not stopped these days, Ye Li feels that he is still quite busy.

October 8.

Ye Li’s new film, “Soul of the Soul” is officially announced for release on November 11th!

Double eleven is not a special schedule.

The promotional video hasn’t come out yet, it’s just that the official Weibo of Chengguo Pictures has been officially announced.

Chengguo Pictures has just announced the finalization, and there are countless people’s likes and replies immediately on Weibo!

When the fans saw it, it was about to explode!

Those who like it are all big guys!

There are also accounts of celebrities idol!

Li Bingbing: Support!

Peng Yuyan: Is there me this time?

Hu Ge: I’m not here again?

Lin Gengxin: Wow!

Zheng Shuang: Come on, senior!

These are only the artists of their Orange Fruit Film Industry.

It belongs to the normal category.

But then these people…

Chen Shenming: Support!

Wang Zhiwen: Support!

Zhang Guoli: Support Ye Dao!

Wu Ershan: Support Ye Dao!

Wu Jing: Dao Ye, when will our new film be released?

Almost all the bigwigs in the circle!

Amy: Dao Ye is great! Come on! Come on!

Yang Chaoyue: Ye Shen’s new film, rise!

Yang Mi: I love you Yeshen!

Deng Lun: Ye Shen’s new film must be supported by a wave!

Whether it’s the new Xiaosheng Xiaohua, or the actor Shidi!

They all gave their support under the official blog of Chengguo Pictures!


Some fans saw it, and they were so excited.(Read more @

“Damn! Do I want to cooperate with Ye Dao? ¨!”

“Wow! Chaoyue! Chaoyue actually appeared in Dao Ye’s new movie?!”

“Awesome! My Mimi is also going to star in Ye Dao’s movie?!”

“Upstairs, be more sober, does Ye Dao’s new film use so many people? What can they do? Can they be tricky?”

“it’s so funny……”

“Anyway, almost all the stars you can see today are here!”

“And the old drama bones of the older generation… cowhide!”

“It shouldn’t be these!”

“The influence of Chengguo Pictures is really the cowhide!”

“It must be because of Ye Shen’s influence!”

“Yeshen’s influence is now the only one in the entertainment industry!”

“Who makes Ye Shen so awesome!”

“How high is the box office of “The Avengers” now!”

“How high is this!”

“Unfortunately, I almost broke the record!”

“It’s not much worse. Only a little more than 100 million!”

“Damn! I will be able to set a record tomorrow?! That’s awesome, right?!”

“5.6 billion at the box office!”

“The domestic miracle is going to be created again!”

“What’s more! You only count the domestic box office! You haven’t counted the overseas box office yet!”

“Ten billion! He won’t really do it?!”

“If you really do it, it will be amazing! Up to now, there hasn’t been a director with more than 10 billion yuan in China!”

“Who can say no! Up to now, there hasn’t been a director in China that has broken tens of billions of dollars, and there is not even a director that has broken billions in box office!

“Who said no? Ye Shen had already broken one billion before!”

“Yes, Ye Shen broke one billion…”

“But it hasn’t broken 10 billion!”

“No one is paying attention, is Ye Shen going to release a new movie?!”

“Yeah! Yeah! I don’t know this time, what is it?”

“”Soul Soul”? Isn’t it the Sword Fairy? What the hell is my Sword Fairy keep vomiting blood!?”

“The first time I saw such a publicity! I didn’t even say who the lead actor was!”

“Aren’t all Ye Shen’s films like this?”

“I’ll know it later!”

“Could it be… some of the “Avengers”…”

“Damn! If it is, then it will be interesting!”

“I will review “The Avengers” again!”

“`. It is estimated that the drawing will be done soon, right?”

“It should be postponed!”

“Let’s go see it again!”

“You have watched it three or four times!”

With the finalization of the new film, “Avengers” unexpectedly broke out at the box office again!

The domestic box office still maintained a momentum of over 100 million in a single day on October 10th.

In this case, even if Chengguo Pictures wants to paint, the cinema will not do it!

Obtaining the secret key to extend it logically.

Postponed for one month.

Afterwards, the promotional video of “Soul Soul” was launched, everyone knows!

The starring actors are Lin Gengxin and Hu Ge!

“Wow! My sword fairy finally played again!”


“Finally you can see me again!”

“I’m so crazy!”

“It’s great, it’s great!”

After another heated discussion.

Soon it was November.

Within a few months, a year passed again.

“The Avengers” was officially released on November 10.


On this day, Ye Li was filming “Iron Man 2”.

“Ye Dao! Overjoyed! Overjoyed!”

Mr. Lu made an over-the-counter phone call like crazy.

“what happened?”

The plot filming of “Iron Man 2” has already been quite small, and Ye Li’s construction schedule is in a hurry.

“The “Avengers” has been drawn! The best result ever in the country has been achieved!”

Ye Li was also interested, and asked, “How much?”

“7.3 billion! A total of 7.3 billion! The domestic box office reached 7.3 billion!” Mr. Lu almost jumped over from the phone.

“Not bad! Where’s the overseas box office?”

Recently, Ye Li is filming during the day and giving Anne Hathaway a massage at night…

There is no time to pay attention to this,

“The overseas box office also reached 1.5 billion US dollars!”

“North American box office 900 million dollars!”

“Other places, more than 600 million!”

“You erased me later?!”.

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