Chapter 337

“Isn’t it the Orange Fruit Pictures that bought the North American cinema chain?!”

“Is it impossible?!”

“Probably not… If so…”

“Chengguo Pictures, isn’t it going to explode?!”

“Who said that Orange Fruit Pictures won’t explode?!”


The winter melon video is a bit daunting.

They just check their finances!

Why did you hear such important news all of a sudden? !

“Tell me quickly, Mr. Zhang!”

Someone recovered immediately!

Tell Mr. Zhang quickly!

Someone ran away immediately, and almost bumped into someone without paying attention.

“Why are you frizzy?” The man was a little dissatisfied with a cup of tea.

“Can you check the bill with Chengguo Pictures today?” he asked after entering the door.

As a result, when I walked in, everyone was quiet.

Listening carefully to the voice coming from the other end of the phone.

“AMC enters the sequence of Orange Fruit Pictures!”

“Double salary from now on!”

“Long live Orange Fruit Pictures!”

After this person entered the door, he was a little dazed.

what’s happenin? !

Does the bill need to be checked? !

No matter what…

Damn it!

What did i hear? !

Chengguo Pictures Double Salary? !

Do not!


He meows, is this the point? !

The point is, AMC enters the sequence of Orange Fruit Pictures! ?

It’s meow, is it messing up? !

AMC is one of the giants of North American cinema chains!

Chengguo Pictures acquired AMC? !

This is too fantastic, right? !

Is it so profitable for Chengguo Pictures to make film and television dramas? !

Mr. Zhang is in a meeting at this time.

“At present, Orange Fruit Pictures has “Iron Man 2” and “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” two underpainted movies. If we can get it, we will have a greater chance of going overseas.”

Hearing this, Mr. Zhang nodded.

“However, the price…Although we have been able to rank alongside Iyuteng this year, if we acquire the copyright in this way, we will turn profit into loss…”

“If we can really open up overseas markets, then there is no problem!” Mr. Zhang said seriously, “Opening up overseas markets means that our charging channels will increase! The most important thing is to be able to develop our business and brand influence. force!”

“Yes, I agree with that. It’s just financial…”

Mr. Zhang sighed and said, “Beyond the two films, there are more TV shows in Chengguo Pictures this year. According to the information I have received, they have two more TV shows that have already been produced. At the same time, it is only this year. Halfway through…”(Read more @

“From what I know about them, there are still several movies to be shown…”


Everyone is silent!

If you buy the copyright like this, it is really a bit…

At this moment, someone from the finance department knocked on the door. As soon as he came in, he saw a group of bigwigs having a meeting.

“Mr. Zhang, we heard on the phone just now that Chengguo Pictures acquired the North American cinema chain AMC!”

After the call, the whole person was blinded here.


They are all big guys!

So many big guys…


Seems to have broken into…

Damn it!

“Yes, sorry, bosses, I…”

Mr. Zhang didn’t hesitate, instead he stood up and asked, “Chengguo Pictures acquired AMC?!”


“Really, we just heard. It just so happened that we were checking the finances, and there seemed to be something on the other side, and then we heard cheers, saying that AMC entered the sequence of Orange Fruit Pictures! And they also paid double pay throughout the year…”

“Acquired AMC!?” Mr. Zhang was stunned.

The courage of Chengguo Pictures is too strong, right? !

Acquire AMC!

How much is it? !

“Yes, we can hear this clearly!”

“Really, Chengguo Pictures announced it! They bought the North American cinema chain, AMC!”

Someone shouted with a mobile phone.

“I’ll call Dao Ye first…”


At this moment, everyone is stunned.

Isn’t “Thor 2” just released? !

How come such a big news suddenly broke out?

The Weibo of Chengguo Pictures announced the matter for the first time.

[After more than two months of negotiations and competition between Chengguo Pictures and AMC Cinemas, Chengguo Pictures purchased AMC Cinemas at a price of 100 million US dollars. 】


There isn’t even an exclamation mark.

But shocked the whole network.

“Damn!? Is it so awesome?!”

“Chengguo Pictures is so awesome, right?!”

“Acquired a theater chain in North America?! This…”

“It’s crazy, right?!”

“What does Ye Shen want to do?”

“Making a movie…I just did it in the cinema…”

“Other than awesome, what else can I say?”

“`. No wonder, it’s no wonder that before the beginning of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, it was not launched in North America! So they were already in the layout!”

“Awesome! Unimaginable!”

“Is Chengguo Pictures going against the sky?!”

“Horror, is it too scary?!”

“It’s hell, except Gan, I really can’t think of a better way!”

“How long is this…”

“Chengguo Pictures hasn’t been established for long…”

“The film and television industry giants are about to appear!”


The whole network is boiling!

Although they don’t know the specific significance of this matter, they never thought about it…


Magic capital.

The office of the boss of a film and television company.

There are several people on the computer screen of a middle-aged man.

They are having a video conference.

If Ye Li and Mr. Lu were here, they would definitely recognize that these people belonged to the Foundation.

“Yes, I really didn’t expect Ye Li to be so courageous (with the promise of money) to buy AMC!”

“It’s a bit swollen? Next, it’s not too likely that the AMC cinema will want to get a good movie! The North American cinema is suddenly controlled, and it’s strange that North American capital doesn’t make a move!”

“There is a little bit of this feeling, I think, they will probably encounter Waterloo next!”

“There is a possibility. He is relying on his own fame, and it is very likely that he will sink into the sand at the overseas box office!”

“Then what shall we do?”

“Let me think about it. The next thing they carried the flag was “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, which has not been released overseas. It is estimated that this is the intention. Next is “Thor 2”, and it is said that there is “Ghost Blowing Lantern”. ”

“Ye Li’s own movies are not on, this… I guess the pills are faint!”

“Did you get the script from Director Zhang?”

“got it.”

“Since we got his script, why not analyze his model…”.

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