Chapter 329

“Have you divided it up?” Ye Li asked.

“It’s done!” Xing Dongdong said first, “I will learn a little more with Hongchou, Zhihui and Yuzhe are two people in a team!”

Ye Li nodded, “The director is enough, let the company hire the manpower you need!”


One crew is split into two crews, ~manpower is definitely not enough.

At that time it must be-more people are needed.

“Senior, are you back?” After Ye Li arranged everything, he happened to see Zheng Shuang walking into the door.

I haven’t seen each other for a long time this year.

Seeing Ye Li, her eyes were full of light.

“Well, have you worked hard recently?” Ye Li asked softly.

The others slid quickly.

It’s not Lin Gengxin’s second class, what are you still keeping now?

“No hard work!” Zheng Shuang’s heart warmed, “You said you came back today, but I didn’t expect to be here so soon.”

Ye Li smiled and nodded, “I miss you!”

Don’t say it was on the way!

Even if this lie is really not so easy to believe.

I must also say that it is because of you!

Because this sentence is full of magic!

Who is who knows!

“Didn’t you have any arrangements? You didn’t tell me in advance! I, I didn’t have a good makeup.” Zheng Shuang was very happy.

She obviously knew that Ye Li didn’t necessarily come back because of herself.

But he at least thought of himself.

Aquaman, you must have the ability to open your mouth!

Your mouth is not sweet enough, sorry, the difficulty of your being a Sea King has risen sharply!

“You are beautiful like this!” Ye Li patted her head gently.

Zheng Shuang’s expression suddenly became very happy.

For such a little girl, this is enough happiness, right?

“Has the movie been made?” Zheng Shuang asked concerned, “Are you on a hurry again?”

Ye Li shook his head: “I asked Liu Kai to take another shot. I have something to do when I come back. The most important thing is.” He smiled and looked at Zheng Shuang, “I want to see you!”

Zheng Shuang’s face blushed.

“Did something happen to the company?”

“What can the company do?”

The two of them stayed in the office for a while. After a while, someone came.

“Ye Dao, I heard you are back?!”

Start talking as soon as you enter the door.

Who is so wink!

Come this time? !

Don’t want to mix…

“Principal, why are you here?” Ye Li stood up.

Zheng Shuang also quickly stood up.(Read more @

Fortunately, the office is on the first floor and has relatively large glass windows.

The two can’t do something,

Otherwise it will be broken…

That would be really embarrassing!

Liu Yuanliang saw the two of them, and he didn’t doubt that he was there, and asked, “Why, are you talking about a play?”

Ye Li was speechless, and said, “Principal, we can chat casually among our classmates.”

“Oh oh! Student Zheng Shuang, this year’s momentum is very hot, so please work hard!” Of course Liu Yuanliang also knows Zheng Shuang.

He knows all the sweet pastries in school now.

“Yes, thank you principal.” Zheng Shuang nodded.

“Principal, what are you looking for?” Ye Li asked.

The principal rushed over, there must be something important.

“It’s nothing big!” Liu Yuanliang was still hypocritical, waving his hand and said, “It’s not a big deal.”

Ye Li didn’t speak, but just looked at the principal.

Is this guy okay?

“Hehe.” Liu Yuanliang smiled, a little embarrassed.

So I won’t answer this!

Whatever you say, as long as the principal speaks up, I will go through fire and water, or something like that!

“Look, are there any crews available? They are all juniors and younger sisters. You can also help them!” Liu Yuanliang said, “The industry is not mixed right now, but what school are we?”

“It’s Magic Film Academy! It’s the alma mater of your international famous director Ye Li. You can’t let everyone mix up badly, right?”

Got it!

It turned out to be this!

It just so happens that my company is short of people right now!

Of course, there is no shortage of actors now. In his name, as long as he opens his mouth, he can basically come.

Those artists, even if they push down other columns, they will come!

“I’m not sure about the acting department. Students from the director department and the photography department can come here to see the opportunities, or those who are willing to start from the scene in the crew.” Ye Li rubbed his eyebrows.

A little tired.

I really have been spinning recently, and I don’t have much time to sleep at all.

“We now need a lot of talents in the director department, and we want to open many plays.”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

Liu Yuanliang’s eyes brightened, “Ye Dao, your company has a big move? There are so many handsome men and beautiful girls in our school, you are looking at the arrangements!”

Ye Li almost laughed, “Principal, you are in this business yourself, should you be clear?”

Liu Yuanliang chuckled, “That’s right, we still need quality assurance, but, Dao Ye, you must take time to celebrate next year! And this year’s New Year’s Day, go and say something to the younger students?”

“Look at the time, I’m very busy lately.” Ye Li said, “Next, our company has several movies to start shooting. There are still many movies to be released.”

“Okay, then I won’t delay you telling Zheng Shuang the drama, you guys play!” Liu Yuanliang smiled.

“What are you talking about?” Zheng Shuang looked ignorant.

……… ……. …….

“It’s nothing!”

This old guy has all these messy things in his mind.

Liu Yuanliang was very happy.

This time, a worthwhile trip!

Now that Ye Li has spoken, when the time comes for the director department of the school, the internship opportunity will come!


I’m so smart!

“Did you just come back today? Shall we go to dinner?” Zheng Shuang could see that Ye Li was a little tired.

“Okay, let’s go to my teacher’s house, I’ve already told him!” Ye Li said.

Zheng Shuang blushed when he heard it.

She knows that Ye Li is an orphan and that Teacher Wang has been taking care of him at school.

this is……

What do you mean by seeing the parents?

“Me, me, what gift should I buy?” Zheng Shuang was a little cramped.

“I bought it, and just go together.”

The two drove to the faculty accommodation area.

“Take it.” After getting out of the car, Ye Li took a handful of tea and a silk scarf gift box.

“The leaves are coming! Come in!”

Hearing the sound of the car, Chen Xiu opened the door and immediately greeted Ye Li.

“Okay, Master!” Ye Li gave Zheng Shuang a hand, “Let’s go!”

Zheng Shuang’s entire face was red, but he was smiling again.

So happy……

“This is Xiao Zheng?” Chen Xiu saw Zheng Shuang and laughed, “Yes! Not bad! Come in and sit! Your teacher is calling!”

As soon as he walked in, Chen Xiu called Wang Wenyue, “Lao Wang, the leaves are here!” Ding.

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