Chapter 341

Orange Pictures?

Anderson thought for a while, the name seemed familiar!


The name…

“Is it called Orange Fruit Pictures?” Anderson frowned.

“I don’t know how to pronounce in Chinese, I’m not used to it.” Drew said, “Anyway, the English name is orange…”

Anderson’s mood suddenly fell to the bottom. He quickly took out a notebook and drew an icon on it, “Is it this?”

“Almost, it looks a bit like it!”

Drew said honestly.


Anderson exploded all of a sudden!

Orange Pictures? !

Orange Fruit Pictures? !

Isn’t it Ye Li’s company? !


He bought AMC’s theaters? !

Isn’t it, he doesn’t need us to help him issue it? !

Will he have his own theater? !



“Meeting! Everyone is meeting!” Anderson was like an angry lion.

by! 01

I was fooled!

Anderson is very unhappy now.

“What’s wrong, Anderson?” Drew asked without knowing what happened.

“Meeting, come back quickly!”

All the people who were leaving came back quickly.

Looking at Anderson just now and now, they look like two people.

None of them knew what happened.

“what’s happenin?”

“Anderson, what happened?”

“As for being so angry?”

“Talk about it…”

“Don’t worry, we have China leaves!”

Everyone is not paying too much attention.

In recent years, the global box office has almost been dominated by Ye Li!

Their previous cooperation with Ye Li from Paramount was also very good!

Last year’s annual report, it was like a rocket rising!

“Shut up!” Anderson was furious, “Orange Pictures is China Ye’s company! They secretly bought AMC behind our backs?”

“What are we worried about, we have China…” Someone didn’t hear clearly, and when he was about to say something, the people around him pulled him.(Read more @

He quickly recovered, “What?! China Ye bought AMC?!”

He was shocked!

Not just him, everyone was shocked.

They have always thought that China Ye is simply too good, who knows.

Turning around, China Ye has become their competitor? !


“Yes! It should be China Ye. He has been holding the copyright of the movie tightly. He wanted to do this a long time ago. We are now making wedding clothes for others!”

Anderson’s face was terrible.


“Aren’t we happy working with him?”

Someone couldn’t help asking.

“Some people are destined to fly into the sky!” Anderson said helplessly, “Next, we will have to deal with AMC’s breakthrough!”

His eyes began to become cold, “First take the warm-up off, and then be ridiculed by someone!”

This is inevitable!

He’s meow, they promoted it for several days, but the movie was not released in Paramount? !

Isn’t this funny? !

This kind of thing is not to be ridiculed, and what else is to be ridiculed!

“Since AMC was acquired by China Ye Ge, then “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Thor 2″ will all be released on AMC!” Anderson was helpless.

This is the biggest problem.

Ye Li’s influence…

“Now, the things we have to consider have to change!”

“He shouldn’t have enough money, right? We can find a friend from the bank. If he wants a loan, I’m sorry!”

“Who knows a friend from the bank, go and do it.”

“Also, Paramount will face a huge challenge next, our theater, what do we use to compete with “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” and “Thor 2″!”

“This is not the most worrying place. These two films are not directed by China Ye himself. It’s just that “Captain China 2” should be released soon?!

“This is the biggest problem…”

“The movie “Captain China 2″ is also expected to be released in three months. Will the superhero movie we made by ourselves be available in three months?”

“We invested 200 million dollars. If we go head-to-head, will something go wrong?”

“It depends!” Anderson has a headache. The biggest problem now is that Paramount doesn’t have any copyrights!

After the show, all copyrights were taken back by Ye Li!

There is nothing to fight!

This is very painful!

“Contact other homes! Let them know that the sharks are in!”

In North America, almost all the film and television industries have received the news.

Soon, the entire film and television industry, shouting wolves are coming!

If you just bought AMC, that’s nothing.

However, the chemical equation of AMC Cinemas + China Leaf is too awesome!

Most people really can’t beat it!

“China Ye’s movie, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is of high quality, and the box office of “Thor 2″ is also very high! So, the head movie, we may not be able to compare.”

“I think we have to unite and block their theaters!”

“How to block?”

“For example… the industry is blocked! No one in Hollywood can provide him with film sources!”

“This is also feasible, even if he has a head movie, it will be useless to keep guests away!”

“It makes sense, it’s better that we can still be in Hollywood and not let the actors participate in his movies…”

“This is probably a bit difficult!”

“The actors’ union will resist!”

“It’s true, on the actors’ union side…”

“I can’t figure it out, but you can think of a solution through other means.”

“Be sure to shoot him down! Otherwise, none of us will have a good life!”

Ye Li still doesn’t know about things in North America.

However, in the past few days, Chengguo Pictures has had too many things!

“Today another company came to talk about divestment, saying that we concealed information and used their money to make water…” Mr. Lu sighed helplessly.

Recently he can’t wait to live in the company!

If it can solve the problem.

“Forget it. Let them go!” Ye Li rubbed his eyebrows, “It’s the actors who are even more troublesome!”

“Now it’s okay for Guo Fan and Wu Ershan to say that on Zhang Yi’s side, the female lead has already turned the floor, and Zhang has become angry on the set more than once! It must be those people who did it before!”

Not a foundation, who else?

“In that case, let her go!” Ye Li frowned.

Feeling very upset.

“The bank has also been stuck not giving us loans. It is estimated that they have also left the relationship…” Mr. Lu said in distress. .

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