Chapter 317

Everyone was a little excited.

Big plan? !

What big plan? !

Isn’t something serious? !

Are you going to make a new movie?

Or is something like the movie universe going online?

Everyone is very excited.

“So, we have to increase the shooting speed next!” Ye Li smiled on his face.

Increasing the speed of film arrangement allows more films to enter the waiting area!


“Well, after that, everyone may work harder!”

Everyone has worked together for so long, and there will be no problems with the work. Ye Li read it again and there are basically no major problems.

Some minor problems were resolved on the spot.

After things were arranged, Anne Hathaway joined the group the next day!

On the third day, Li Bingbing joined the group!

Official start-up on the fourth day!

“Peng Yuyan, run! Run!”

“Have you eaten!? Run quickly!”

“Have you been filming for a long time? Don’t you know how to film?!”

“In this road scene, we have time to close the road!”

“Move! Hurry up!”

“Annie, don’t worry about it, don’t worry, pay attention to safety!”

“Sister Bingbing, look and look more serious, who are you the villain now!”

“Everyone pays attention to one thing, we want to increase the speed! But we must ensure the quality!”

The crew continuously moved to various places to shoot movies.

Even Ye Li rejected Li Bingbing and Anne Hathaway on the grounds of being very busy and working hard recently.

Otherwise, I can’t handle it at all!

Two people in the same crew…

As a sea king, you must not only arrange your own time, but also arrange your own fish time.(Read more @

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

“Iron Man 2” gets the key extension and will be extended for one month.

And “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” is also about to be released.

This time, Paramount was anxious.

“Lu, what’s the situation of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”? Why are you suddenly not showing it overseas. ¨?” Anderson had to call Orange Fruit Pictures directly.

Mr. Lu said with a smile, “Mr. Anderson, we have our own considerations, and Dao Ye also agreed to this matter.”

Anderson said weirdly: “Ye is a shrewd businessman, why didn’t you make this money? Or, do you have a new partner?”

“How is it possible? Mr. Anderson, our cooperation has always been very pleasant, and you have invested in the production of the movie “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”.”

“Yes, Lu, after all you haven’t forgotten this matter, we should also have the right to make decisions about this movie! Don’t you?”

Anderson felt that this matter must not be so simple.

However, he couldn’t think of the fact that Orange Fruit Pictures was planning the AMC movie line.

“No, Mr. Anderson, the decision-making power of the movie has always been owned by Dao Ye.”


Anderson was going crazy.

The movie “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was even shot by them!

It’s like the “Thor” series.

However, all rights belong to Ye Li.

This was decided from the beginning of the cooperation.

right now……

what happened?

He is a bit irritable, although he has no clues, he always feels something is wrong.

“I’m going to find Ye!”

In desperation, Anderson must go to Ye Li.

At this time, Ye Li is shooting a movie.

Anderson’s call made him helpless.

Now that we are planning to acquire cinema chains, it is also very necessary to leave enough movies for overseas cinema chains.

“Ye, “Iron Man 2” has a perfect box office in North America. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is now in China, right? When will it be released in North America?”

Anderson asked without knowing.

Ye Li smiled and said: “The overseas release of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” will be suspended. After all, it is a new series. I want to see the situation in China.”

“Oh! Ye, you don’t know your current global appeal, even if you sit on the big screen for three hours alone, someone will buy tickets!”

Ye Li laughed: “It’s different, it’s related to my plan. My movie universe is in the process of laying it out, and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” may be a very important part of it.”

“Cinema universe? Ye! I really don’t understand, your film universe is already very perfect, and superheroes are especially popular in the world!” Anderson really didn’t understand it.

Ye Li didn’t explain to them in detail before, and now he doesn’t even say it.

“`. Anderson, please believe me, this is very meaningful! Then you will know!” Ye Li suddenly thought of an idea and said.

“Mr. Anderson, speaking of this, I actually have one thing I want to ask you.”

“What?” Anderson asked strangely.

“That’s it, I want to join the superheroes and super villains of various countries and nations around the world.” Ye Li talked eloquently, “They can be used to perfect my movie universe!”

“So, what do you mean?” Anderson was shocked by Ye Li’s thoughts.

Is he planning to hand over the filming rights of the movie universe! ?

“I want you Paramount to try and make a superhero by yourself. If appropriate, I will add him to the movie universe!” Ye Li suggested.

“Really?! Everything is up to us!?” Anderson was shocked.

if it is like this……

Then, Paramount’s next movie will also usher in a big (Nuo Wang Zhao) explosion!

“Yes, but it’s up to me whether to join my movie universe! If the quality of the film is not good, or the characters have no characteristics, she is also not eligible to join…”

“Of course! Ye, you are amazing!” Anderson said excitedly.

“At the same time, I need to own 10% of the dividend. Of course, the premise is that this movie can enter the film universe! And, I can use the copyright of this script at will.” Ye Li put forward his own request.

Hearing this, An Laise felt that this incident should be true in all likelihood.

With Ye Li’s character, if all the bargains are taken up by you, then this thing is definitely not true!

“Ye, you didn’t do anything… read”

“I did it, and I provide you with a platform. The superheroes you make yourself can join my movie universe. Of course, it’s not impossible for you to do it yourself…”.

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