Chapter 349

Many big bosses in North America reconvened video conferences.

“How come the first day is so different?”

In their expectation, the first day must be crushed!

This is the result? !

“Our big screen is ten times more than theirs! The result is more than two million more in the box office than theirs. Isn’t this ~ a bit unreasonable?”

“AMC Cinema was very hot yesterday, with attendance rate-over 90%!”

“What about us?”

“Our attendance rate is less than 30-%!”

“How can it be?!”

“In fact, this is indeed the case, and AMC’s theaters occupies many of the best areas, and there are not many that we can match.”

“Then you can only watch the first day?”

“Yes, if the box office on the first day can suppress the opponent, we will have a chance?”

“Even if we suppress each other on the first day, we may not necessarily be able to crush…”

“that’s all……”

Foreign networks.

“The World of Harry Potter is amazing!”

“Yes! So many amazing little things, just like the real world!”

“It was really a wonderful world, and it felt like it opened the door to a new world.”

“Do we have such a hidden world?”

“We are just Muggles…”

“The world of the Philosopher’s Stone… is simply amazing! There is nothing magic can’t solve. If there is, say the spell again!”

“Haha! It really is like this!”

“Awesome! I love this movie! This movie is full of surprises.”

“By the way, who is Zhang Daocheng in that magic card?”

“I don’t know, this name should be from China…”

“Yes! It should be an easter egg buried in it?”

“Have you not read Cao Gouyan’s article analysis? This is definitely a buried easter egg. It should point to a magic school in China, right?”

“It must be so!”

“Sit down and wait for the next ones!”

“One of the strongest magicians in the world! Will it…”

“Could it be the villain?”

“No! The big villain is the one who can’t say the name!”

“Oh! This thing is awesome! Watching China Ye’s movies is always full of surprises every time!”


“Sit down and wait for the next one!”

“Could Harry Potter also be a part of the superhero movie?”

“Don’t even mention the possibility of the second hand! The magician…”

“Really awesome!”

“We will see superheroes with magic wands saving the world!”

“That’s interesting!”

“Amazing!”(Read more @

“”Star Cowboy 5″ is also very handsome!”

“But it always feels like something is missing.”

“Yes, it always feels a little less realistic, the feeling of being separated from us.”

“Although the story is also very exciting, the film world depicted is too far away from reality.”

“Yes, what a pity!”

“If they can spend more time and details back to the interstellar world, that would be great!”

“Unfortunately not, although it’s almost…but it’s just as wonderful!”

“Yes, in comparison, I like Harry Potter better! Which world gives me too much realism!”

“It feels like we are like Muggles living in a magical world!”

“That’s it! And it’s suitable for all ages to watch, I love this movie to death!”

“My daughter wants to see it again! Anything else?”

“Of course, my son wants to see it again!”

“She said she wants to go to Hogwarts when she grows up, what should I do?”

“Same as above, my son wants to go to Gryffindor College…”

“Son of the same style…”

“Today I have bought her a magic cloak and a magic wand…”

“I bought it too… my son insists…”

“Even, he wants a pair of round glasses…”

“The magic cards of Zhang Daocheng and Dumbledore…”

“Among the snacks he bought yesterday, he got a magic card from Professor McGonagall, so happy!”

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was released on the first day, and the whole of North America has fallen into madness.

Surroundings, movies, easter eggs… are full of surprises!

the next day.

“Ka! Dao Ye is finished!”

Zhang Yimou took the guide tube and stood up with a smile.

Ye Li’s cameo in “Jurassic World” is over!

Liu Shishi hurried over.

“Brother, are you okay?”

Ye Li smiled and said, “Of course.”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

Zhang Yi also walked over and smiled, “Dao Ye, your acting skills are naturally much better than when you were buried alive.”

“How can it be compared to the actor Zhang Dao!” Ye Li smiled.

Yes it is.

Zhang Yi was once China’s first A-level international film festival actor!

At the same time also won the Golden Rooster actor and Baihua actor!

Zhang Yimou laughed, “In the future it will be your world. This movie has shown me countless possibilities!”

“Director Zhang praised it.”

After a little chat or two, the filming of the crew continued.

Ye Li watched here for a while, and Liu Shishi was very desperate to shoot.

It seems that she really cherishes this opportunity.

Principal Wang could also see that he had a great time.

……… …….. …….

After a while, Mr. Lu called in.

“Ye Dao! Overjoyed! Overjoyed!”

Mr. Lu’s excited voice came.

“What’s the matter? Old road, it should be bedtime in China now? Why don’t you call me if you don’t sleep?”

Ye Li smiled, “Sister-in-law will have to find me then…”

“Happy event! Do you know it!? The box office came out on the first day!” Mr. Lu was shaking with excitement.

“”Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” has a box office of 52 million on the first day!” Mr. Lu’s excited voice came, “Moreover, our Harry Potter suppressed “Star Cowboy 5″ in one fell swoop. Box office champion of the day!”

Hearing the news, Ye Li also laughed.

Those people, now you know how good they are?

Box office champion on the first day!

“How many do they have?” Ye Li was somewhat gloating.

“They are also very good. The first day’s box office was 47 million dollars!”

“Not bad!” Ye Li calmed down.

The box office on the first day was 52 million. When “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” was officially released, the investment gap in the film was basically filled!

Do not!

The investment gap has been made up.

Most importantly, bank loans…

There shouldn’t be too much problem.

Even if it’s almost, there is not much…

At that time, there will be no problems at all!

“The most important thing is that our surroundings are selling crazy!” Mr. Lu’s excited voice came over, “God! I can’t think of our surroundings…” Ding.

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