Chapter 319

“Let’s take an alternative plan first! It’s better to have a mature theater of your own!”


After the two talked, Ye Li continued to shoot.

“We have to be clear this time. First of all, you must have a clear world view!” Ye Li said seriously.

All those present are the leading actors.

Peng Yuyan, Anne Hathaway-, Li Bingbing and others.

“Ours is the movie universe, and there is SHIELD in this universe.” Ye Li drew a SHIELD logo on the picture.

“This S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is not affiliated with a country! It is affiliated with the United Nations organization! We must be clear about this!”

“Isn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. from North America?” Peng Yuyan asked in surprise.

Ye Li laughed.

That’s it, everyone feels so.

Because the story has always happened in North America.

So everyone will naturally think that this is a national organization!

“No! It’s not like that, it belongs to the world, so their range of actions will be all over the world!” Ye Li said, “This time the story is unfolded because of the special nature of S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

“Oh… what do I say! Why am I getting involved with S.H.I.E.L.D.?” Peng Yuyan said strangely.

“What about the Excalibur Bureau?” Li Bingbing asked.

“Excalibur is also an international organization! Although it is established in China, it is actually the same department as S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Ye Li said, “You can also understand the constituent companies.”


“So, what about the Avengers?” Anne Hathaway asked.

“The Avengers are an organization jointly established by Excalibur and S.H.I.E.L.D.. An organization composed of superheroes to protect the earth! But because of its particularity, there is no need to completely unite with Excalibur and S.H.I.E.L.D.

The three were lost in thought.

It looks complicated.

“This will be more clear in the subsequent plot.” Ye Li didn’t go deep into it.

“Okay. Ye, you are always so smart!” Anne Hathaway kissed Ye Li.


Ye Li almost exploded on the spot.

Damn it!

Li Bingbing is here!

Am I going to capsize? !

Do not!

As Aquaman, you must be calm.


Must be calm!

But acting must be up!

He glanced at Li Bingbing awkwardly.

The meaning of passing it to Li Bingbing is that I don’t know.

However, no guilty conscience can be revealed!

If there is any performance of guilty conscience, it means that you will be hammered!

It was a serious look to Anne Hathaway.

This has already laid the foundation.(Read more @

He told Anne Hathaway not to be exposed for the time being.

At the same time, it can also be passed to Li Bingbing, which is just the reason why they are relatively open to foreigners.


Fortunately, neither of the women showed any problems.

Ye Li was also relieved.

It’s not easy to be a Neptune!

If he doesn’t have any acting skills, he might overturn his car at any time!

“The third child!” Peng Yuyan felt that there was a little problem with the atmosphere, and said quickly, “This movie has almost wiped out S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, right?”

Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately it was not Lin Gengxin.

If it were Lin Gengxin’s scam, I don’t know what he would say.

“Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau will be merged into Excalibur Bureau. Of course, it won’t be shown in the movie. This year, I might shoot a TV series. I will solve some of the problems in the series of movies in the TV series! ”

“”Eagle Eye”?” Anne Hathaway knew that she had made a mistake, and said with her tongue out.

“No, “Eagle Eye” will also be filmed, but then I will be a producer, and I don’t have time to direct everything by myself!” Ye Li said.

He needs a lot of director tools!

If you have time, you have to go back to school. If you have the ability and are willing to be a tool person, you have to find some…



Ye Li patted Peng Yuyan on the shoulder.

When everyone left, Ye Li seized Li Bingbing secretly.

Said: “Sister Bingbing, you know…”

Li Bingbing laughed, “I know that Annie is a foreigner, not the same as the education we received.”

Ye Li heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, he definitely couldn’t show it!

“However, I still have to tell you. I was quite surprised just now.”

It was indeed an accident, it almost turned the sky in a tsunami!

“Sister Bingbing, let’s make it public!” Ye Li had a sincere expression in his eyes.

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Are you trying to harm me?” Li Bingbing smiled and cursed, “I am now in my 30s. Wouldn’t it be an old cow eating tender grass with you? If before, everyone said I raised a little white face, now I will definitely say that I am climbing high. …”

You must not laugh at this time, “But, I wronged you…”

“Don’t be wronged, as long as you have me in your heart.” Li Bingbing said in a low voice.

Ye Li quickly hugged Li Bingbing and said, “Sister Bingbing is always the first in my heart!”

What else Li Bingbing wanted to say, Ye Li kissed it.

After a while, Li Bingbing pushed Ye Li and said, “Everyone is still waiting!”

“Okay! Let’s go out.”

“Pay attention.” Li Bingbing took out a tissue and wiped Ye Li’s mouth, with a little lipstick on it.

……… ……. 0

This is a mature woman!

I’ve thought of everything for you!

Will take care of people!

They were all in the tent now, and they went out and found that Anne Hathaway was still not far away.

Seeing Ye Li coming out, he hurriedly greeted him.


Ye Li panicked when he saw her!


Must be calm!

He’s meowing, it’s up to now to see if the ship will capsize!

“Annie, I know you are sorry, but I forgive you.” Ye Li said first.

Before Li Bingbing didn’t notice the direction, he winked vigorously.

Anne Hathaway was stunned immediately.

It turned out to be because someone was there!

“Ye Dao.” She said, “I have something to tell you.”

Don’t be alone at this time.

Otherwise it is very suspicious!

Sure enough, Li Bingbing looked over, Ye Li smiled and nodded to her, “Okay, just tell me.”

Li Bingbing just walked aside.

Ye Li said with a serious expression, “Annie, we can’t do this now, for your future and influence. Next, I have a big plan, and now I must not make any mistakes!”

“I see…” Anne Hathaway originally asked them what they had just said.

Now that I heard it, I felt a little guilty.

“It’s fine if you know, you are still young, don’t worry.” Ye Li patted her shoulder and said.


Aquaman, how can you do without acting? ! Ding.

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