Chapter 318

Of course we do!

It’s not that no one in the world makes superhero movies, but there have been no better results.

Not to mention that it is comparable to “Avengers”, even the performance of a single movie is not too good.

Moreover, it is now possible to join the superhero movie universe…

Well, it means that it will definitely explode in the future!

Look at Hu Ge, after starring in the role of Jianxian Yipo, how popular is in North America!

Not high!

Who knew him before? !

And now? !

For example, Peng Yuyan, the captain of China, makes him a global star!

For example, Robert Downey Jr., a sluggish guy who starred in Iron Man, is now the top paid actor in Hollywood!

Now is not their end.

The future is still long…

It is said that everyone has several movies…

“Of course, if we can join Ye You’s movie universe, why should we refuse?!” Anderson said quickly.

“Well, you go and do it. I hope that more different people will join our movie universe.” Ye Li dismissed Anderson in a few words.

“Of course, Ye, do we do everything ourselves?!” Anderson was a little guilty.

“Yes, of course it is you. The screenwriters, directors, and actors are all up to you!” Ye Li laughed, “I don’t care about anything.”


After getting Ye Li’s affirmative answer, Anderson immediately said happily.

He believes that so many directors and screenwriters in Hollywood are not as good as his 22-year-old young man…

Well, it is indeed not as good!

He is now a top director!

The gross box office of three or four billion dollars is already a height that many people can’t reach for a lifetime.

Anderson almost forgot what he was here for.

“By the way, Ye… about “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”…” Anderson asked.

Ye Li said: “Anderson, this is our plan, so it won’t be released overseas for the time being.”

“Okay, I get it!”

Still entangled in a fart!

Now a superhero can design by himself!

It’s so cool!

It can be said that although they have participated in the production of several superhero movies, in fact, the big head was taken away by Ye Li.

See others earn a lot of money.

Not jealous?

That is impossible!

But who makes all the copyright in Ye Li’s hands? !

Now Ye Li doesn’t want any copyright…

As long as one use right…(Read more @

Isn’t this his cat coming to the door! ?

Moreover, he was the first to win…

Wow, Kaka!

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is not so important.

When Anderson called, Mr. Lu had already called.

Ye Li didn’t answer it, and gave him one back after hanging up.

“Ye Dao, Anderson called me just now…” Mr. Lu said hurriedly.

“I see, he called me. The matter has been resolved.”

solved? !

Such a big matter, it is very likely that there will be cracks in the cooperation with Paramount, so it is solved? !

Is Dao Ye so magical?

“Ye Dao, how did you do it? You broke with Paramount?” Mr. Lu asked worriedly.

Now if it breaks with Paramount, if the company fails to acquire successfully…

The problem is really big!

“No, I give them a permission to make their own superhero movies. If the effect is good, then add it to our movie universe.” Ye Li smiled and said, “This matter you and Paramount Good coordination over there.”

When Ye Li said the conditions, Mr. Lu was stunned.

Damn it!

This is an empty glove white wolf, right? !

Do nothing, match a good role, not just use the right to belong to Ye Li!

There is even a 10% share…

You are so awesome!

“Mr. Ye, if they make it well… why do you give it to us?” Mr. Lu asked.

Ye Li smiled and said, “So when you are negotiating, you have to give them a signal that they can borrow our movie universe or even our name to promote it!”

“Huh?!” Lu always was a little confused, “then they use our name to promote, what if it messes up?”

Now, Director Ye Li can be said to be a golden sign.

It’s not good if it stinks.

“So, this promotion condition is that Director Ye Li authorizes, or…that’s it, to give the audience an ambiguous answer! It’s just possible to join the movie universe in the future, it’s just possible, not necessarily!”

The road always understands!

I just give you permission. Well done, we can join the movie universe!

If it is not done well, it has nothing to do with us, they messed up themselves!


This is not an empty glove white wolf. What is it? !


Not all.

After all, when they promote, they can use the title of Ye Li, the title of Ye Li’s movie universe!

This name is difficult for daughters to buy!

There will be more fans who will walk into the cinema to watch this movie.

This is awesome!

“Okay, I understand!” Mr. Lu said, “AMC, we have entered the negotiation process.”

“You won’t be found out?” Ye Li asked.

If it is exposed now, it is very likely to have a rift with Paramount.

Of course, Ye Li is not afraid.

Only for future cooperation, there may not be so many preferential terms.

Even if you change to another theater, the result is the same.

“No, we registered a company overseas and talked to the other party in the name of that company.” Mr. Lu is also an old silver coin!

“Okay, everything over there is for you.” Ye Li smiled, if it can be taken, it would be great!

AMC is in a very bad situation now.

The market itself has been continuously compressed. As a result, Paramount now has a movie universe, and the box office has been severely compressed.

There has been a state of large-scale losses.

“However, there may be a premium, and not only our company is talking to them.”

“It doesn’t matter, do your best, it won’t work, we can consider another plan!” Ye Li said.

“What?” Lu was always a little strange.

Aren’t you Xiaobai?

“Acquiring independent theaters and establishing another theater chain. However, this is more troublesome.”

This is Ye Li’s plan for reading an online novel in his last life. It’s feasible…

It’s really hard to say.

“Independent cinema…This seems to work, but the timeline will continue to stretch…”.

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