Chapter 340

This news was spreading wildly in the country at the same time.

It has already spread overseas!


AMC changes ownership, such a major event will surely be discovered.

Do not!

This kind of thing is to be advertised! Tell the world!

On the same day, North America had already exploded.

AMC was officially acquired!

Of course, Chengguo Pictures registered a new company overseas and negotiated through this company.

But can this kind of thing be kept secret?

It’s not bad to be able to hide it during the negotiation process!

“AMC has changed hands?!”

“What kind of operation is this?!”

“Can’t it go on?”


“This is too fast, right?! I’ve seen a movie in their house before!”

“In recent years, Paramount has been too strong.”

“That said, Paramount has collaborated with Ye from China. Every movie is a hit, and the living space of other theaters is squeezed!”

“Oh my God! I didn’t even find out, but China Ye’s movie is indeed very exciting!”

“It is said that one of his novels, “Harry Potter” series has also been filmed!”

“Really?! Why hasn’t it been released yet?!”

“I don’t know, it is said that China has already been released! In addition to the “Harry Potter” series, “Thor 2″ has also been released!”

“Oh my god! Haven’t we released it yet? Could it be that the cooperation between Paramount and China Ye has ended?!”

“I don’t know, but Paramount is already warming up.”

“That’s good, then we can see it!”

“Awesome! China Ye’s movie is amazing!”

“And it’s cool! This is the movie a man should watch!”

“The Harry Potter series is the most imaginative novel I have ever read. I love him! I definitely want to see it!”

“I also need to go!”

“However, Paramount hasn’t arranged any film information yet…”

“I do not know how it is.”

Netizens will soon turn to the house, this kind of thing really has little to do with them.(Read more @

Watching a movie!

For the audience, which cinema is not watching a movie?

Paramount movies are great, just watch them at Paramount!

AMC’s movies are great, so go to AMC!

Could it be that which movie you watch will have a different impact on you?


However, Paramount does not think so.

“AMC was actually acquired. Isn’t the previous news always being discussed?” Anderson was a little surprised.

“Yes, I’ve been talking about it before, but when we started to warm up “Harry Potter” and “Thor 2″, they quickly shot.”

Anderson laughed, “Really, or did we facilitate it?”

The people under his staff also laughed, “This is indeed the case, who let us have China leaves!?”

Speaking of Ye Li, Anderson’s expression is a bit ugly. Recently, he called Ye Li almost every few days.

But there has been no result.

“On the China leaf side, when will it be released?” someone asked.

This matter has always been handled by Anderson himself.

Anderson said: “It should be coming soon, he said he is already preparing. Let’s not talk about this, we just need to warm up for the time being, and after he officially confirms it, we will spread out the publicity directly!”


Anderson continued: “Look up, who bought AMC? Who has such a big hand, will it be taken by our old competitor?”

“Even if they win, don’t worry, we have China leaves…”

Everyone suddenly laughed.

There are China leaves!

Yes, Paramount is relaxed now.

They have Ye Li!

Ye Li has a movie universe series in his hands, and he is almost invincible in the world!

This is Ye Li’s global influence!

A strong group!

“Don’t take it lightly, Ye’s model is very powerful, but every film industry is imitating it, and wants to learn his model so that he can make money like him!”

Anderson is still worried.

“It also makes sense. In fact, the model of China Leaf can still be learned. This kind of path will work, and it will be good for everyone!”

“Yeah! He can be considered a pioneer. It’s not an exaggeration to call it the father of the alliance!”


In the meeting room, the atmosphere is still relaxed.

The people who went to investigate soon came back.

“What’s the matter, Drew, what happened when I went out?” Anderson asked with a smile.

Drew sighed, “I have just found out who is behind AMC, you must not be able to guess!”

Anderson laughed, “Sony? Or Disney?”

worry about what? !

We have China leaves!

Even if they really figured out the way, don’t worry!

They are just getting started, and Ye Li has already started to integrate!

Entered the climax stage!

“No, it’s a Chinese company.” Drew seemed to be in a bad mood and said, “This Orange Pictures acquired AMC, and the owner behind him is a Chinese company.”

Anderson laughed, “Chinese people are rich now, what’s weird about them buying AMC?”

We have China leaves!

Using China leaf to defeat China’s cinema line seems to be very interesting.

Drew laughed. He understood the words behind Anderson, and he felt better. “This is also true. China Ye defeated China Cinemas. Oh, this is so cool!”

“Of course, don’t worry, we have a China leaf! The next screenings of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Thor 2″, we must pay attention. The other party bought AMC, and it is estimated that they will break the wrist with us. the meaning of.”

Anderson still doesn’t underestimate anyone. “Both films have achieved good results in China, and the quality should be good. When the time comes, we don’t have to worry about it!”

Everyone laughed.

“Let’s increase our investment in preheating! I think we can stir up the heat.”

“It makes sense.”

“We make the heat a little bit higher, so that after the movie is released, the box office will be higher!”

Anderson nodded, “Yes, increase investment! So we have hope to go further this year! There is nothing else, right? I’ll urge the leaves!”

After the meeting, he walked out of the meeting room and suddenly turned around and asked, “Drew, you said that this orange film industry, who is the sponsor behind it?”

“A film and television company in China Magic Capital, whose name is also Orange Pictures.”.

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