Chapter 326

Really hammered!

This guy is Wen Ziren!

The Wen Ziren I know!

Such a bad film, I don’t know what they thought at the beginning.

However, this is their first movie, and it is understandable that it is a bit bad.

“So, are you going to shoot this movie?” Ye Li asked.

Wen Ziren nodded earnestly and excitedly, “Ye, Dao Ye, me, me, you, what do you think?”

Ye Li laughed: “This movie sucks…”

Wen Ziren’s face suddenly changed.

Damn it!

How does it feel to be pierced by one’s own idol?

He meows…

Can’t you say it tactfully?

Anyway, it’s your fan brother too!

“Ye, Dao Ye, feel, don’t you think it’s okay?”

Wen Ziren’s emotions were a little bit dripping.

Lu finally felt that his boss gave him a sigh of relief, and said directly: “I’ll just say it! What’s the future of you as a young man?! With this kind of script, our company has gone too much!”

Wen Ziren was disappointed and nodded, “Okay. Then I will learn more.”

Ye Li laughed, “The whole story, 01 plot is very old-fashioned, it is difficult to shoot new ideas, relying on a clown to support the plot… I know, to the West, clowns are like our ghosts.”

Ye Li talked freely, Wen Ziren’s eyes gradually glowed.


Listening to your words is better than reading ten years!

Daigo empowerment!

This feeling!


If I can learn from him…

Wen Ziren suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Then, it can no longer be pressed.


Although I have just transferred to the director major, it does not prevent me from studying with Ye Shen!

Even the teacher is envious, right? !

“Boy, you are lucky!” Mr. Lu said.

He couldn’t even think that Ye Li would let him get in the car and give him guidance?

“Ye Dao, I, I, I, I, I…” Wen Ziren’s eyes showed longing, and he didn’t know how to speak for a while.

Ye Li nodded, looked at him and said, “Why don’t you stay with me for a while?”


Who can’t use it! ?

I’m a sea king, even if I don’t net fish, can I still get a kid?

At this time, it must be mentioned in advance.

Maybe some people think that they need to be forced, Cheng Men Lixue and so on.

If you take the initiative, it must have lowered your compulsion…

Of course, it’s not all wrong.

However, Wen Ziren is what Ye Li knows and will definitely be hot!

A director who will be awesome!(Read more @

What is charcoal in the snow?

What is the grace of knowing and encountering?

Perhaps many years later, after he became a famous Hollywood director, he would say in his memoirs:

My teacher is Ye Shen, the god of directors.

Back then, I took my carefully prepared script to find a teacher, just for the purpose of pilgrimage. But he personally gave me pointers, and he also took the initiative to let me learn by his side!

If there is no teacher, there may be no where I am today! Everything about me was learned from the teacher, and the teacher spared no effort to teach me…

Without a teacher, there would be no me today!

Take a look!

How great!

If he has worked so hard, he won’t be able to get started.

That’s hard to say.

So, at this time, how could Ye Li give up easily.

“Really, really, really?!”

Wen Ziren’s eyes widened, his face was full of shock, and he was ecstatic!

“Really, really?! Ye, Ye, Mr. Ye, no, teacher!” Wen Ziren changed his words immediately.

Ye Li laughed, “Don’t call me a teacher, I haven’t graduated yet by myself!”

Mr. Lu was shocked that Ye Li was about to accept him? !

Is it very talented? !

Why can’t I see it?

“No! One day as a teacher, life as a father!” Wen Ziren first studied the Chinese nationality major.

Then he changed to the director department.

“It’s up to you.”

Ye Li was overjoyed.

He meows!

Will the future famous Hollywood director be a student for himself? !


Moreover, he can try his own chip!


Let him direct, watch and give pointers on the side, and can do something else by the way…

This can improve efficiency!

If he shoots one or two movies like this, he can do it himself!

Damn it!


Ye Li’s eyes lit up. Of course, he might need to bring a half movie first.

in this way.

Now I am the time when I lack the most director!

“Ziren, I have a script here. Please take a look and familiarize it. Let’s go to make this movie next.” Ye Li casually threw a script over.

“Spider-Man!? Wow! This sounds like a superhero!” Wen Ziren got excited when he saw it.

I will be able to shoot movies soon!

“Well, let’s shoot this first.” Ye Li sighed, and there are still many movies to be made.

There are TV series to be added.

TV dramas cannot be handed over to Yu Zheng. It is very good for him to make ethical films!

Have to think of a way!

all will be good!

Now, TV series are not the most anxious, the most anxious is the movie!

AMC Cinemas, I don’t know when it will be won.

As long as you take it down, you will need a lot of movies to fill it up!

“By the way, Ziren, I will help you change the script. Didn’t you say that there is still a friend? Does he have time to shoot it?”

“Of course!” Wen Ziren nodded repeatedly.

“However, the screening rights of this movie have to be sold to us!”

“of course!”

In this way, there is one more movie!

“Ye Dao, this is fine too?” Mr. Lu was speechless.

Ye Dao’s movements are too fast, right?

This was just after getting off the plane, and as a result, there was one more movie and one more director!

He now thinks about it.

Ye Li must have seen Wen Ziren’s potential, so he is ready to train him.

Then let them make a movie…

This will kill two birds with one stone!

Really witty!

As expected of Ye Dao!

“Yes, even if the quality is not particularly high, it can be arranged. If it is all high-quality goods, then it will be meaningless for us to compete with ourselves. Instead, we will suffer.”

“Moreover, everyone has different tastes for watching movies. Maybe someone likes such horror movies! So, we need more types!”

“Understood!” Lu always nodded.

Soon the three arrived at the company.

Ye Li sent Wen Ziren to read the script, and always started discussing the next work on his own.

There are many things…

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