Chapter 348

North American time, the next day.

Ye Li and Wang Sicong went to a small island in South America.

This is where “Jurassic World” was filmed.

When Principal Wang arrived here, Ye Li came by the way and settled his cameo scene.

Because of the different time zones, it was just in the morning when they arrived.

This is a very large island, full of various facilities.

These facilities are all set up on the spot.

Just to make the shooting smoother!

“Director Ye, I didn’t expect you to be here so soon!” Zhang Yimou greeted them at the dock.

“Director Zhang, did it affect the progress?” Ye Li asked.

“Of course not, just adjust the shooting plan, a small matter.”

Zhang Yi has made movies all his life, and it is not too easy for him to adapt to situations without chaos.

“That’s good, something happened recently, I’m really sorry.” Ye Li said helplessly.

“Understood, I understand all of these.” Zhang Yimou laughed, “Is the environment like this, it doesn’t matter, is it all solved now?”

“Basically, it’s all solved. The funds are delivered to the door, and the actors are also delivered to the door. What’s the difference?”

Ye Li has been really busy recently, so it happened to take advantage of this time to relax.

“That’s good. Let’s go to the accommodation area first.” The tour bus is ready.

“Ye Dao, are these all true?” Principal Wang looked at the buildings, dumbfounded!

Ye Li shrugged, “You have to ask Director Zhang.”

“It’s all just exterior scenes. The inside is empty. I mainly shoot some exterior scenes here. If the interior scenes are all taken, they will all go back to China to shoot! And the scenery here is still very suitable for shooting!”

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

“By the way, the crew directed by Wu Ershan is on the other side, are you going to see it?”

“Don’t go now, I will go there after the filming is over here.”

I have rented a small island, why not use it rationally?

Even in the future, films like “Qinling Sacred Tree” and “Yunnan Worm Valley” will be filmed here!

Although the air ticket is a bit more expensive, the venue fee is really cheap!

Principal Wang looked at the outside environment, full of curiosity.

The deserted island!

As soon as the car arrived, Ye Li’s phone rang.

“Mr. Lu, I just arrived here, would you not tell me to go back?” Ye Li recently relaxed for a burn.

“Ye Dao, the North American box office has come out! And today there are several people who want to reinvest in us…”

“Let them go!” Ye Li couldn’t help but sneer.

Ha ha!

Regret it now? !



North American Box Office…

“How about the premiere box office?” Ye Li asked.

Although Principal Wang took the order, Ye Li is actually pretty poor on money!

“One thousand seven hundred and four hundred twenty thousand on the first day!”(Read more @

Hearing this number, Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief.

17.4 million on the first day!

Although compared with the funds that I lack, it is not even a little bit worse!

But this is also money!

“Not bad!” Ye Li nodded, expressing a bit of satisfaction.

“No, Dao Ye, the first day box office champion, was won by “Star Cowboy 5″. They have thousands of theaters online and tens of thousands of large screens…”

“This…” Ye Li didn’t even think that there could be something more awesome?

“Tens of thousands of big screens?” Ye Li was shocked!

“Yes, it should be the capital from North America!” said Mr. Lu.

Tens of thousands of big screens? !

He couldn’t think of this!

He meows…

“I got it!” Ye Li’s face was black, f*ck!

these people……

“However, they didn’t take a big advantage.” Mr. Lu said with joy, “Although they have thousands of theaters and tens of thousands of large screens, their first-day box office is only 19.73 million! ”


Ye Li couldn’t help laughing.

We have less than 400 cinemas and more than 5,000 large screens.

Won more than 17 million premiere box office!

You are ten times mine!

How about only winning this point? !

“I see.” Ye Li just nodded.

Mr. Lu said: “In addition, we have more than 10 million sales around the theater! The actual income is more than 30 million US dollars!”

“Around the theater…” Ye Li almost forgot, he is now the big boss of the theater!

There are also theater surroundings.

The premiere scored more than 30 million dollars!

Sure enough, opening a theater is really too profitable!

“Okay! I get it!” Ye Li nodded.

Overall it is satisfactory.

“What’s wrong, Dao Ye?” Principal Wang asked.

Ye Li smiled: “”Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was released in North America, and the premiere of AMC Cinemas scored more than 30 million dollars!”

“More than thirty million dollars?!” Principal Wang was shocked!

Now, he knew that he was really betting right!

The premiere scored more than 30 million dollars!

This is just the beginning!

Zhang Yimou looked at Ye Li, this young man is really amazing!

“box office?”

“No, there are surrounding areas. I launched the China snacks on the AMC theater line. They seem to be selling well.” Ye Li smiled openly.

“China’s snacks…” Zhang Yi was really shocked!

Cultural output!

Not only movies, novels, but also snacks…

He meows!

This young man is really a treasure!

Ye Li speaks calmly here, but in fact, the North American side is already very lively!

That’s just the beginning!

The real excitement is being staged!

North America.

at this time.

On the North American network, everyone is talking about two movies in a lively manner!

“The production of “Star Cowboy 5″ is very good!”

“Yes, the production of “Star Cowboy 5″ is very good, and the special effects are also very good. It inherits the context of the previous movie!”

“Brothers Diorton escaped from prison. There are many villains in this movie!”

“Cowhide! The vastness of the interstellar space is really amazing!”

“Luke is handsome! I am lucky Luke! But my gun never kills!”

“That’s it, lucky Luke! Lucky is also badly damaged in this one!”

“The next one should be repaired! The fastest lucky number in the universe, let’s attack!”

“The premiere box office won over 19 million! Cowhide!”

“Crush “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”!”

“Aren’t you kidding upstairs? Crushing?! How many theaters and screens are there for “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”? It is almost crushed?!”

“Yes! The magical world is simply amazing!”.

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