Chapter 323

Lu always hurried to the company in a hurry.

I didn’t even care about the lipstick on my neck.

Now is the crucial time!

“Call the person in charge in North America immediately to speed up and take AMC!”

He is a little worried now.

If it is won, then wait for the opening, and then “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is officially released and start to seize the market!

Next, there are works by “Thor 2”, “Seven Stars of Lu Palace”, Zhang Yimou and Guo Fan!

And Ye Li’s “Captain China 2”!

Then buy the copyrights of some old films and screen them for now.

Domestic movies…

Still not enough!

He has a headache.

I was worried that the company’s seven films were too many, but now they are not enough!

“Iron Man 2” has long known that it shouldn’t be released worldwide!

Damn it!

One movie was released for a month, and only seven movies!

He immediately called Ye Li, “Ye Dao.”

Ye Li is still sleeping, there is no Anne Hathaway.

After the tenderness is over, I must come back.

There are excuses for encountering at night. If you are seen in the morning, there is really no room for change!

Aquaman, just want to be transparent about everything.

Don’t leave yourself a flaw!

If you leave any flaws, you must find a way to close it.

“What’s the matter?” Ye Li asked.

“”Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” exploded, word of mouth broke 9!” Mr. Lu said anxiously.

“Well… this is it?” Ye Li sighed and asked, “Nothing else, I will continue to sleep.”

“No!” Mr. Lu also knew that Ye Li’s ability to shock the box office was not particularly strong.

It can also be said that he doesn’t particularly care about this box office.

“That’s the case. If we win the AMC theater line, we will produce 7 movies this year, even if it is one month, we will not be enough…” Mr. Lu said.

“Um… Then two months?” Ye Li said with a smile.

“No, this exposes the problem of our lack of film sources. If we do this, we may end up being dragged to death!” Mr. Lu said.

Ye Li frowned.

“Then speed up the shooting!”

He sighed, “Also, in addition, I need some experienced directors in China, let them shoot, and send the film source to me every day! Let me see…”

Lu always feels a little embarrassed: “Is this okay? In this case, your workload will be greatly increased! And there are scripts…”

“Don’t worry about the script, I have it here. Big deal, sleep less!”

“This… okay! Dao Ye, pay attention to your body!” Mr. Lu really has no choice.

If the theater chain is acquired, even if its original film source is sufficient, it is not enough!

Because it is impossible to have a cinema chain, so many film sources will be prepared!

“What kind of director do you need?”(Read more @

Since it’s an entrepreneurship, it doesn’t matter if you are a little bit tired.

“You find it first, and you are willing to agree to my terms! Moreover, a large number of crew members are needed…” Ye Li was a little tired.

“Understand, if it doesn’t work, just go to school…”

Speaking of this, Ye Li had a flash of inspiration, right!

Isn’t school your best resource? !

Yu Zheng was found in his school!

Peng Yuyan and Hu Ge also come from their own school!

So is Fei Zhenxiang!

These are my own…

“Okay, I get it!”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Li didn’t go to bed anymore.

Hey, hey!

Now the problem is big!

I don’t have enough time at all.

Early the next morning.

The crew began to gather, but Ye Li was not seen.

“Ye Dao is usually the first to arrive by himself!”

“Yeah, what’s going on today? It hasn’t arrived yet?”

“Do you want to start shooting early?”

“Isn’t it tired?”

At this time, Deputy Director Liu Kai came over and said, “Well, the company has a new plan next, and I will direct it for the time being!”

Everyone is a little confused.

Even Liu Kai did.

Early this morning, Ye Li knocked on his door.

“Lao Liu, we have made so many movies together, are you interested in directing one yourself?”

Liu Kai, who didn’t even brush his teeth, was stunned on the spot, “Ye Dao, am I doing a bad job?”

Ye Li laughed, shook his head and said, “It’s not that you did a bad job, but that we need to speed up the shooting process and need more movies!”

“This, I…” Liu Kai had no confidence.

“Don’t worry, after you take the shot, I will help you with the palm of your hand! You used to take the group with you before, what are you worried about now?!”

After hearing Ye Li’s words, Liu Kai nodded seriously, “Okay, I will try!”

“The remaining plot of “Captain China 2″ is running out. You can shoot it, and I will give you a hand every day. You go first and I will come in a while!”

Liu Kai then nodded blankly.

Therefore, he arrived a little later than the others.


Do you want to direct the entire crew? !

He meows!

Is this crazy? !

“Director Ye!” Sure enough, Ye Li came with the computer shortly after the shooting started.

He also needs to organize the script.

Now that the next project is rolled out, the movies you preset can be put on the agenda in advance!

“Go on!” Ye Li nodded and sat beside Liu Kai.

On this day, without moving anything, Ye Li held the computer and wrote the script for a whole day!

No matter what happened halfway, he didn’t care.

This is his support to Liu Kai.

In the evening, Ye Li was still finishing the script.

Too many scripts are needed now!

“Lao Liu, I did a good job today! There are no problems at all.” Ye Li said during dinner, “Let’s go to see the porn with me later, and let’s discuss it together.”


After getting the affirmation, Liu Kai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid of something wrong.

The two discussed the content of today’s shooting.

Liu Kai: “I think here, Captain China should be struggling in his heart, and all his actions shouldn’t be like this!”

“Struggle should be expressed through eyes, we can give a close-up.”

“I think the performance is more intuitive through the action, and the audience can understand it at a glance! With a little bit of eyes, I think this performance is the best!”

“It makes sense for you to say that.”

Ye Li doesn’t stop people from changing their scripts, but as long as they speak clearly and clearly,

You can convince me, everything is easy to say.

After that, Ye Li was fully fired!

[Today’s update may be in chapters four to five, there is something at home. 7 more will be restored afterwards! 】.

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