Chapter 324

Ye Li’s firepower was on at the same time.

Domestically, the box office of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is also full of firepower!

Because of the burst of word-of-mouth in the first game, countless people are swarming in!

More and more people enter the cinema to watch this movie.

Word of mouth has also remained stable!

Floating up and down 9 points.

“Cowhide! My son asked me, are we Muggles? /Funny! /Funny!”

“It’s awesome, I feel like it has opened up a new world! Ye Shen’s work is simply amazing!”

“You can see clearly, this is Ye Li’s movie!? A joke, don’t think that Ye Li can make such a wonderful movie if he can make a few movies!”

“This is obviously a foreigner’s guide-is it good or not!”

“Laughing to death, Ye Li has been blown to the sky!”

“Look clearly that this is a movie from Orange Fruit Pictures, and Ye Shen is the screenwriter!”

“What’s wrong with his screenwriter? Is his screenwriter his work?!”

“No way! No way! Is there anyone who doesn’t know Ye Shen’s rules?”

“Yes, there are still people who don’t know Ye Shen’s rules. This is too funny!”

“Wait for a face slap!”

“At the beginning, I was amazed. Whether it’s the light-off device in Dumbledore’s hand or Professor McGonagall’s ability to transform, it’s amazing!”

“There is also Hagrid’s motorcycle, which fell from the sky with little Harry, which makes people feel familiar, but full of magic!”

“Little Harry is really pitiful, living in the stairwell, the aunt’s family of three is really too Damn it!”

“Why didn’t Dumbledore take him with him?!”

“Didn’t you say it? This is his best living environment!”

“The following owls just laughed at me!”

“Fresh and refreshed!”

“This is Ye Shen’s screenwriting ability!”

“Yes, Ye Shen is simply awesome!”

“I love Ye Shen too much. When Hagrid showed up with a birthday present for him, he was so crying!”

“In addition to making Harry feel warm, I also feel very warm!”

“Yeah, it’s awesome!”

“After that, Diagon Alley, and the Wizard Bank-Gringotts, are really great!”

“Full of magic!”

“After that, almost every minute is full of surprises, whether it’s the train station, the nine and three-quarters platform, directly across!”

“Wow! It’s obviously a mysterious world, but it’s full of connections with the real world!”

“It feels like in this world, people feel that this is a real world at any time.”

“The section on the train is also full of childishness! It reminds me of the fun of collecting cards when I was a child. At that time, I gathered a hundred and eight heroes from Liangshan!”

“I have ten Song Jiang!”

“I have a hundred Dumbledore, hahaha!”(Read more @

“Hogwarts is full of surprises, every scene has surprises!”

“It will become a tunnel, sorting hat, my favorite is the Quidditch game!”

“It’s awesome! Quidditch matches are like basketball and football in our real world. It’s exciting, although the rules of the game…”

“I always think the rules of the game are weird.”

“Weird? That’s because you are a Muggle!”

“Muggles will never understand the world of magicians!”

“Hell three-headed dog, it’s just hilarious!”

“Haha, Hogwarts full of souls!”

“Anyway, it’s just one word, praise!”

“That wizard chess is also great! If only there is one, it would be great!”

“Haha, too violent, isn’t it? It’s a bit expensive chess!”

“Oh, hahaha!”

“Fei Xiangqi, it’s so funny!”

“Unexpectedly, a poker face Professor Snape would protect Harry!”

“I think he is the deepest hidden villain! He will definitely appear later!”

“The upstairs is really naive. It has been explained in the novel that Professor Snape is a good man! A man who has been in love and has guarded Lily for decades!”

“It’s so crying, Snape is the real man!”

“Professor Quirrell didn’t expect it. He always looked weak and turned out to be a villain!”

“Looking forward to the next one! I don’t know when the next one will start shooting?!”

“Ahhhhh! I am looking forward to it! Ye Shen’s works will bring us surprises anytime!”

“I love “Harry Potter”!”

“I really want a chocolate frog!”

“Patty’s full-flavored beans!”

“Fix Fikastotales!”

“Damn! Upstairs, have you been admitted by Hogwarts?! It’s amazing!”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··


Almost the whole network is discussing, “Harry Potter” is phenomenal!

Because of the popularity of the book, more movie fans have been brought to the audience. After reading it, they found that their favorite world was reproduced, all of them were inexplicably excited!

What else can I do besides likes?

Of course I watched it a few more times!

However, in addition to the book fans of Harry Potter, there are more fans of Ye Li!

These people are full of expectations for Ye Li’s movie universe.

“What’s going on? Why are there no easter eggs?! Nothing at all Ye Li!”

“Ye Dao’s work, there are no easter eggs… there is no soul at all!”

“Yes, not part of the movie universe!”

……… ……. …

“Wait for Ye Shen’s movie universe!”

“A movie is a good movie, but if it’s not a movie universe, it’s meaningless,”

“Look forward to Yeshen’s superhero movie series!”

The two groups of people quarreled inexplicably online.

“What Ye Shen? It’s called a human god, haha!”

“Yes, I don’t feel ashamed at all!”

“Killing me!”

“The superhero movie universe is the most exciting!”

“All of Ye Dao’s works have colored eggs. Those who watch “Harry Potter” are all children!”

“Cut, violent, all violent, “Harry Potter” movies are full of love!”

“Naive ghosts, only naive ghosts like to watch!”

“Haha! Violent madness!”

“Childish ghost…”

The two sides quarreled inexplicably.

There are also neutrals.

“”Harry Potter” is a novel by Ye Shen, and the superhero movie universe is a movie by Ye Shen. Each has its own advantages. Why do we have to be noisy?”

“That’s right! What’s so noisy!”

“They are all works of Ye Shen, maybe Ye Shen will be in the future, Harry Potter will join the movie universe…”

“Damn! I’m really a little excited when I think about it this way! It’s really possible to add a magician to the movie universe!”

“Stop it, let people see the joke!”

“What’s so noisy, what the upstairs said is good, in case it’s all a family…” Ding.

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