Chapter 334

“He’s meow, I only made one or two billion in a movie! They dare to ask for that?!” Ye Li said angrily.

But my heart is a little unbalanced!

I only earn so much from a movie, how many movies do I need to make enough…

Mr. Lu is speechless!

You make so much for a movie? !

He meows, is this called that? !

Is it possible that a movie of yours is money that ordinary people can’t make for a lifetime? !

He’s meow, hell!

“Ye Dao, in fact, our company does not have so many accounts…”

Mr. Lu said carefully.

“What?!” Ye Li almost jumped, “Our company didn’t make so much?! The company isn’t-is it tax-free?!”

Mr. Lu sighed helplessly, and said: “In fact, although the company occupies 50% of the investment share, but the director’s dividend and the screenwriter’s dividend have to be excluded! We probably get around 42.5%.”

In other words…

“The company’s overseas division of accounts has received 153 million US dollars… (I will not check the overseas tax…)”

“Director’s dividend… Screenwriter’s dividend…” Ye Li was speechless…

He meows!

I almost forgot!

These two transactions do not go through the company, but go directly to your own account!

Of course, they will pass the company first, and then take the company’s accounts and distribute them.

In other words, 54 million U.S. dollars of it came from my own pocket…

I almost forgot about it!

In other words, if you don’t consider personal income tax, you actually made 100 million…

It’s not much difference!

It’s more than 20 million more…


Also Ye Li, a movie made more than 20 million more!

He meows!

It’s so terrible and uncomfortable!

And it’s still a beautiful knife…


I have worked hard all my life…

Can you earn so much?


It should be okay to earn dividends from a movie of Yeshen…

Thinking of this makes it even more uncomfortable!

“Forget it, hurry over there!”

Ye Li sighed.

Shifting to this topic, Mr. Lu suddenly felt relieved, with a helpless look on his face, he said, “I see.”

With the release of “Iron Man 2”, Paramount must be more anxious over there!

What’s more, the China release schedule of “Thor 2” should be added.

And the hot performance of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in China!

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” has been in theaters in China for one month.

Although the box office on the first day is not as good as “Iron Man 2,” it has reached a box office of more than 3 billion in a month!

Nearly 100 million box office performance almost every day!

Even a month now, the current box office still reaches 70 to 80 million!

The water flows long!

It’s even possible to break four billion!

Next, there is “Thor 2”!(Read more @

Paramount is not jealous?

That is impossible!

You know, they already have a one-month window.

If you delay, they won’t do it!

“I’m leaving first. The special effects of “Seven Stars of Lu Palace” are almost done. If you are interested, we will take a look tomorrow.” Ye Li stood up and left.

Mr. Lu all the way to the door.

After watching Ye Li get on the elevator, he turned his head.



Why is AMC so ignorant of good and bad!

“Mr. Lu, our company’s movies are selling again. Why do you look unhappy?”

Someone couldn’t help asking.

Lu always waved his hand.

You little boys know what a fart!

Until midnight.

The beautiful woman sleeping next to her doesn’t feel fragrant anymore!

I’m worried lately!

The Mediterranean is wider.

In the early morning, he had just fallen asleep when the phone in his ear suddenly rang.

The beautiful girl who tossed around was a little irritable.

He picked up the phone at hand, “I don’t let people sleep in the middle of the night!?”

The other party was obviously taken aback, “Is Lu always there?”

The beauty was scared into a cold sweat!

This is Mr. Lu’s dad’s call!

He meows!


“Give it to me!” Lu Zongzheng looked at himself with a ugly expression.

The beauty quickly handed it over, “Dad, I am not…”

That’s it!

It’s definitely over this time!

She shivered.

“What?!” Mr. Lu was not in the mood to take care of her, he almost jumped up at this moment!

“Can you say that again?!”

Total Lu’s voice has increased by an octave!

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Hahahaha! It’s really great! This is really good news!”

After the phone hung up, Mr. Lu laughed.

The beauty shivered, “Lu, President Lu…”

“We will fight another three hundred rounds!”

No words for a night.

Ye Li was awakened by Liu Shishi.

“Brother, I kept calling from you just now, but I didn’t answer it, but the other party kept calling.”

Ye Li opened his eyes, saw Liu Shishi’s exquisite face, smiled, “Get it for me!”

“Okay!” Liu Shishi handed the phone to Ye Li’s hand.

“Lao Lu, what’s the matter?” Ye Li asked.

“Ye Dao, didn’t you say you watched the movie together? Why haven’t you come?” Mr. Lu’s tone was anxious.

……… …….. 0

“I didn’t see you so interested yesterday!” Ye Li couldn’t help laughing and cursing, “I will arrive in half an hour!”

After hanging up the phone, Liu Shishi had prepared toiletries and was ready for breakfast.

“How cute!” Ye Li smiled and patted her face.

“Thank you brother for the compliment.” Liu Shishi blushed.

“Let’s go to the company with me in a while and watch the film together. There has been nothing recently, right?”


Anne Hathaway has recently returned to China.

Li Bingbing has gone on a trip, and there will be no capsize and tsunami when he goes to the company.


After breakfast, the two came to the company. Mr. Lu had already been waiting at the door, and he immediately greeted him when he saw Ye Li.

“Ye Dao, go!”

Seeing the other party’s beaming face and radiant face, Ye Li couldn’t help asking, “Old Road, what’s your recent happy event?”

Mr. Lu smiled mysteriously, “There is really a happy event!”

“Okay, I’ll wrap you a big red envelope!” Ye Li didn’t care.

The three came to the screening room together, where Fei Zhenxiang was already waiting.


“Senior, don’t be nervous, I guarantee the quality in the later stage of my work!”

Fei Zhenxiang smiled bitterly: “I made a movie for the first time…”

It means that I don’t believe in that part of myself.

“It’s done well!”

Four people sat down, there were no more people.

The current Chengguo Pictures is no longer the former Li Bingbing studio.

There is no need to invite so many people to watch the movie.

“AMC won!” Ding.

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