Chapter 322

“How…” Mr. Lu was actually a little dissatisfied!

Ye Li now has a global market, even if it was only the first game, it only had 170 million box office!

This is unimaginable difference!

So many people all over the world…

“This time, it was only released in China! It hasn’t been released in overseas markets yet!”

The man couldn’t help saying.

“Overseas market…” Mr. Lu slapped his head!

I haven’t officially talked about AMC yet!

It was originally planned to be released on AMC!


I almost forgot!

The first box office was over 170 million!

This means that there are millions of people watching the movie!

Big explosion!

The first game is a big explosion!

It’s only the first game now, and there is at least one month left!

Box office, stable!

Do not……

Still can’t worry.

The next step is to watch the first word of mouth.

Although I have seen the samples and know that the quality will not be too bad, but…

Everyone has a moment of missteps!

“Pay close attention to…” Mr. Lu glanced at the time, “After get off work, go home! Everyone will go home, taxis are reimbursed by invoices, girls pay attention to the summary news!”

“Also, count me at noon tomorrow!”

It’s twelve o’clock!

When the new film went online, Lu was always a little nervous, and pulled everyone into a shift.

“it is good!”

“Thank you Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu is mighty!”

Mr. Lu is most concerned about his reputation after the first screening.

It can be said that after the first screening, if the word-of-mouth is overwhelming, then even if the film’s first box office is poor, it may bottom out!

But suppose Koubei encounters Waterloo, then I am very sorry, this movie will be…

Early the next morning, Mr. Lu just opened his eyes and turned on his phone to watch the movie review of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”!

He is worried!

I have to worry, after all, after winning the AMC cinema circuit in the future, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” will be used to fight a tough battle!

Whether a movie is good or not, the audience still has the final say!

Chengguo Pictures has never considered things like accusations and reviews in its films.

After all, it doesn’t make sense!

First, he opened Douban!

Here is the most intuitive, you can see the score…

Douban score…

Damn it!

Mr. Lu just sat up!

Douban score——! ?(Read more @

Damn it!

what is this? !

Oh my god!

When he sat up, he took the quilt, and the woman sleeping next to him screamed, and quickly pulled the quilt over.

I have forgotten all the poems I usually say!

Lu always looked at the phone blankly.

“Mr. Lu, you promised my role…”…” The beauty touched Mr. Lu lightly.

Mr. Lu ignored her.


Isn’t this small role of three or four lines simple? !

Just find a crew and arrange it.

Didn’t you just fall in love with your identity as the CEO of Orange Fruit Pictures?

If it weren’t for this identity, would she take care of herself, a middle-aged man with a big belly?

“Mr. Lu…”

The beauty like a water snake posted up.

Mr. Lu is as holy as the Buddha at this time!

A small heart is all on “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”.

“Don’t move!” Mr. Lu said with a serious expression.

The beauty immediately stopped moving.

Can’t afford it!

This is the boss!

The real boss!

Mr. Lu’s eyes almost fell into the phone.

“President Lu, can the phone look better than me?” The beauty quit.

If I can’t take down this old man, wouldn’t I be at a disadvantage? !

She leaned forward.

“Mr. Lu, what did they do to you?! The Douban score broke 9?!” Beautiful women shouted!

She is also in the industry, and she is naturally very clear about the concept of Douban score breaking 9!

This means that this film can be ranked first in film history!

And it’s the kind that ranks extremely high!

Maybe the first 50 can compete!

This shows how significant the Douban score of 9 is!

“Nine is broken!” Lu always seemed to be in a demon, and finally came back to his senses.

“Lu, President Lu, is this Ye Dao’s new movie?” The beauty’s eyes were sharp!

If you can enter this crew…

That’s really amazing!

“Director Ye wrote the screenplay!” Mr. Lu got up in a hurry, preparing to get dressed.

Douban’s premiere breaks nine!

I have something to do next!

And to win AMC as soon as possible!

Nothing can happen!

If AMC sits on the floor and starts the price…

It is not impossible!

Although I don’t manage well by myself, it will definitely make a profit if I leave it to you. Why don’t I want a higher price!

There is also Paramount, they will receive news sooner or later, since the China market is so good, why not go online earlier?

It’s all accidents.

The beauty couldn’t care about it at this time. Seeing Mr. Lu’s phone thrown on the bed, she quickly took it to look at it.

There are already many film reviews on Douban.

Although only the first screening!

But the number of movie viewers has reached more than a million times!

“`. This is really a magical movie that brings us into a magnificent magical world!”

“This is an imaginative production. The bustling wizarding streets, the gorgeous magic academy, and the dark and hazy forbidden forest are impressive!”

“A whole new world has been opened, novel and unimaginable, we are all Muggles! The Audio-Technica combination is very cute!”

“I look forward to one day when an owl will send me an admission notice!”

“Believe it or not, I also have an owl!”

“Opened the door to the magic world!”

“This turned out to be written by Ye Shen! If the superhero movie has brought us shock, then this movie has brought us novelty and warmth (Nuo Zhao’s) at the same time!”

“Confess little Hermione! It’s so beautiful!”

“Must-see series, highly recommended!”

“I look forward to such a magical world, and the shots flying all over the sky riding a broom are so handsome!”

“Yeshen’s movie is shocking and cool, but let me block my son out of the cinema! But this is a movie that can be shared with my son!”

“A magical story! A magical world!”

“Is there such an unknown world hidden in our world?!”

“Yeshen, I am curious, why not China?”

“That is, why doesn’t it exist in China?!”

“God! It’s amazing!”

“A warm world!”

“Five-star praise! No pee!”

“I’m willing to take my son to see it again, no, twice!”

“Like! I really don’t know how Ye Shen’s head grew! It’s so handsome!”.

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