Chapter 353

The person in charge of Disney+ looked a little ugly on the spot!


A local Chinese film! this price……

Too high!

Seven million dollars in one episode!

A total of 14 episodes!

This means that it needs nearly 100 million dollars!

not worth it!

It’s really not worth it!

Mr. Zhang didn’t care, “7.5 million dollars!”

He raised his hand and quoted a price!

Everyone looked at the person in charge of Disney+.

It’s up to you!

Damn it!

It turned out that I was regarded as a weather vane!

He understands, what he exposed, forget it, but it doesn’t matter.

It’s just a local Chinese film…

Without this film, there are others!

“Mr. Zhang, congratulations, another city!” Ye Li smiled.

The first TV series scored more than 100 million dollars!

Basically the big problems are solved!

“The second film, through the drama, started with one million.”

Mr. Zhang gave a lot of face, “One million dollars!”

Everyone fell silent.

A traversal drama, and the episode is so long, one million dollars, seventy episodes!

This is a bit high!

This is equivalent to a drama sold for 70 million dollars!

Although the transaction was at the reserve price, Ye Li was still very satisfied.

Seventy million!

In addition, “Mao Deception 2” sold 105 million dollars!

The two TV series have reached 175,990 million dollars!

“Okay, next is our movie.” Ye Li said with a smile.

The performance of the two TV series was unexpectedly good!

“Global network broadcasting rights for the movie “Iron Man 2″!”

“Everyone has seen the box office and influence of this movie.”

The last “Iron Man” sold for a high price!

I don’t know what kind of performance this time!

“One hundred million dollars!” Mr. Zhang never waits for others to bid first!

Generally, you just bid directly to set the tone.

Wang Shi and others are used to it.

However, many overseas leaders such as Disney+ are a little daunted.

One hundred million at the beginning…


What’s up? !

But they followed up quickly.

“One hundred and ten million!”

“One hundred and twenty million!”

“One hundred and thirty million!”

“One hundred and forty million!”

Prices soared all the way!

It rises rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Li was a little surprised this time, except for Mr. Zhang who has been quoting, Wang Shi actually sat firmly on Mount Tai.

What does Penguin Video want to do?

and many more.

As soon as they arrived, they chatted separately, maybe some agreement was reached!

It’s really interesting.(Read more @

However, as long as your own movies are sold.

“Three hundred million!” The person in charge of Disney+ didn’t care at all.

For them, this price is still within the acceptable range.

Do not!

Last time it was not just the price!

“Three hundred and ten million!” Of course, HBOMAX and others did not show any weakness!

There is not only one streaming media!

They all saw it!

Disney+ has recently become popular, and it is now the one with the most members in the global streaming media!

If Ye Li’s global influence cannot be seen yet, then the accidental launch of Winter Melon Video allows them to really see Ye Li’s influence!

An anonymous online video company, in less than a month after its launch, has reportedly more than one million members!

Do they have any good resources?

“Soul Soul”!

“The Avengers”!

These two films alone give them a place in the global market!

This is the most powerful influence.

“Five hundred million!”

Quote from the person in charge of Disney+.

“Five hundred and fifty million!” President Zhang raised his eyebrows in no rush.


At this time, there is still this kind of gameplay!

All of a sudden, several overseas video companies were a little bit timid!

“Five hundred and sixty million!”

“Five hundred and seventy million!”

“Six hundred million!”

Mr. Zhang jumped and started to increase the price, showing a strong heart and necessary determination!

“Six hundred and ten million!” Disney+ just said.

“650 million!” Mr. Zhang instantly increased the price by 40 million!

Wang Shi’s face twitched twice, but he didn’t say anything.

“I…” The person in charge of Disney+ raised his hand, and finally chose to give up, “Give up!”

“”Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was released worldwide, and the box office momentum must be clear to everyone, and it is the first in the “Harry Potter” series! It will join the superhero universe in the future!”

“If a video company can put together a series at the same time, the attractiveness will be greatly increased.” Ye Li introduced with a smile.

Damn it!

He meows!

Don’t we know? !

I even specially reminded it!

If you want to increase the price, just say it!


There is no way!

Then quote…

The person in charge of Disney+ just started to speak, 10 million to start…

“Five hundred million!” Mr. Zhang spoke first.


Lift the table!

Can you still play well! ?

If you hadn’t bought them all, I would really think you were a caregiver!

500 million with one opening!

Didn’t you earn money from your family? !

It’s really different!

Disney is now a veteran giant, seeking development, but it doesn’t have to be too aggressive.

The stock is almost fixed…

But the winter melon video is different!

The character beating is also different!

They are making money for the company, yes, but not all making money is money coming in!

Another way is to push the money out!

Sprinkle it out!

Just change the flow back!

People come back!

With more people, traffic!

Then their market value will continue to grow.

If you have no money, then raise money!

You said that earning billions from thousands of users is easy!

Or is it simple to earn billions from investors?

It’s not easy!

It can be said that Winter Melon Video has been tilted by the resources of the head office. The effect of its going abroad is obvious!

So, what does it mean to spend more money?

But Disney+ is different.

I have to consider profit…

“Six hundred million!”

“Sixty-six hundred and sixty-six million!” Mr. Zhang gave himself an order!

“680 million!”

“Seven billion!”

The price soared for a while.

Disney+ deeply understands the importance of the Harry Potter series.

Because it is so similar to their company’s philosophy!

Moreover, they are still making related parks.

“750 million!” Mr. Zhang’s face is not red, and his heart is not beating!

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally chose to give up!

1.5 billion dollars!

Ye Li smiled happily!

Now, it’s all enough!

Don’t even worry about bank loans!

The crew that had stopped before started immediately.

I have to start making new movies! .

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