Chapter 355

“What’s the show?” Ye Li asked strangely.

“Today the people at the bank are coming!” Mr. Lu said with a stern smile.

Ye Li is speechless!

“Yesterday, all the funds for Winter Melon Video arrived?” Ye Li asked.

“Of course it’s here! And I also transferred some funds back from AMC, just to prepare some moths!” Mr. Lu said.

It is good to have a professional managerial talent.

Don’t worry about anything by yourself.

Ye Li nodded, “Then you are not going?”

“Ye Dao, this kind of thing, it’s better for you to come forward… I’ll just have a cigarette addiction on the sidelines, and it’s fine.”

Although he said that, Mr. Lu looked completely eager to try!

“Go ahead, I’m not interested.” Ye Li waved his hand, “I’ll go to see the crew. Now that the funds have arrived, I am going to start filming “Spider-Man” as soon as possible!”

“Good!” Lu always happy!

Now that Dao Ye calls his own name…


Mr. Lu touched his hair and walked into the meeting room vigorously.

Someone has already been in the conference room.

“Our loan hasn’t expired yet?” Mr. Lu said as soon as he walked in, without giving any face!

Even, he deliberately explained that he would not give water!

The person in charge of a certain bank’s magic capital said: “Mr. Lu, you know, we are all small-time workers, and we can’t help ourselves. There are so many negative news about your company recently, we dare not! In case of bad debts…”

Being polite is polite.

But if there is no way of playing with the Foundation group behind it, it will be fine.

“We only borrowed 500 million yuan from your bank. This amount of money is nothing to us.”

Lu always took a sip of water.

“It’s five hundred million dollars, which is 3.5 billion yuan!”

Give this money back? !

You guys will take it out!

It is said that your crew is being divested, and AMC is being sniped by North American tycoons. It’s very sad!

Mr. Lu took another sip of water, shook the water bottle, and said with a smile: “Five hundred million dollars is not a trivial matter for our company? A few movies have made it back! We have Ye Dao, the country’s most influential director overseas! ”

“It’s true that your company has a leaf guide, but that’s what the above means.” The person in charge snorted and saw him shaking the mineral water bottle continuously.

Somewhat thirsty!

Damn it!

Don’t even give me saliva!

I drink so much…


Why does this mineral water bottle look like this…

The person in charge narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the mineral water bottle in Mr. Lu’s hand.


Kona brine? !

Isn’t this Kona brine worth 402 dollars a bottle? !

Damn it!(Read more @

A bottle of water is two thousand eight, nearly three thousand yuan!

Is such a rich man? !

Is he still dissatisfied with his appearance?



Seeing Lu Zong constantly shaking the mineral water bottle, he became even more thirsty.

Of course, he has never drank it.

Can’t afford it!

But he once received a client and saw this client drink it.

Afterwards, his immediate superiors taught himself science.

I knew it by myself!

“Okay, don’t pretend, I know, someone stabbed us in the back, you are not a good guy, the bank and the merchant are colluding to suppress the newly developed company. Tsk tsk…”

The person in charge smiled: “President Lu, people are under the eaves, why bother to raise your head? Those big bosses are deep-rooted and have a wide network of connections. Although you can make money, you have not enough influence!”

“Don’t talk too much nonsense, five hundred million dollars, right? No problem, Xiao Cai!”

Sister Cai had already been waiting at the door.

“You go through the bank loan procedures. We won’t cooperate with this bank in the future. We will replace the salary card and everything, do you know?” Mr. Lu shook the water bottle, feeling bored.


A bit salty…

Not so delicious!

But he is expensive!

Just look at the other person’s expression, you know that you are so forced, you have definitely pretended to be successful!

After drinking, throw the bottle in the trash can.

One, the way I often drink.

You must not show your cowardice!

“What, what?! Lu, President Lu, what did you just say?” The person in charge was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses.

“Pay the money! Since you have come to collect the debt, of course we will pay it back! But for companies that don’t keep promises, we won’t cooperate anymore.” Mr. Lu said with a smile.

“Repay the money…”

“By the way, not only did we repay the money, we also hired a team of lawyers. After all, we did not default on the contract without repaying the interest, and the loan has not expired…”

It is difficult to win a lawsuit.

But, just to be so disgusting to you!

We, Chengguo Pictures, are a newly opened company, yes!

But are we good soft persimmons? !

“What?!” The person in charge changed his face, his face turned dark, and looked at Mr. Lu, “Mr. Lu, why bother? It’s too deceiving, right?”

“Are you bullying us? Or are we bullying you?” Mr. Lu smiled so that his eyes were narrowed. “How long have we borrowed? Let’s ask for the account now. Does the bank do this?”

“You will regret it! Someone will let you know what’s at stake!” The person in charge has a deep gaze, “As for the lawsuit, we belong to the state-owned unit, so please do it yourself!”

They are not afraid of a lawsuit!

But the problem is that this impact…

Therefore, it is best to be able to suppress it, so he even started to threaten!

Mr. Lu chuckled, “We are just a small business and we are really scared. We will give you what you want, as long as you raise your hands and let us go!”

“Huh! I know it’s great now?! It’s late! Pay the money back!”

“So what.” Sister Cai stood aside and was speechless, “I still have a lot of things to do today. The $150 million in AMC is a bit troublesome. This is my first contact, so don’t waste time. . Five hundred million dollars, hurry up and follow the process!”

“What?!” He thought that Mr. Lu was softened.

“Hahahaha!” Mr. Lu laughed, and when he walked out the door, he turned his head and gave him a middle finger!

At the same time, I shook the recorder in my hand…


In the count!

The person in charge went black and sat down.

“Hurry up!” Sister Cai was a little impatient, “Now that the company’s overseas funds have been transferred back, it has added a lot of trouble, and the $500 million in the winter melon video yesterday, I am very busy!”

One hundred and fifty million dollars!

Five hundred million dollars!


Who said that Chengguo Pictures is almost too poor to open the pot? !

It’s meow, and rich!

Moreover, overseas cinema projects have been expanded, and assets have expanded…

Absolutely high-quality company!

They also have recordings…


No wonder drink Kona!

Even Finance holds a bottle of Kona in his hand…

It was dark in front of him…

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