Chapter 325

No matter what the two parties quarrel, it makes no sense.

The box office of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is really rising.

The box office came out on the first day, crushing everything!

Box office on the first day of the day.

First place, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, 387 million!

Second place, “Iron Man 2”, 13 million!

Third place…

Not worthy of a name!

The box office of Chengguo Pictures reached 400 million on that day!

Of course, this box office is not the highest among Ye Li’s movies, but it gives more people confidence!

Since Ye Li is not his movie universe, they can all be so hot!

Why can’t other movies work?

And it’s only in ordinary time to get such a high box office.

Many people also have a higher evaluation of Ye Li’s ability.

“Mr. Peng, you have to pay attention to safety later.” Liu Kai spoke to Peng Yuyan seriously. He is not Ye Li, so he dare not break out on the set!

At least for now, his qualifications are still a lot worse.

“Okay, thank you Director Liu!”

“Miss Anne, this action is more dangerous, we will move to the studio to shoot. Today you can rest first!”

“Teacher Bingbing, this is your first meeting and confrontation. You don’t know him, but you are constantly reminded by him, in a state of ignorance. But you can’t be merciful!”

Unlike Ye Li, Liu Kai can control it with one hand, but it’s more like letting everyone help together.

Decentralize yourself a bit.

“Well, all departments are working hard, are you ready?”

“OK, action!”

“Captain China 2” in addition to a richer world view, there are also more popular scenes!

“Director Liu, what about Ye? Why haven’t you seen him in these two days?” Anne Hathaway asked.

Originally, after the crew handed over to Liu Kai, Ye Li would be there every day to support him.

In the past two days, it has not appeared.

Liu Kai said: “Ye Dao went back to China first. There are still several projects in the company that he needs to work on.”

He is not Ye Li, and he dared not look away from the monitor for a moment.

Now is the most critical moment, and I must not make a mistake.

“Ah?! Has he returned to China first?” Anne Hathaway was very sorry.

“Yes, Director Ye has very little time to sleep recently. It is said that the company has a big plan. We don’t know what exactly it is. Director Ye seems to have to make several scripts. The company will shoot multiple movies at the same time…”

Anne Hathaway was disappointed.(Read more @

“If there is no problem with the footage shot today, we will shoot in the domestic studio tomorrow.”

“Captain China 2” has been filming for more than a month, and the overseas shooting has almost finished, and the next step is the studio shooting!

Studio shooting requires a lot of special effects.

When the studio finishes shooting, it’s almost the same.

By this time, Ye Li had already returned to China.

He now has several scripts in his hand, ready to shoot anytime!

These scripts will all become part of the movie universe in the future!

“Director Ye, recently a foreigner came to the company. It is said that he is a director. He has been arguing to see you.”

After receiving Ye Li, Mr. Lu said as he walked.

“Foreigner? Or a director?”

Ye Li felt weird. He didn’t show up much in North America, right?

“Although he is a yellow race, he is indeed a foreigner, um… from the Malay side,” said Mr. Lu.

“What’s it called? What background? What works do you have?” Ye Li asked himself if he didn’t know such a person.

“I am of Chinese descent, studying in Australia, and now he has graduated. He said he has a horror movie in his hand and wants to show it to you.” Mr. Lu laughed. “Not even us!”

“What is your name?”

Ye Li said strangely.

“Mr. Ye! Mr. Ye!”

When Ye Li asked this, suddenly a little man rushed over, his hair was messy, his face was still childish, but he was very excited when he saw Ye Li.

“Mr. Ye, you, you, hello, me, my name is Wen Ziren, I, I especially like you, your movies…”

Wen Ziren saw Ye Li, his eyes were shining, and he rushed to shake hands.

Mr. Lu quickly wanted to protect Ye Li.

Ye Li couldn’t help laughing, this is a pie in the sky!

Wen Ziren is here! ?

And look at him, or his own fan?

That’s easy!

Since it’s here, don’t leave!

“It’s okay, hello, I’m Ye Li0.” Ye Li smiled and stretched out his hand.

Wen Ziren was trembling with excitement, surrounding Ye Li like a little fan.

“Ye Dao, I, I like it, you, your movie!” Wen Ziren stammered a little when he spoke too quickly.

“Really? I heard you have a movie to show me first?” Ye Li asked.

“Yes…no, it’s just my excuse. I really like your “Buried Alive” is really wonderful. I also want to make such a movie, but unfortunately, it hasn’t been made yet!”

Mr. Lu’s face is dark, you lied to me by co-authoring? !

He meows!

No wonder you don’t show it to yourself.

“Do you want to make a movie?” Ye Li looked at each other, somewhat unable to make any sense.

Is this person the great director he knew in his previous life?

Not very familiar!

“Yes! I have written the script, and a friend of mine, two people are ready to shoot, but I want to take the opportunity of the holiday, take a pilgrimage, and then start shooting!” Wen Ziren’s eyes are full of Ye Li Worship!

“Is the script convenient for me to see? What is it called?” Ye Li asked.

Although he looks unfamiliar, Ye Li understands this well-known Chinese director in Hollywood in his previous life.

“The title is “Dark”, but I didn’t bring the script with me!”

Didn’t run away!

Ye Li suddenly laughed.

Wen Ziren’s first work was the horror film “Darkness”. Although it is difficult to find the corresponding resources on the Internet, Ye Li still saw it once.

The plot is old-fashioned, the clown design inside is not scary enough, and not much blood is spilled.

It’s a bad movie!

But it is indeed his debut.

“Ye Dao, get in the car first.” Mr. Lu drove over.

Ye Li also beckoned and let Wen Ziren get in the car. This young man should be his age.

“Can you briefly talk about your movie script?” Ye Li asked.

To be on the safe side, Ye Li still asked.

“Of course!” It seems that being paid attention to by Ye Li is also a very happy thing. Wen Ziren immediately began to tell about his own movie! .

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