Chapter 311

“This enemy is too powerful, right?!”

“Yeah. Stark still has to work for someone!”

“Damn! This is too awesome, right?!”

“Cowhide! It’s so awesome!”

“Now Han Mo is alone, maybe there is Dr. Wen Rui over there!”

“Yeah, speaking of it, how did Dr. Wen Rui come back to life?”

“How did Dr. Wen Rui become a remake!”

“Stark will pass by then, surely it is not the opponent of the two of them?!”

“Stark is going to be beaten again!”

“Tony, do you really want to fix them?!”

Colonel Rod is very nervous.

“Yes, otherwise? I can’t risk Pepa!”

“We can gather the army! They have now…”

At this moment, Jarvis spoke suddenly.

“Sir, I think you should look at this.”

In the virtual screen, a picture appeared.

The picture is aimed at a person.

Colonel Rod was stunned!

“01 This is the President!” Colonel Rod was stunned!

“Yes it is!”

Tony’s face was gloomy.

“They kidnapped the President?! Where is this place?!”

The background is in a dock.

The president was hung in the air.

“This is?” Colonel Rod asked quickly.

“This is a video from Capitol Hill…”

Jarvis said.

“It seems that I don’t need to call an army now!”

“Jarvis, search for the location!”

“Okay! Sir, according to Mr. President’s background, it should be this position…”

Jarvis quickly formed a map, which showed a location.

“let’s go!”

The two took off.

“Jarvis, make the whole family move!”

Then there was a big battle.

More than 40 mechas under Tony were dispatched at the same time.

The battle is hot!

The Fireman team, one by one, are humanoid weapons, and several Stark mechas have been dismantled!

With the help of Colonel Rod and Pepper, Stark took down Hammer!

“I can understand now why you didn’t give up the mecha? What can I complain about?”

After this time, Pepa also realized the importance of mecha.

If you don’t have enough force, you can’t protect yourself.

“It’s all my fault, I’m sorry…”

But Stark felt that because he possessed a powerful force, he had attracted a powerful opponent instead.

The two reached an understanding in the end.

Stark wanted to hug Little Pepper.

“No, don’t touch me, I will burn you!”(Read more @

“No no! It’s okay, it’s okay… it’s okay, it’s not hot…”

“Then am I okay?” Little Chili was panicked after being injected with Extremis Potion.

“No, as long as you are my girlfriend, you will never be fine.” Stark was full of struggle.

“However, I think we can handle it… I have studied this 20 years ago and I can make you better.”

“It’s like repairing a mecha?”

“Uh, I will reduce it a bit appropriately.”

Stark called Jarvis.

“It’s all done, sir, what else is there?”

“You know!”

“The cleanup process is restarted!”

“Christmas cleaning, yes, that’s right!” Stark gently hugged Pepper, the expression on his face was a little uncomfortable, and a little relieved.


Little Chili suddenly looked up, saw a mecha passing in the air, and then exploded instantly!

There was an expression of joy on her face.

This is Stark’s explanation to himself!

It is also his determination to protect himself!



One explosion after another.

“Tony, there is no need to do this, if we don’t have them, we will be more dangerous in the future.” Little Pepper also compromised.

After this time, she understood.

The greater the ability, the greater the danger that will be encountered!

“Oh! Jarvis, stop! Stop now!”

Stark exclaimed in relief.

“Okay, sir!”

“Jarvis, the anti-Hulk mecha, the anti-Thor mecha, the anti-sword fairy mecha, is something going on?!” Stark asked quickly.

“No, they are arranged at the end!”

“That’s good! That’s good!”

Little Pepper was speechless. “Are you guarding against them?”

A serious expression appeared on Stark’s face, “They are too unstable!”

At the end of the film.

The fragments from Stark’s chest were taken out.

He and Pepa seem to have embarked on the marriage palace.

Hapi woke up too, watching “Eagle Eye”!

The film officially ends in the ruins of the Freedom City.

No one stood up, they were all waiting for an Easter egg!

This is pioneered by Ye Li.

After the film is over, everyone is waiting for the Easter eggs!

Sure enough, after a while, the easter egg officially appeared.

Cyclops Nick and Stark sat in a room with a sense of technology.

“So, this is why Natasha sneaked into our company?” Stark threw a copy of the information on the table.

“Tony, I don’t know if you are still suitable for this job, but this Romanov report to you…”

“You didn’t give me any money…”

“There will be money next,” the Cyclops said.

“I gave up this money in exchange for you to do me a favor. Roddy and I (the nickname of Colonel Rhodes) are going to Washington to participate in the awards. We need an award presenter…”

“Um… I’ll do it!”

Then, I saw members of the Senate and the members who had smashed Stark many times on the news, giving them awards with a look of constipation.

And you have to keep saying good things…

Finally, the three of them will have to take a photo together…

When the screen went dark, there was still no one to speak.

Everyone is waiting quietly…

There should be…

Until the lights in the theater are fully lit,


Easter eggs!

Said a good egg!

Why is it gone? !

He meows!

Everyone is a little confused.

Ye Li has brought Downey, Anne Hathaway and others on the field.

“Ye Dao, is there only one easter egg in this “Iron Man 2″?!”

“Isn’t there a lot of easter eggs!?”


Ye Li hadn’t even spoken yet, and the audience asked loudly.

Ye Li laughed, “I think it is more appropriate for you to ask Cao Gouyan for this question. You can ask Cao Gouyan for these questions in the future. He is the official spokesperson for my Easter Egg!”

Cao Rui, who was quickly recording on the notebook, was called back by his fiancee.

what happened? !

Why did you cue to me? !

The official spokesperson of the easter egg…


The name sounds…

“Ye Dao, what is the status of Dr. Wen Rui now?”

“Dr. Wen Rui…”.

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