Chapter 338

“The best thing we have to do is, one, out of Ye Li’s script control!” someone said categorically.

“Ye Li is now bold and swollen. If you eat AMC all at once, you will inevitably need a lot of film sources to fill, and things will happen sooner or later!”

“I agree with this point. Now that he has won AMC, the capital in North America will definitely not let them go easily. Therefore, the competition will become very big!”

“On the North American side, suddenly a person like Hengcha came out. They definitely wouldn’t want it!”

“Ye Li is too self-righteous, thinking that if he can make some good movies, he can fight against capital?”


“I think what we have to do now is to get rid of Ye Li’s foundation and stop investing in subsequent films.”

“This… Even if Ye Li has made a bad move now, his filmmaking level is still not bad, right?”

“I think so too. His filmmaking level is okay. We can also influence him through the foundation…”

Someone laughed, “If you just want to make a little money simply, this model is not impossible. In the future, Ye Li will still be able to take the initiative. I want it to be different. I want him to film us!

Make a movie for us!

Instead of him making a movie, give us a share! ”

Hearing this, everyone thought for a while.

The difference here can be very big!

Making movies for them shows that Ye Li is a tool man, just like most domestic directors.

They will eventually bow to capital.

Unlike Ye Li…

“How to do it? Can we leave the foundation?”

The man smiled and said, “Of course, Ye Li will surely sink the sands and halves in North America this time. He bought AMC again for a big price. What can he do? The acquisition of AMC will inevitably require a lot of money. The funds must come from a lot of loans from the bank.

At that time, he still wants to make a movie. It requires a lot of funds. If we are still in the foundation, we have to pay this money!

However, the foundation has been cancelled? ! Do we need to pay this money? After he can’t think of a way, he will come up with what we need! ”

Everyone’s eyes lit up.


Now the foundation is Ye Li’s yiyantang, if this is the case…

We might as well dissolve the foundation now…

“In that case, I think we might as well withdraw investment from Zhang Yi’s film!”

“I think so too, Ye Li must be penniless now! No money…”

“Yes, all the money went to the AMC theater line.”

“Whoever has the banking system, let them urge them in advance!”

“In this case, Ye Li will soon go bankrupt…”(Read more @

In a few words, everyone has almost decided Ye Li’s life and death!

“Don’t you think Ye Li can succeed? In case his film can give AMC a foothold…”

Someone couldn’t help laughing, “Do you think he has enough film sources now? Next, AMC will face an epic difficulty competition! Those overseas capital will not easily let him go!”

“For you, someone wants to grab something from your plate, would you like it?”

“Of course not!”

“So, it will be a war of the century! If it is normal, Ye Li will be backed by Paramount, everyone will give a little face…Next…”

“Yes, when that happens, Paramount may be even crazier than the others!”

“So, this time, Ye Li’s failure is doomed. He is still too young and too impatient to do things.”

“We have not dared to go to Hollywood for so many years, why? Is it because we are afraid? No! Isn’t there no good plan yet?!”

“This matter, I think it needs to be done slowly.”

“I think so too. Like Ye Li, he rushed in, and he didn’t get hurt in the end!”

“I’m afraid, his family will lose everything!”

“It’s good for us, haha! In the future, we can earn a strong player!”

“Major making money!”


after an hour.

The whole network is still lively.

Everyone felt crazy because of this step of Chengguo Pictures.

“Ye Dao, there is something on the foundation side,” Mr. Lu said suddenly.

Ye Li nodded, “What’s the matter with them?”

“They sent a lawyer over and they have already arrived at our company.”

Mr. Lu frowned, and the lawyers were all out, obviously unkind.

“Have you done it so soon? Let’s go and see what they want!”

Ye Li stood up.

Mr. Lu also followed to the meeting room.

“This is the number one gold lawyer in the magic city, Fu Qingzhuo.” When he saw this lawyer, Mr. Lu frowned slightly.

I’m afraid this matter can’t be done well.

“Ye Dao.” Fu Qingzhuo was lightly thin, looking forty or fifty years old, in a suit and leather shoes, combing his head, and when he saw Ye Li, he stood up and stretched out his hand.

Ye Li also stretched out his hand to hold it.

“Ye Dao, I really admire this achievement at a young age!” Fu Qingzhuo opened his mouth but flattered Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled and said, “It’s just a little trouble.”

Fu Qingzhuo laughed, “Although I personally admire Director Ye very much, this time, I am very sorry. On behalf of… the above bosses, I will talk to Director Ye about the work of Director Zhang Yi that you jointly invested. thing.”

Ye Li nodded, stretched out his hand not to hit the smiley person. The other person is just a representative, not a real person. “You said.”

“Dao Ye, will this work be shown on the AMC theaters next?”

“Yes it is!”

“Ye Dao didn’t tell everyone about this beforehand, did he?”

“Yes it is!”

“So… the above bosses think you want to raise funds to serve your own AMC cinema chain!”

Ye Li frowned.

He doesn’t understand.

So what do those people want to do?

Didn’t you come to seize power?

“Dao Ye, what do you think of the future of the AMC cinema chain? Can you guarantee the profitability of this movie?”

Ye Li frowned even more.

I couldn’t help asking: “Lawyer Fu, I don’t understand, what are their demands?”

Fu Qingzhuo smiled and said, “Okay, I won’t play any tricks with Dao Ye. That’s it, they want to divest and disband the foundation at the same time.”

After hearing this, Ye Li couldn’t help laughing. .

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