Chapter 336

$2.45 billion? !

Liu Shishi was dizzy!

The man in front of him who he called his brother is so rich? !

This is a beautiful sword!

It’s close to 20 billion yuan!

This net worth, even in the whole country, is a rich man!

And it’s the kind of super rich!

On the rich list, the kind that can be made famous!


It’s really amazing!

Although I make myself feel like he is like a devil, but…

However, it does not prevent him from being really great!

Such a man!

It is full of curiosity!

Moreover, so powerful…

And handsome!

Which woman doesn’t like it?

At this moment, she felt her heart tremble.

Like an earthquake…

“Director Ye, if AMC’s cinema chain is taken down, then our own films will enter AMC?” Fei Zhenxiang asked.

Ye Li nodded, “What I wanted to do was cultural output. If it hadn’t been for Mr. Lu to remind me, I wouldn’t have thought that 01 would have enough to acquire cinema chains. Now I have our own cinema chains overseas, so that we can make great strides. Go ahead!”

“Cultural export…”

Although I don’t know how to operate.

But Liu Shishi understood this.

It is to promote the entire culture of China to the world.

In fact, there have been such remarks on the Internet for a long time.

At the beginning, the Korean Wave was prosperous, and it was the cultural output of Han country to China!

For example, Rimano also makes sense.

Similarly, there are Hollywood blockbusters.

On the China side, there has always been no particularly good channel to export our own culture.

Yang Yang China, up and down five thousand years.

The accumulated cultural accumulation is unmatched by other countries!

Now, there is a person who has stepped up and said that he wants to export culture…

This kind of courage is really awesome!

Liu Shishi looked at Ye Li’s eyes at this time. In her eyes, Ye Li’s whole body was glowing at this moment.

Exudes a different light.

To others, this may be empty talk, nonsense!

However, Ye Li did indeed do so.

Such as “Legend of Sword and Fairy”!

Such as “The Avengers”!(Read more @

For example, “Soul Soul”!

Such as “Ghost Blowing Lantern”!

It seems that this man who is only one year older than himself has such ambitions and knows foreigners very well.

He knows that foreigners may not be able to understand and understand the culture of China all at once.

Therefore, he buried Chinese culture in his movies little by little. With the explosion of movies, foreigners can learn about Chinese culture little by little!

Such a man…

It’s amazing!

“Dao Ye, you…” Fei Zhenxiang looked at Ye Li in shock, his eyes full of admiration.

Even if he is really older than him!

But he really did it!

“Before everyone thought I was joking, I didn’t dare to exaggerate, now I dare to say it!” Ye Li heaved a sigh of relief.

He was reborn into this world, and wanted to use the original film to make them experience a better cultural experience. In fact, from the very beginning, he wanted to spread Chinese culture through film.

This plan has been in place since “The Mummy”!

“Ye Dao, I really admire you! Really!” Mr. Lu said seriously, “You are young, and you have done things that countless people can’t do in a lifetime!”

Ye Li smiled and shook his head: “Old road, let’s not praise each other, let’s go! Let’s not watch the film, let’s announce the good news first!”

“Good!” Mr. Lu was also very happy.

In North America, the contract has been signed, and AMC has officially entered the sequence of Orange Fruit Pictures, which makes them happy!

The four people walked out of the projection room. In the office area, Mr. Lu glanced at Ye Li. “Ye Dao, it’s better for you to come!”

“Come here, this is your glorious moment, it’s not you reminding me, it’s not you looking for someone to do it, this thing may not be possible!”

There are many moments of his own highlights, but Mr. Lu, although he is the top leader of the company, is more about coordinating everyone’s work. If someone has grievances, he is the first person to vent!

“Then I’m welcome!” Mr. Lu was eager to try, he had hidden this joy for too long.

Feeling gushing out at any time.

“By the way, all employees this year, starting from this month, double salary!” Ye Li smiled happily.

“it is good!”

The main station of Lu took a step forward and clapped his hands, “Everyone should stop what is on hand. The colleagues in the office should stop. Ye Dao and I have something to announce!”

Everyone stopped, the finance office.

Sister Cai is in the financial docking with Donggua Video.

I can only put down the phone and come out first after saying sorry to the other party.

On the winter melon video, the payment is not paid directly to the account at one time, but is called in installments.

In particular, the right to broadcast movies was bought at a high price.

The money will definitely not come out at once.

Seeing that almost everyone had arrived, Mr. Lu’s smile on his face was even more exuberant, and even his apple muscles were trembling with excitement, “This morning, that is today in North America! We, Orange Fruit Pictures, took another big step. !”

“After everyone’s hard work and struggle, we, Orange Fruit Pictures, acquired the North American AMC cinema chain!”

“At the same time, Dao Ye announced that everyone will start this month with double pay!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the news!

After a while, there was a cheer!

“Damn! We bought AMC Cinemas?!”

“Oh my God! It’s crazy!”

“I never thought that we should have a theater?!”

“It’s still a global cinema!”

“Too powerful!”

“It means that we can make more profits in overseas markets in the future?!”


“It’s so cool!”

“Long live Dao Ye! Long live Mr. Lu!”

“AMC! Wow, Kaka, will this belong to our company in the future?!”

“It’s so cool!”

“Too awesome!”


“Long live!”

“Long live!”

Everyone is cheering.

It was deafening, and even heard the phone in the financial room!

On the other end of the phone, the people on the melon video heard cheers from here.

“What are they doing? Why are they so noisy?”

“I listen……”

“It’s like saying, AMC or something…”

“What AMC?”

“It seems to be…acquired AMC?!” Someone heard it clearly.

“Yes! It seems to have acquired AMC!”


“Isn’t AMC a theater in North America?!”.

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