Chapter 310

Another security guard ran out to block.

One knee slipped, and the black widow crossed the security guard handsomely. With a flick of her hands, two electric shock devices fell under the person’s feet.

The fine electric current stunned him instantly!

On the other side, the fat driver is still punching and punching me with the first security guard.

The third security guard just walked out of a room, and the black widow put her hands on a trolley, passed it neatly, and kicked her feet.

Black Widow defeated +1!

The fourth security guard rushed out, and the black widow rushed out, lying on the ground, sliding across the opponent’s crotch, the finger in her hand hitting the opponent on one knee.

The fifth security guard rushed out again, and the person who happened to kneel became a springboard, with his feet hooked around the opponent’s neck, and one spun.

The whole person was thrown against the wall and knocked out!

Black Widow defeated by +1!

Going forward, the guy who was kneeling on the ground just woke up and was kicked fainted by her!

Black Widow defeat +1!

And the fat driver is still fighting!

“The black widow is so handsome!”

“So handsome, so handsome!”

“Ace Black Widow!”

“You’re so handsome! People are beautiful and sweet, and the most important thing is that the work is really neat!”

“Not to mention the beauty, the most important thing is that his meow’s combat effectiveness is too strong!”

“I love Black Widow!”

The camera turns to Iron Man, where a whole team of robots are being taken around by him.

One by one was shot down by him in the pursuit.

The scene is extremely grand!

Little Pepper is arguing with Hammer and hopes to control the robot.

Hammer winked at two of his men.

The two subordinates grabbed Little Chili in an instant.

“What are you doing!?” Little Pepper exclaimed.

“What are you doing?!” The policeman just reacted, and Hammer’s bodyguard suddenly violent.

His whole body was exuding heat, and his skin turned into lava.

Three, five and two will kill everyone.

“What do you want to do? Hanmer!” Little Chili glared at Hanmer.

Hammer laughed, with a smile on his lips, “Pepa, I admire you very much. I don’t want to hurt you either, but who made you a Stark woman?”


Little Pepper looked at him suspiciously.

“I don’t think you may remember me anymore.” Hammer said with a smile, “Back then, Stark…”

Hanmer walked away with Little Pepper, while faintly telling his past.

“You are not Hanmer!” Little Pepper finally woke up!

“Yes, Pepa, I’m not Hanmer, long live Hydra!” There was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes!

“Hydra?!” Pepa was surprised.

Although she was well protected by Stark, she also knew the existence of Hydra.

“It seems you know…”

“Someone invaded in W area!”

The laboratory of Hanmer Industries.

The two security guards approached quickly.

Turning a bowl, I saw the black widow.

The black widow took the lead and threw out two button-shaped objects.

Bang! Bang!(Read more @

Smoke rises.

They were just taken care of by the black widow after a stunned effort!

Black Widow defeat +2!

Another bald head just appeared, and the steel wire in the black widow’s hand was wrapped around her neck!

At the same time, three more people appeared.

Black Widow will kill every move!

Black Widow defeat +4!

As soon as the other person appeared, he was dropped by the anti-wolf spray!

Black Widow defeated by +1!

Clear the customs!

Beat +10086!

And the driver is still in the middle of a crazy fight with you and me!

When the driver’s camera appears again.

The whole movie hall burst into laughter.

When everyone saw him, they picked their noses, bit their ears, licked their yin legs…

Supernatural powers everywhere.

Finally killed his opponent.

He raised his head sweating profusely, especially happy and proud.

“I killed him!”

However, as soon as the camera turned, I saw the entire passage…

Every security has fallen to the ground…

Various ways…

The smile on his face gradually faded…

He kicked his opponent hard, “You must be their boss…”

“Damn! Shameless!”

“Hahaha, God’s boss. I’m so laughing at me!”

“Black Widow defeated +10086! Driver…I hit a big one!”

“Haha, this is funny!”

“Simply laugh at me!”

“Black Widow too many gadgets, right?”

“Is this an agent?”

“Various magic items!”

“Cowhide! Although they are all ordinary people, their combat experience is completely different!”

“I love Black Widow!”

On the other side, the battle is approaching a climax.

With Stark and War Machine solved most of the robots.

Ivan finally made his debut.

The tall mecha is particularly mighty and majestic!

With a flick of both hands, the two high-performance electric whips in his hands are activated!

Very powerful at first glance!

The War Machine stepped forward and said, “I have a special weapon for him!”

On the shoulder, a small missile launcher appeared.

“Let me blow him up with my ex-wife!”


Stark was speechless.

The missile launch process is particularly cool, and it gives enough details…

call out!

Missile launch!

Damn it!

Smashed on the opponent’s mecha.

No explosion…

The scene was particularly embarrassing.

“Hahaha! Is this Hanmer’s ex-wife?!”

“Laughing so hard at me, so because my ex-wife is divorced, so she won’t help you?!”

“Hahaha! This is also a funny comparison!”

Both sides are mechas, and the three mechas are a great battle.

When Ivan was finally defeated, Stark’s communication was connected again.

“Oh, dear Stark, help me send Ivan over!”

“Hammer?” Stark frowned. “I want this person.”

“No, you will definitely send it. Do you think he and Miss Pepa, who is more important?”

“Pepa!?” Stark’s face changed. “Rod, what’s the situation with Pepa?”

“I do not know?”

“Damn it!”

At this moment, the black widow’s communication came in, “Pepa is gone!”

“Oh! Dear Tony, I believe, you believe it now? Oh, yes, how about repairing his mecha by the way? Pepa is worth more than the mecha?”

“it is good!”

Stark’s face was gloomy.

“Go!” Stark lifted Ivan into the sky.

“Stark, this matter…” Colonel Rod wanted to say something, thought for a while without saying anything, and finally followed.

“Stark, are you really going to help him fix it?” Colonel Rod asked.

“Otherwise? Do you have a better way?”

The audience was silent.

Everyone fell silent.

The enemy is too strong! .

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