Chapter 347

No one knows Ye Li’s next new film plan!


“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” has officially begun to be shown in North American AMC theaters!

“So many people!”

“Harry Potter watched a lot of people, right?”

“It’s full!”

“Is China Ye’s appealing power? But this time, we must blow them into the dust!”

“Don’t worry, “Star Cowboy 5″ will be released nationwide and it will crush everything!”

“Of course, we have thousands of theaters, tens of thousands of screens are showing, we will surely crush them!”

“Is China Ye’s influence? This time, I will let them know how powerful it is!”

“Then watch it! The first week’s box office champion! We must win!”

AMC cinema.

Howard lined up, holding movie tickets in his hand.

“Do you know? David, what movie did Dad show you?”

Riding his son around his neck, “What movie?”

David looked around curiously.

“Harry Potter! A movie based on a novel you like to watch.”

“Wow! Dad! Is it true? The one who ran away under someone who can’t tell?” David became excited and danced.

“Yes! It’s him! Are you happy?”


“This is your favorite popcorn, as well as China’s snacks, ice powder, and cowpea crisps.”

“Dad, what is ice powder?” David asked curiously.

“I don’t know, is it made of ice? It is said to be delicious, and it is on sale, and there are cowpea crisps! Let’s try it, okay?”

“Okay, thank you Dad!”

Yes it is.

AMC Cinemas has already begun to try to launch Chinese snacks.

The habit passed back from abroad, watching movies, eating popcorn and drinking Coke.

Why can’t I replace it with Chinese snacks?

Thousands of Chinese snacks!

Why do you have to eat potato chips and popcorn?

Isn’t it the same for fried rice, crispy rice, cowpea crisps, sugar flowers, etc.?

“Please watch “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” line up in order…¨…”

As the cinema broadcast sounded.

Everyone started to line up.


David cheered excitedly.

The father and son walked into the cinema and found their place.

“Dad, what a crisp, this is delicious!” David held a box.

It’s filled with cowpea crisps!

Salty, crunchy.

The taste is really great!(Read more @

I have never eaten such crispy and crunchy food, and it tastes…

It’s wonderful!

“Dad, you eat, this is delicious!”

While waiting for the movie to start, David gave Howard something to eat.

The film officially began.

Dumbledore, with a big white beard, put a small editor on his beard and appeared in a dark neighborhood.

He took out a small object like a lighter, and all the lights of the street lamps fell on his small lighter.

“Light extinguisher!” David couldn’t help but cried.

This is Dumbledore’s iconic item. Later it was given to Ron.

The camera shows a cat, “I knew you were back, Professor McGonagall.”

The lens does not intuitively show the process of deformation.

But the process from cat to person, through shadow, is even more mysterious!

“Wow!” David cheered.

“Shhh! Keep quiet while watching the movie!” Howard whispered.

“I know!”

Hagrid riding a flying motorcycle, Harry Potter scarred by lightning.

The argument between Albus and Professor McGonagall.

It quickly attracted everyone’s attention.

Then, eleven years.

Harry Potter, who lives in the stairwell, can talk to snakes and has magic…

The magical world just unfolded in front of them.

The owl that delivered the letter, the Damn it family who was almost buried.

The cousin who was turned into a pig’s tail!

The life of the Harry Potter legend begins like this!

Then Hagrid took him to Diagon Alley, bought the wand, and went to Gringotts!

The magical world slowly unfolded.

The mystery of platform nine and three-quarters meets the beginning of this life, the Wesley family.

The train travels through fields, plains, and mountains.

The iron triangle meets.

Multi-flavored beans, magic cards, etc…

All kinds of magical things have appeared.

“I got a Zhang Daocheng!”

“Oh! This is one of the strongest magicians in the world. Fortunately, George has one, so he wouldn’t give it to me!”

Ron said enviously.

“Why is he missing?” Harry Potter observed for a while and found that the man in the robes was missing.

“You can’t expect him to stay in there all the time, do you?”

Everyone will laugh.

Full of childlike, but magical movie!

Candles floating in the sky, starry sky roofs, and sorting caps that can communicate.

The moving staircase, the soul that shuttles between the murals and reality.

Hogwarts is full of magic!

Get the memory ball sent by grandma, which can remind you that you have forgotten things. But Neville forgot what he forgot…

The magic flying broomstick can take people to fly…

This whole movie is shaping a magical world of magic every moment!

Quidditch game, thrilling…

Hell three-headed dog, magic lesson…

Magic chess, magic stone, twins!

Every moment of this movie is full of surprises!

At the end of the semester, I harvested friendship and joyful Harry Potter, ushering in the end of this play!

“`. Wow! God!”

“It’s amazing! Although I have read the novel once, but watching the movie, it is still full of surprises!”

“It’s like the world in the book, really unfolding in front of us!”

“(Nuoqian Zhao) is great! Simply great!”

“I love this movie, all the little details are perfect!”

“The level of China Leaf still surpasses everything!”

“Tomorrow I will take my child to see it again! This is really wonderful!”

“This is a movie suitable for family watching, the story of Harry Potter bravely defeating everything!”

“Yes, I like this movie!”

David was on his father’s neck, holding his head with his hands, and asked: “Dad, can I see it again tomorrow?”

“Do you like this Harry Potter world?”

“Yes! Dad, I love this movie, I want to watch it again!”

“Okay! Of course!” Howard smiled and played.

He likes it too!

This kind of movie is suitable for everyone to watch!

This is a magical world…

Ye Li painted them a very magical world! .

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