Chapter 333

“Captain China 2” is here when it ends.

“Iron Man 2” has also officially been drawn!

The domestic box office was finally fixed at 3.567 billion!

This box office is not as high as “Iron Man”.

However, the cost has been fully recovered, and even a lot of money has been earned!

The most important thing is that it is not a good schedule in itself.

Ye Li is already satisfied.

You can’t make several movies a year by yourself. Everyone is willing to pay to watch them over and over again, right?

This is impossible!

What’s more, I am destined to make many movies this year, which is simply squeezing the movie market.

Therefore, to recover the cost is to make money!

The real money is overseas, peripherals and so on.

At the same time, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” still got the key extension.


Strong box office momentum!

Even if Ye Li doesn’t need the secret key, the theater won’t do it!

When we are making money and we are happy!

What is it that you suddenly quit?

So it is logical that the secret key is postponed!

Seeing this result, the whole network became lively again.

“Damn, “Iron Man 2″ is so little box office?!”

“Only more than three billion?! This is his…”

“Is it impossible?! The first part of 977 is close to eight billion!”

“The Ye God in your mouth has finally encountered Waterloo!”

“Haha, every day, I always call Ye Shen, Ye Shen! Haha!”

“Laughing at me, and Ye Shen, do you know now? Cut it in the middle!”

“A little achievement is great, the tail is up to the sky, laughing to death!”

“Iron Man 2 is like this!”

“Open your mouth and spray feces, nmsl!”

“I don’t know anything, this is only the domestic box office! It hasn’t been counted in the overseas box office yet!”

“There is a pit in my brain!”

“In other words, the overseas box office should have already come out, right?”

“Yes, it should have already come out, wait for the announcement from Orange Fruit Pictures!”

“I look forward to it! I look forward to Ye Shen’s success!”

“Yeshen Saigao!”

Sure enough, Chengguo Pictures did not keep fans waiting for a long time, and soon released the data.

Overseas box office: 720 million dollars!

Domestic box office: 3.567 billion!

The global box office totaled 1.229 billion US dollars!

It can even be rounded to 1.23 billion dollars!

A total of RMB 8.61 billion!

At this moment, the whole network was silent for a while.(Read more @

The fans all had an orgasm one by one.

“Look! What is strength?!”

“This is his strength!”

“Although the domestic box office has dropped, overseas still have such a high box office!”

“Is there a director in China that can do it?! Just kidding!”

“@吴晶, hurry up and work, if you don’t work, you will never catch up with Ye Shen!”

“Wu Jing: I am preparing the script…”

“Wu Jing: My script is ready…”

“Wu Jing: What?! Ye Shen’s total box office broke hundreds of billions?!”

“Hahaha! You guys are so good at playing, you laugh me to death!”

“Too vivid, are you making a video?”


“Yeshen’s global influence is already invincible!”

“Awesome, it’s so awesome!”

“Yeshen is always so low-key, his Weibo is about to grow hair! Only the team is posting these unnutritious things!”

“That’s right! The enthusiasm of Min Guo’s thinking is gone at all!”

“Give it back to Dao Ye!”

On the Internet, movie fans are laughing and joking.

Chengguo Pictures is also extremely excited today.

“Dao Ye, congratulations!”

“Ye Dao, box office Changhong!”

When Ye Li came to the company, everyone stood up and applauded.

“Everyone’s salary doubled this month!” Ye Li was also in a good mood.

However, as an overtime dog in a previous life, he deeply realized that in order for a horse to run, a horse must have enough food.

“Thank you, Director Ye!”

“Ye Dao is awesome!”

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Ye Li walked into Mr. Lu’s office.

“Dao Ye, congratulations!” Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows with joy.

“Old Road, what good news can you tell me?” Ye Li sat down by himself and asked.

“Isn’t the global box office of “Iron Man 2″ happy enough?” Mr. Lu smiled, “Overseas accounts have also entered the market a few days ago, and it will take a while for domestic accounts to be distributed.”

Ye Li nodded, “Overseas account share is US$100 million, our investment accounted for only US$180 million in income…”

Lu always nodded, “Why don’t we make some movies ourselves?”

“I’m just talking about this. The foundation will let it go for a while. One movie a year will be great!” Ye Li’s eyes flashed coldly, “They thought it would be enough if we got stuck? Huh!”

That day, after Wang Wen woke up Ye Li, he also wanted to understand.

Since you want to form your own circle, you can’t rely too much on other people’s circles.

If the national box office is squeezed by oneself.

Do they dare to admit defeat? !

“I understand.” Mr. Lu nodded.

If AMC is won, then the voice of Orange Fruit Pictures will be greatly enhanced.

Even, it will become the domestic leader!

As for the Beijing circle, the magic capital circle and so on, they are all trivial!

“Thor 2 is about to be released, Paramount’s Anderson called us to urge us.” Ye Li rubbed his eyebrows. Anderson, knowing that he is in charge, is now calling and harassing himself directly!

He meows!

“Dao Ye, what did you say?” Mr. Lu asked curiously.

Anderson, what do you say?

Is a business expert.

It’s not easy to fool, and I have also contacted him.

Ye Li sighed and said, “What else can I say? Just fool around first.”

He brewed himself a cup of green tea, “The most important thing is from the AMC side!”

Mr. Lu nodded, “AMC had already intended to sell to us before, but we couldn’t agree on the price.”

Ye Li asked: “How much do they bid?”

Mr. Lu said: “3 billion dollars!”

“Our estimate here!”

A large-scale acquisition is not something you can do with your own brains.

Regardless of whether it is an asset or anything, a professional team evaluation is required.

Although I paid my own money, it was in the unit of 100 million, and it was still a U.S. dollar…

Even a change in the number after the decimal point is a sky-high price!

“Our estimated price here is around US.4 billion!”

“These guys who eat people but don’t spit out bones!” Ye Li was also speechless.

The price is very different!

A full 600 million dollars!

It’s equivalent to more than four billion yuan!

In the Hurun Report, they can all be ranked in the top 1500! .

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