Chapter 313

After watching “Iron Man 2”, several of my roommates burst out with a strong desire to film!

However, Ye Li decided to follow his own path.

Next, it’s time to shoot “Captain China 2”.

This year’s shooting plan, “Captain China 2” will be released!

Of course, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” has been finalized, and the rest of “Thor 2” has also been produced!

Will be released after “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.

For the rest, Orange Fruit Pictures will have more arrangements.

For example, Wu Ershan’s movie is about to start shooting, the heroine is already in place, he is still waiting for a fart!

The crew had been prepared as early as years ago.

Next, it will officially start shooting.

Next, Ye Li will send him Zhang Yi’s movie script.

After all, it’s an old man. If he wants to modify the script, we can still agree to it.

As long as it can be discussed.

In the following few days, Ye Li was also very busy.

Early the next morning, Ye Li was woken up, not the alarm clock, not the phone!




It’s that guy Lin Gengxin!

He yelled early in the morning and woke Ye Li up.

“The third child! The third child! Come out!”

Boom boom boom!

He kept knocking on the door and Ye Li got up in his pajamas.

“What are you doing?”

“The third child! Box office! Box office! Have you seen it?!” Lin Gengxin was much more excited than Ye Li.

“No!” Ye Li sighed, “I revised the script to midnight yesterday, and now I have fallen asleep for less than five hours…”

Lin Gengxin said excitedly: “Don’t you care about the box office?!”

“Do I care, the box office will be higher?” Ye Li rolled his eyes, “You watched it?”

“No!” Lin Gengxin said righteously, “I’m waiting for you to watch it together!”

“Damn it!” Ye Li rolled his eyes, his face was full of dissatisfaction, “So, why did you ask me to get up early in the morning?”

“Look at it together! Box office! Box office! Look! I woke up both Lao Hu and Lao Si!”

He turned his head and pointed, and saw Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan standing sleepily at the door, apparently awakened by Lin Gengxin.

“All right!” Ye Li took out his mobile phone for the sake of his enthusiasm.

“Here! This is the box office!” Ye Li glanced at Cat’s Eye, then closed the door at will.

Early in the morning…

“The third child, I haven’t seen it yet…” Lin Gengxin kept knocking on the door anxiously.

Can’t you be good?

Ye Li got up again and handed the phone to Lin Gengxin, “Can I sleep a little longer?”

Ye Li lay down again and heard Lin Gengxin scream.


Almost deafened Ye Li’s ears!(Read more @

“What are you doing?” Ye Li sighed and opened the door. “I don’t want to have a good time today, right?”

Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan also came over, “If you don’t give a reasonable explanation today, I will tear you up!”


Lin Gengxin shivered!

Three men…

I’m such a man!

Male plus male!

Male left and right…


He raised the phone in his hand.

Weakly decline.

He’s meowing, it’s going to die!

These three people won’t really beat themselves, will they?

The three of them looked over…


“Damn!” Hu Ge woke up instantly!

“This…” Peng Yuyan’s eyes widened too!

Only Ye Li is calmer, “Isn’t this a normal operation?”

“Do you call this normal?!” Lin Gengxin pointed to the phone in his hand and said loudly again.

“The third child! Do you think this is normal?” Hu Ge looked at Ye Li.

The same is true for Peng Yuyan, looking at Ye Li, “Lao San, you don’t have to pretend to be in front of us, right?”

Ye Li was speechless, “Have you never seen the world like this?”

“This means that we haven’t seen the world?!” Peng Yuyan is about to eat people!

“The first day’s box office exceeded 100 million, isn’t this normal?” Ye Li was speechless.

“No! No!” Hu Ge pointed to the current time, “It’s only eight o’clock, and the first game has just begun, isn’t it? This is not the first day!”

“Yeah! This is just the first one at midnight and this morning!” Lin Gengxin felt that he was much more normal than Ye Li.

“Yeah, didn’t the box office exceed 200 million? I think it’s a bit strange, logically speaking, it shouldn’t!” Ye Li glanced at the box office.

No more than 200 million, is this unscientific?

“Today is a working day, okay!” Hu Ge was speechless.

“Everyone has to go to work on weekdays, right?” As a film and television industry worker, there is no such thing as a weekend.

“Yes! So, you are a big cow!” Peng Yuyan laughed.

“The first day’s box office…” Ye Li glanced at the real-time box office at this time. “The real-time box office was 147.28 million! Not bad!”

“That’s not bad?! My goodness!”

“What do you think is wrong…”

“The third child is pretending to be forced, I have evidence…”

Ye Li couldn’t sleep anymore after he was so noisy, so he just got up to work.

Today I want to talk to Zhang Yi about the script.


“Iron Man 2 is full of energy!”

“The strongest opponent, Iron Man has encountered a major crisis!”

“Dr. Wen Rui is resurrected!”

“That’s great! Dr. Wen Rui was resurrected, it’s crazy!”


“The opponent is too strong, Stark has made a lot of mechas!”

“There are more mechas?! I bought a ticket for tonight!”

“Don’t ask, I just asked for leave to watch the movie today!”

“Haha! Cool!”

“Is the easter egg wonderful this time?”

“Wonderful! Of course wonderful, just can’t understand!”

“Wait for Cao Gouyan’s analysis article!”

“Why is it Cao Gouyan that I can’t understand it?”

“Cao Gouyan is definitely the chosen one!”

“The whole movie is really great! Iron Man’s mental journey makes people feel distressed!”

“He is just a mortal! But he has to face God! Alien! Sword Fairy! Hulk! He is the truly responsible person!”

“The black widow is so handsome, this is what a real agent looks like!”

“I’m so ridiculous, the driver’s fighting skills are almost max!”

“Haha, are you funny upstairs?”

“Sexy black widow, kill enemies online!”

“Wow, the black widow is so awesome, so sexy!”

“I love Black Widow!”

“I love Tony Stark!”

“I have already bought the ticket, please don’t spoil it…”.

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