Chapter 273

“Isn’t this too exciting?” Mr. Lu said happily. “The overseas box office totals 1.523.33 million!”

“In other words, one hundred and sixty-one million?”

Ye Li’s mental arithmetic speed is as fast as ever.

“Adding to the domestic box office, the total is 17.96 billion!?”

Rao Ye Li was taken aback!

It’s meow!

A box office of around 18 billion…

I made at least billions!


“Ye Dao, you are really amazing!” Mr. Lu laughed loudly, “Someone questioned us before! Now, slap in the face!”

Mr. Lu laughed.

“Is there anything else?” Ye Li didn’t know it himself.

Does anyone think I can’t reach the 10 billion box office? !

There is a pit in your head…

Yes, before the release of “The Avengers”, this is also a normal thing.

After all, no one in China was able to do it at that time!

“Now, the whole network is worshipping!” Mr. Lu was very happy!

“That’s not bad! I’ll look back!” Ye Li smiled, feeling very happy.

“By the way, Dao Ye, Mr. Zhang from Watermelon Video keeps calling to ask, when will “Ghost Blowing Lantern: The Precious Ancient City” be released?”

“This matter, you tell him, when “Soul Soul” is officially released, immediately spread out the publicity!”

Ye Li had already arranged this matter a long time ago!

Tomb Raider Universe and Super Hero Universe…

The layout is about to start now!

However, there are some things that need to be added to Ye Li’s schedule.

It’s just that it’s not particularly anxious now.

After the work is over, you can do it slowly.

The movie universe is finally slowly unveiling!

Ye Li put down his phone and looked at the east far away!

That is my country!


When the box office of “Avengers” is getting higher day by day, the domestic box office has exceeded 7 billion.

Its daily box office can still reach tens of millions!

Even if the time is up, the theaters are not willing to go offline so easily!

Because it’s a pity!

This kind of box office can definitely stay on the theater line for a few more months!

Niucha is just two words!


However, Chengguo Pictures was also very decisive and removed it directly.

Those unwilling theaters want to say something, the other party just said, “”Soul Retreat” is about to be released. If you don’t paint “Avengers”, then you can’t go online “Soul Retreat”!”

Everyone is busy drawing “Avengers”!

As for “The Avengers”, there are more companies staring at it!

Mr. Lu meant that he could go to the video website to make a fortune!

Each user pays 12 yuan to watch…(Read more @

At least it can earn hundreds of millions!

However, Ye Li hasn’t come back and cannot sell it yet.

I don’t know what Ye Li has plans.

Subsequently, the overseas box office came back.

Everyone was stunned!

“Overseas box office 1.5 billion dollars!? I rely on!”

“Yeshen is really a god this time!”

“1.5 billion dollars, that’s more than 10 billion dollars!”

“Super god! The overseas box office alone is enough to reach tens of billions! Cowhide!”

“The country’s first single film tens of billions box office director reached!”

“The country’s first 30 billion box office director winner!”

“The country’s first single-film actor at the box office reached 10 billion!”

“The country’s first actor with a gross box office of 20 billion reached!”

A series of achievements!

It’s so blinding!

“Yeshen is so awesome!”

“Peng Yuyan has also become a tens of billions box office actor?”

“And Cao Jun and Hu Ge…”

“Four people popped up all at once…”

“More than that, there is Song Zuer…”

“It can’t be surpassed!”

“My brother Jing is crying in the toilet!”

“I have struggled for so many years, and have just broken through ten billion, and the result…”

“According to the global box office rankings, Peng Yuyan has already reached 20 billion at the box office!”

“Haha, the worst this year, Wu Jing!”

“Ye Dao, you can be a good person!”

“Hahaha! I laughed to death! You missed one, Ye Shen is already close to 30 billion box office actors!”

“If that’s the case, the highest box office in the country is Ye Dao, and then Peng Yuyan…”

“A disaster day for actors!”


Can only be described as horror.

Watermelon video.

“Close to 20 billion box office… The copyright of “Avengers” must be won!”

Mr. Zhang is also very excited. The watermelon video seems to be collecting stamps.

I bought all the copyrights of Ye Li’s works.

At this time, the phone rang, “Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lu from Orange Fruit Pictures.”

The call was answered soon.

“Mr. Lu, when did Director Ye say you can arrange it to go live? This TV series is in our hands, and we are not easy to explain, and there are several other platforms!” Mr. Zhang complained.

Mr. Lu said: “As Director Ye said, after the “Soul Soul” movie is released, it can be promoted and arranged to go online!”

Mr. Zhang Yixi, “Really?!”

“Of course it’s true!” Mr. Lu laughed, “Although Dao Ye didn’t say it explicitly, it should be related to the movie and TV series, so…”

Mr. Zhang was overjoyed immediately, “Ye Dao’s new film is related to “Ghost Blowing Lantern”!?”

“It should be, you can call and ask yourself.”

With the painting of “Avengers”, many people’s eyes have shifted to “Soul Soul”.

The movie “Soul Soul” has attracted all the attention of fans of “Avengers”!

“What’s the movie about Hu and Lin Gengxin?”

“I don’t know… who knows what’s going on?”

“This name is really damn second!”

“It’s a second-degree high school!”

“But it’s not a big problem if it is produced by Ye Shen?”

“Not a big problem? No! What you said is the biggest problem! It should be said that there is no problem at all!”

“When did Ye Shen’s new film go wrong?!”

“Haha, Ye Shen doesn’t hold the premiere again this time, it’s simply too Buddhist!”

“It is said that “Iron Man 2″ was also filmed in North America!”

“Wow! “Iron Man 2″ is coming again?!”

“Too handsome?!”

“Who said no! “Iron Man 2” can be filmed this year! Then there is a chance to see “Captain China 2″ next year!”

“Wow! So handsome!”

“Look forward, look forward to it!”

“Yeshen’s new film never disappoints!”

“I have bought the first Gone with the Wind!”

“I got it too! Wow ha ha ha!”

“Now the scalpers are fried to a few hundred yuan per ticket!”

“It’s just a movie, is it so ruthless?”.

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