Chapter 354

1.5 billion dollars!


Even if the bank drew the money, they don’t have to worry at all!

“Leaf guide.”

After everyone left, Mr. Zhang waited with a smile.

“Mr. Zhang, don’t know what else is going on?” Ye Li asked with a smile, “Have you reached a cooperation with Penguin Video?”

This is very obvious, otherwise Wang Shi has been very silent today, this is impossible!

Penguin Video has no plans to go abroad?

They have the largest user group in the country, ~ what they want to do is very simple.

But it’s difficult to go abroad…

“Dao Ye really has sharp eyes!” Mr. Zhang said with a smile, “Penguin Video wants to go abroad, cooperate with us, and use copyright together. It’s just that they don’t have the momentum, so it’s better to cooperate with us.”

Ye Li nodded, “However, winter melon videos also take a lot of bargain! When the time comes, there will be penguin videos leading the way, so the pressure will be much less, right?”

“Haha!” Mr. Zhang smiled happily.

In overseas competition, the opponents are mainly those overseas.

Even if it is real competition, Penguin Video is not necessarily the opponent of Winter Melon Video.

Winter Melon Video has “Avengers”!

This is obvious!

If “Iron Man”, “Captain China”, Thor, Hulk, Sword Fairy, Cao Yanbing and other superheroes have their own fans, then the fans of “Avengers” are their synthesis…

Of course, that’s not the calculation!

“Ye Dao, do you know the situation of “Mao Deception” overseas?” Mr. Zhang asked.

Ye Li shook his head, “I didn’t pay attention, you know I worry a lot now!”

Mr. Zhang laughed, “Now that 1.5 billion dollars are in hand, are there any questions?”

Ye Li shrugged.

“Dao Ye, are there any opportunities for us to invest in the next shooting plan?” Mr. Zhang asked.

“Do you also want to make a video for melon video?” Ye Li curiously asked.

“I am going to set up a film group under the banner, and I want to cooperate with Ye Dao!”

“I won’t be unwelcome if I have money to deliver to my door!”

The two parties chatted for a while, and Mr. Zhang left.

He has a lot of things to be busy now.

Having won so many film and television dramas at a high price, some arrangements are needed.

Millions of members!

This is not enough!

They need more members!

Although melon video may not be profitable this year, at least it can’t lose too much, right?

“Old Road, how about our overseas influence of “Mao Li”?” Ye Li wouldn’t bother if Mr. Zhang didn’t mention it, but since I mentioned it, I still care about it.(Read more @

Lu always thought for a while, “I didn’t pay much attention to it, but it doesn’t matter, I seem to have a document here.”

Ye Li will not blame him.

There have been too many recent things.

“The “Mao Deception” is now very influential overseas!” Mr. Lu looked at the documents handed in by the people below.

“Overseas audiences like this type of TV series very much!”

“Then do we have the ability to produce overseas TV series?” Ye Li said suddenly.

“of course!”

“Forget it, let me get my movie universe right first!” After thinking about it, Ye Li still chose to give up.

After all, he hasn’t formed enough circles yet.

There are not enough people to help yourself.

When your circle is formed, you can think about it.

“The first payment of US$500 million will arrive soon, and the second payment will be three months later, if the last payment is half a year later.” Mr. Lu is still very excited!

1.5 billion dollars!

All problems are completely solved!

The amount received in the first installment is enough for them to repay the loan!

“But we still need funds to start the next projects!”

For the time being, there is no need to worry about AMC’s film source issue.

But their production can’t stop!

Old films can be released repeatedly, but the first new films must be absolutely not missing!

“In this case, there will be a certain lack of funds. I will fly to Yanjing tomorrow. When I get a loan, we can start the next round of film production!”

“How is Wen Ziren’s performance recently?” Ye Li didn’t care much about himself as an apprentice.

“Very well, he has already started learning the “Spider-Man” crew!” Mr. Lu did not expect that this young man has really good hands-on skills!

“Okay, after I prepare “Spider-Man”, give him a movie to try. I’ll find him.”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Master!” Wen Ziren was very excited when he saw Ye Li, “Are we going to start shooting a new film?”

He is gearing up.

“Who taught you this name!” Ye Li was speechless.

“Those predecessors said that the teacher is the same as the one in the school, but the master is different. There is an old Chinese saying that is a teacher for a day and a father for life!”

“All right! It’s up to you!” Ye Li was helpless.

“Get ready to arrange the crew, we are about to start shooting!”

Now that the money is in place, what are you worried about?

“Oh!” Isn’t this what he has been waiting for?

The influence of “Mao Deception” overseas is indeed good.

On the streaming media of Disney+, it has been played 50 million times!

……… ……… 0

There are more than millions of comments!

This can explain its popularity!

“Strong plot! And it’s very down to earth. Many scams can be encountered even in reality!”

“Continuously refreshing my knowledge! This is simply awesome!”

“You can’t stop until you finish watching an episode!”

“Unfortunately this episode is too short!”

“Looking forward to the second season! Although it is difficult for Chinese people to be recognizable, everyone in this show has a distinct personality, and I actually know all of them!”

“I love Xiaobao! Although he is very thin, but his heart is full of strength!”

“An Ning’s mind is so good!”

“The outstanding sense of rhythm makes people want to stop!”

“I always think it’s wrong to deceive people! But in this show, there are ways to steal! Very good!”

“The atmosphere is really great!”

“A group of highly intelligent scammers working together seamlessly to deceive the unearned people to rob the poor and help the rich is really in line with my three views!”

No one would have thought that “Mao Deception” was not only named by the official name, but also achieved impressive achievements overseas!

The current influence has not spread.

The undercurrents directed at Orange Fruit Pictures have already begun to slowly stir up the situation.

The next day, Ye Li was called away by Mr. Lu as soon as he arrived at the company.

“What’s wrong? Are you not Feiyanjing?” Ye Li curiously asked.

“I don’t think it’s okay a little later, I want to watch a play!” Ding.

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