Chapter 330

After a while, Wang Wenyue came down from the upstairs after the phone call, and immediately laughed when he saw Ye Li and Zheng Shuang sitting on the sofa.

“Back?” Wang Wenyue looked at his proud disciple.

Ye Li quickly stood up, and Zheng Shuang also quickly stood up.

“came back!”

“Hello Teacher Wang!”

Wang Wenyue first said to Zheng Shuang, “Don’t be cautious, this is Ye Zi’s home, you don’t have to be nervous.”

Zheng Shuang nodded quickly.

Ye Li smiled happily, like a child, “Teacher, I’m in good spirits these days.”

“Can it be okay? Your teacher is now the most proud of the entire yard. If you have anything to do, he will brag everywhere. Your apprentice is an international director!”

Chen Xiu walked over with a fruit plate, “Xiao Zheng, eat it!”

Zheng Shuang quickly stood up and took it.

Wang Wenyue seemed to blush, but he was worthy of being an old river and lake. He quickly calmed down and said, “What is bragging? Is my disciple an international director? Xiao Zheng, don’t you think?”

Zheng Shuang blushed and was not ashamed to say.

Ye Li said with a smile, “Mother, I’m a big size now. If I don’t talk about anything else in Hollywood, I just say I want to make a new film, I want a person, and all kinds of people are there!”

Chen Xiu also laughed.

“Have you been making a big move recently?” Wang Wenyue asked after a random chatter.

Ye Li nodded, there is nothing to hide, “Teacher, do you know?”

“Chengguo Pictures is so big now, what happened, can I not know?” Wang Wen smiled happily.

“It’s the teacher who has a wide network!” Ye Li nodded repeatedly.

Although he was born under Wang Wenyue’s sect, and Wang Wenyue treated himself like his own son.

However, he never asked for help from Wang Wenyue’s contacts.

This is also why Wang Wen likes Ye Li more and more.

Even if it’s his own disciple, how can he never ask himself to help him?

Relying entirely on his own talents, step by step to the present point!

This is his true closed disciple.

There were also some disciples in the past. They started because of their relationship and their connections.

Some people are ahead of others, and some are ignorant of everyone.

The more Wang Wen doesn’t care, it doesn’t matter.

“This thing you did.” Wang Wenyue was silent for a moment, and glanced at Zheng Shuang.

Chen Xiu was about to stand up, pulling Zheng Shuang out, and Ye Li laughed, “Teacher, it’s okay, there are no outsiders here!”(Read more @

The more Wang Wen laughed, “That’s OK, I’ll just talk about it. What you are doing now is difficult! Whether it’s the foundation or the theater, it’s not easy.”

Ye Li was surprised, “Do you also know the cinema chain?”

Wang Wenyue reached out and clicked on him, and said, “Why can’t I know? Chengguo Pictures has moved so hard recently. I really think no one knows? Who among your competitors do you know?”

Ye Li was stunned, he really didn’t know!

Mr. Lu is responsible for this matter, and he doesn’t care.

“Let’s talk about the foundation first.” The more serious Wang Wen got up, he took a sip of tea, “What do you think of the foundation now?”

Ye Li thought for a while, “The mud and sand are all down, just look at the money!”

The more Wang Wen laughed, “It seems that you are not too stupid! These people only value profit. In order to make more money, they will try to pull you back. Of course, it is not impossible to push you!”

Ye Li got it.

This is the situation now.

They can find Zhang Yimou for the money.

You can also stop yourself from many directors for money!

“Is there such a problem now?” The more Wang Wen saw at a glance, Ye Li was indeed experiencing difficulties.

“Well, the foundation has attracted a lot of directors, and no one is available for me now,” Ye Li said.

“Is it for the theater chain?” Wang Wenyue saw through.

Ye Li nodded.

“Do you think you have brought all the big names in the film and television industry to the foundation?”

Ye Li was taken aback, “Isn’t there?”

There’s none?

I’m not too sure either.

“It’s early! All you see are big companies, but some small companies and some studios really dominate the big dragon!” Wang Wen laughed more and more, “These people have grown-up contacts in their hands.”

“Simply tell you, have you heard of Beijing Circle?”

Ye Li froze for a moment.

Really heard of it.

“Then have you heard of Magic Circle?”

Ye Li has never heard of this.

“These people in your current foundation are all the people behind the magic circle. The front desk is the celebrity. They are behind the scenes. One characteristic of the magic circle is to look at the money!”

“They can get Zhang Yi from the northwest circle to film for you for money. But for money, they can also do other things!”

Ye Li frowned.

“Now it seems that the Foundation is covering the sky with one hand, but you see, they stuck you, is it disgusting? Why? The benefits they see are not enough! In other words, you are not giving enough!”

Ye Li nodded helplessly, and suddenly realized, “The teacher meant that I should share more movies and TV shows out?”

“This is also a good way. But then you will be their tool man in the future and make money for them… They will do everything possible to push you forward and help them make money. You are their donkey!”

“Then, shall I go near the Beijing circle?”

Wang Wenyu laughed and said: “Do you think that Beijing circle is just entering? This is a very exclusive circle. It is difficult for you to get in! But when you get in, they will spare no effort to help you!”

“Do you know Guan Xiaotong? She is a small member of the Beijing circle, she has multiple weights, not necessarily, but don’t underestimate it.”

Ye Li knows.

Guan Xiaotong’s resources are good enough to explode!

“She was born with that, she has a halo when she was born! Do you want to enter?”

Ye Li couldn’t figure it out for the time being, and didn’t know whether to enter or not.

If you want to enter, you should be able to rely on your own ability.

Chen Xiu laughed on the side. “Don’t listen to your teacher’s bluffing, he is from Beijing, if you want to enter, save him a word thing!”

Ye Li and Zheng Shuang were both startled and looked at Wang Wenyue.

Wang Wenyue shook his head helplessly, “This is not a secret, the older generation knows it, but don’t worry.”

Ye Li pressed the curiosity in his heart.

Is my teacher a big boss? !

Hidden level? !

I’m really curious in my heart!

Such an ordinary teacher has a hidden identity! .

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