Chapter 309

“What kind of hatred is this against Stark?!”

“Haha! Cue him at the press conference!”

“There must be some grudges, right? Otherwise, they won’t be so committed to Tony!”

“Yes it is!”

“Ladies and gentlemen, what I want to show you today is the latest military weapon! Hanmer UAV!”

The lights are focused.


A part of the stage gradually rises, and wayward robots appear, with weapons on their backs…


The navy that launches missiles on its back!

“air force!”


Various types of robots are gradually displayed-coming out.

There was thunderous applause. Among the cheers of the audience, what Hanmer did not notice is that Ivan has already connected to the signal here through network technology!

He can see everything on the scene through the camera!

Armed robots stood on the stage, and representatives of the military and members of Congress all showed excitement.

At this moment, there was a stream of light across the sky!

Hammer saw the appearance of streamer.

The expression changed slightly, and he was obviously aware of the identity of the other party.

Dynamic music, the man with bgm comes again.

In an instant, on the big screen of the scene, the screen that was displaying weapons had been invaded by Stark instantly.

“Everyone, everyone should take a look at this!”

Candidate interview: Chad Davis!

“What is the most critical moment in your life for you?”

“I think it was the day I decided not to let the disability beat me.”

The camera is aimed at his leg!

The left leg disappeared!

What this person looks like…

Everyone suddenly looked towards the stage!

Hanmer’s bodyguard!

He, used to be a handicapped person? !

Then the screen changed.

[Alan Brandy. 】

She has a broken arm!

At this moment, she is indeed Hanmer’s secretary!

In the big screen, Hanmer appeared, “Very good, I will give you regular injections of medicines, but you must not be addicted, or you will be kicked out of the experiment!”

“Once abandoned and incomplete! You will become pioneers and promote the evolution of mankind!”

[Ultimate biological project, the first phase of injection test! 】

“Well, everyone, before we start, I can guarantee that when you think back to the past, nothing can be more memorable than being the first batch of candidates to participate in this difficult task!”

An individual is sent to the test bed and fixed, each of them is disabled.

“Today is your glory! Let’s start!”

The experimenters slowly injected them with unknown drugs.

Alan Brandi’s body slowly revealed the lava-like light!

It seems to start burning in the body!

The camera shows her broken arm.

At this time, the arm has completely turned into magma.

Start extending down!

“Ah…” He moaned in pain, gritted his teeth and endured it.

A little bit of red smoke flew out of her body…(Read more @

The lava-like arm has grown back!

“Wow! Is this true?!”

“It’s crazy! It’s shocking!”

“This will change the world!”


Throughout the venue, many military leaders were pleasantly surprised!

This is simply amazing!


However, before they could say anything substantial, screams came from the screen.

A tester next to Alan Brandi suddenly screamed fiercely!

“Damn it!”

Hanmer was very angry when he saw this scene, “Get out of here! Get out of here!”

“Get them out! Hurry up!”

Give the lens to the tester.

Like magma erupting in his body, golden light burst out of his eyes.


Amid the screams, golden light spurted out of his mouth!


The whole person exploded!

Explosion in place…

Everyone is silent!

Damn it!

Human test!

Blast in place!

Even if it lacks arms and legs, it is stronger than dead, right?

“Justin Hammer!” Iron Man descended from the sky, suspended in the air, his muzzle was aimed at Justin Hammer!

When Hanmer saw this scene, he didn’t panic at all. Instead, the two people behind him took a step forward.


There was a faint red glow on their bodies.

Almost at the same time.

All the armed robots on the stage locked Tony Stark at almost the same time!

“Sir, we have been locked by multiple robots!”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

Jarvis reacted immediately.

The camera is instantly given to Ivan, who is quickly using a computer to remotely control these robots!


“Oh oh oh!” Stark exaggeratedly exclaimed, “Everyone hurry up and get out of here!”

Da Da Da Da!

The robot began to attack frantically.

The bullets fired wildly, and then these robots quickly lifted off!

Stark quickly left with these robots.

Hanmer frowned. “What is Ivan doing?!”

“Where is Ivan?!” The black widow moved her hands instantly.

After subduing Hanmer, the electric shock device thrown out of her hand stunned them in an instant.

“In my laboratory…”

At the scene, armed robots have begun to kill!

……… …… …

Of course, their main goal is Iron Man!

The army took root at its feet, and bullets were fired at Stark frantically!

The launcher on the shoulder of the Navy, one by one missiles are launched!

The air force is chasing Stark in mid-air!

The scene turned into a pot of porridge.

Colonel Rod, wearing a war machine, also approached quickly.

The driver drove the black widow to find Ivan.

Quickly change clothes in the car, and the driver’s old look and stubborn look makes a knowing smile.

Black Widow: “You are waiting in the car!”

Driver: “I don’t want to wait in the car!”

“I let you wait in the car!”

The driver quickly changed the subject, “What are you wearing? I won’t let you risk it alone!”

The black widow quickly broke the code lock by some means.

“Do you want to help me? Then stop the fire!”


As soon as the black widow opened the door, the driver rushed in.

The figure is round, but the movements are very agile.

He is the driver and bodyguard of Little Pepper after Hapi.

The black widow in tights followed close behind.

“You can’t come in!” Seeing the two enter the door, the security guard immediately greeted them.

The fat driver immediately greeted him with a left uppercut!


Right uppercut!

The two immediately fought together!

You punch, I punch!

It hurts hard to hear the sound!

Real man!

The black widow quickly bypassed the two.

“Hey! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!” Ding.

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