Chapter 339

I can’t ask for it for this matter!

Since they want to divest, let them divest!

Currently, Ye Li and them jointly invested in two films through the foundation.

One is Guo Fan’s movie.

One is Zhang Yi’s movie!

The rest~ has nothing to do with them!

“So I understand!” Ye Li smiled and said, “Lawyer Fu, do they have other needs?”

“No, what they want at the moment is to divest, and they said that knowing that Dao Ye is now in a difficult time, the one million tickets are considered to support Dao Ye!” Fu Qingzhuo said.

Ye Li looked at Mr. Lu, who was angry, and laughed, “Old Lu, it looks like we have to thank these bosses!”

Lu always snorted, “The villain who crossed the river and demolished the bridge!”

Ye Li didn’t care, and nodded, “Lawyer Fu, did you bring the withdrawal contract? We’ll take it now. If you have money, I will call them later, how about?”

Fu Qingzhuo was surprised, thinking that this matter would be a long-term wrangling.

He is ready to block the crew through the court first, and then prepare for a long battle.

I didn’t expect this young man to be so domineering!

“Ye Dao, what they mean is to give you three days for the account to arrive, otherwise, they have the right to take away your common script and crew…”

Ye Li got it!

This is preparing to draw a salary from the bottom!

I want to use this method to directly take my two crews as my own.

Really scheming!


Lu always frowned.

He felt that this matter might not be so simple.

Ye Li didn’t care too much, “Okay, within three days, I will definitely get the funds in place.”

Leave the rest to Mr. Lu.

After a while.

Mr. Lu came to Ye Li’s office, saw what Ye Li was doing, and sat down, “Ye Dao, are you not in a hurry?”

Ye Li laughed, “What’s so anxious about this.”

“They made it clear that they wanted to take a draw, knowing that we must be tight on funds now. The two crews invested a total of 350 million U.S. dollars! Their withdrawal means that we have to fill the 175 million U.S. dollars of it by ourselves…”

Mr. Lu said with a sigh.

“How much money is left on our company’s books?” Ye Li asked.

Mr. Lu just went to find out, he said bitterly: “Just now, Winter Melon Video transferred the balance of the previous copyright purchase, 500 million US dollars, plus the 200 million US dollars that the North American box office of “Iron Man 2″ received. And the remaining book funds, about 750 million yuan.”

Ye Li heaved a sigh of relief and said, “Isn’t this there still so much money?”

Mr. Lu said helplessly: “The funds from the last copyright sale were not wholly owned by us. The total amount was US$100 million. Now that the final payment has arrived, we are going to pay dividends, and we need US$765 million…”

“In other words, we still have a shortfall of 15 million dollars…”(Read more @

I rely on…

Ye Li feels that he can make enough money…

Turns out he meows…

Now besides the money I owe the bank, the company is also completely unable to make ends meet!

Do not!

This is not called making ends meet, this is called debt!

“Can you take a moment and don’t rush to pay them dividends?” Ye Li asked.

“If it was before, I don’t think it’s a very big problem.” Lu Zonglu said with a smile, “but this time the Foundation people are coming fiercely, I think they will not give up this matter easily.”

“Do you think they will have a back hand?” Ye Li asked.

Mr. Lu nodded, “We acquired AMC. It is supposed to be good news, but the people in the foundation don’t think so. Instead, they think we might fail! So, they want to use capital…”

Mr. Lu has been in the business sea for so many years, and he doesn’t know anything.

Explain the foundation’s ideas to Ye Li.

Ye Li suddenly realized, “So, they want to control us in this way?”

“No! To be precise, it should be you! They want you to be their money-making tool! Not against them!”

Ye Li touched his face and laughed, “It seems that I am still sweet and sweet?”

“Next, it will be the most turbulent time.” Mr. Lu sat down, “We can predict in advance…”

The two sat together and analyzed for a while.

Basically, analyze the matter.

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

Ye Li smiled helplessly and said, “If this is the case, how many funding gaps will our company have?”

“If you count them all, at least one billion dollars…”

He meows!

Hearing this, Ye Li got a big head!

Billion dollars!

Seven billion yuan!

And not counting the money he owes the bank now.

“Staking the AMC cinema chain, how much can we borrow?” Ye Li asked.

“2.4 billion should be okay.” Mr. Lu analyzed a little.

Two and four billion dollars!

“Then mortgage the cinema first!” Ye Li felt a little unbeautiful.

“By the way, how much did I borrow from the bank before?” Ye Li doesn’t really care about it. Before, now…

……… …….. 0

Mr. Lu smiled bitterly: “Five hundred million dollars…”

In other words, Ye Li alone took out nearly two billion dollars!

“Meaning, we actually owe money now…1.5 billion…will be more in the future?!”

“That’s it!” Mr. Lu said helplessly, “Now what I am more worried about is that maybe our loan will not go so smoothly.”

Ye Li understood what he meant.

How can borrowing go so smoothly?

“Do your best!”

This matter is really not something ordinary people can help.

1.5 billion dollars!

This fund is really not much if I want to use it out!

More than 10 billion yuan, can have such a cash flow…

Not much!

Even if he is the richest man, he may not get it!

“How is the preparation on the AMC side? Except for borrowing, it seems that we can only get the blood back through there.” Ye Li laughed.

“It’s almost arranged, but if the theater opens, it will take a few days…” Mr. Lu felt this difficult for the first time at Orange Fruit Pictures.

He meows!

It’s all going smoothly before.

The result is now…

Suddenly, there may be a gap of close to 1.5 billion dollars!

And it will inevitably be targeted.

There is also a problem!

Damn it!

“If this goes through, we will really fly into the sky!” Ding.

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