Chapter 312

“Dao Ye, do you have any thoughts on the box office of “Iron Man 2″?”

“Do you think the box office of “Iron Man 2″ will reach 10 billion?”

Ye Li answered a series of questions, as did Robert Downey Jr. and Anne Hathaway.

It wasn’t until ten o’clock that the premiere ended.

“Ye Dao, it really is the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave! My front wave is really amazing!”

After the movie ended, Zhang Yimou saw Ye Li idle and came forward.

“Uncle Zhang, just joked, I still have a lot to learn!” Ye Li said modestly.

“Don’t be overly modest, you are already very good!” Zhang Yimou had to sigh so, “This seems to be a bit of reliance on the old and sells the old. You are doing better than our older generation. This is the truth!”

Zhang Yi said with some emotion: “We have always wanted to make Chinese films go abroad, and we have been making efforts in this regard, but it’s a pity…”

Unfortunately, the result is obvious.

“I wouldn’t have learned so much without your seniors working hard in front of you.” Ye Li laughed.

“Okay, don’t flatter each other.” Zhang Yimou laughed, feeling relieved, “Let’s talk about it, what kind of movie do you have for me to shoot?”

“Of course.” Ye Li’s eyes lit up.

If Zhang Yimou can take over his own script.

So, in China, the resistance from directors really disappeared.

With his help, his movie universe will expand quickly!

More directors across the country will be willing to join this plan!

“Let’s talk about it, what kind of movie is it?” Zhang Yimou said with a smile.

“It’s a movie about dinosaurs.” Ye Li laughed. Anyway, there is Lu always entertaining him, and he doesn’t like it.

Simply found a place with Zhang Yimou and sat down to chat about the movie together.

“Dinosaurs?! Ancient times. ¨?” Zhang Yi asked curiously.

“No.” Ye Li shook his head, “I have written the script, but I didn’t wear it on my body. I can tell you a little bit.”

Zhang Yimou showed a very interested expression.

Ye Li began to talk about his movie, “This is not the ancient era, but the resurrection of dinosaurs in the modern era.”

“Happened in modern times?” Zhang Yimou became more interested.

“of course.”

“They, I’m talking about dinosaurs, how can they live in modern times?”

“For example, whoever got the genes of certain dinosaurs, using current technology, resurrected the dinosaurs and built a park. People from all over the world can buy tickets to visit!”

Hearing what Ye Li said, Zhang Yimou was very interested, but there was a trace of doubt on his face, “Didn’t you say…you need to lay out a movie universe, is this also related to it?”

Ye Li was stunned for a moment, then suddenly.(Read more @

“Yes, it’s related, besides that, there are more movies related to it!”

“Will there be superheroes?” Zhang Yi asked curiously, “Dinosaur Man?”

“Um…Uncle Zhang, we have to say in advance, how to shoot, you can call the shots, but if you want to modify the script, we must communicate in advance. Because each of my movies may be related to the subsequent plot.”

“For example?” Zhang Yi smiled, “Is this “Iron Man 2″ related to any subsequent movies?”

“A lot.” Ye Li smirked. “It will be associated with new heroes and new plots…”

“Why didn’t I see it?” Zhang Yimou looked at Ye Li.

Ye Li helplessly, “Uncle Master, if you want to know, then go see [Cao Gouyan] tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? He might be more able to analyze!”


The old and the young, the two talked happily.

After the premiere, Ye Li officially reached an agreement with Zhang Yimou.

“Can’t I live in your house today?” Anne Hathaway asked in a low voice.

“Of course, my friends are back.” Ye Li said with a smile.

This little girl, really…

“Let my friends know, shouldn’t it be a normal thing?” Anne Hathaway was more curious.

Ye Li smiled and touched her head, and said, “Yes, this is a normal thing, but it’s not the time yet.”


She is curious.

“Because… I’m not ready yet, when I’m ready, I will definitely introduce you to everyone in the world!”

“Um… I’ll wait for you!”

Anne Hathaway gave a happy smile.

[Aquaman’s Strategy: Sometimes, it is not difficult to stabilize the other party, it only requires you to make a little promise…]

“Oh my God! You’re so handsome!”

Lin Gengxin called out loudly as soon as he got home, “`. The third child, how did you think of it?! Stark is so handsome. Why don’t you let me play such a handsome role!?”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity! If this role were given to me, I would definitely perform better than Robert Downey Jr.!”

Lin Gengxin thinks Iron Man is so handsome!

Ye Li chuckled twice.

Peng Yuyan and Hu Ge also expressed their contempt for him.

“It wasn’t for opening up the global market at the time! There must be a supporting scene! If not, I also think you are the best choice!” Ye Li nodded seriously.

“Let me just say, how could the third child forget me?! I am the best!” Lin Gengxin laughed, “but it doesn’t matter, the third child, I think Cao Yanbing is also very handsome!”

“By the way, when will my second movie go live?”

“It’s too early! My second movie hasn’t been shot yet!” Peng Yuyan was gearing up.

“You all have your own (Nuo Wanghao) biography movie, I don’t seem to have…” Hu Ge said.

“You have twenty episodes! We only have one movie!”

The four people talked and laughed.

“Fourth, get ready to make the second one!”

Ye Li looked at Peng Yuyan.

“Of course, I have been preparing for a long time!”

Peng Yuyan’s muscles are more perfect!

“Who shall we fight this time?”

Peng Yuyan was full of excitement.

“This time, it’s time to spread the world view!” Ye Li sighed long.

Every time I spread the world view, I get a headache.

How to make a movie with a worldview look good and understandable?

This is very particular about the skills and the ability of the script to tell stories.

“Good luck!”

Hu Ge looked at Ye Li, “Lao San, don’t I have a personal movie? I think I can…”.

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