Chapter 361

“Donny is stupid!” After arriving, Chris also expressed his opinion.

“Okay, everyone is here, let’s go!” Ye Li smiled and waved.

“What about Mark? Isn’t he here yet?” Anne Hathaway asked.

“He is still filming “Invincible Hulk” and will come in a few days.”

“Where is that stupid?” Chris pointed at Downey.

Ye Li smiled, “Don’t worry about him…”

“Donny, what do you want to do when you come to China? Is your new film about to start shooting?!”

“Donny, is “Avengers 2″ about to start shooting?”

“Excuse me, Mr. Downey…”

First, the fans, signed a photo.

Then the reporters moved after hearing the wind and blocked the water in his package.

For several hours, let him relive the fear of going to sea barbecue!

What is even more desperate is that he saw Ye Li lead someone away!

Yes it is!

Just leave!

Damn it!

Ye, this is too cheating!

Crying without tears.

Although I have been to Pot China several times, I really don’t know the way!

What should I do! ?

He wants to cry…

It took more than half an hour before someone came over.

“Everyone, everyone has been interviewing for a long time. Downey has just arrived in China. Let him adjust the jet lag first and take a good rest. How about?”

A group of people in black rescued him.

Downey was almost crying happily.

“Thank you! Did Ye ask you to save me? I knew that Ye wouldn’t give up on me…”

Wait for him to come to the hotel.

Everyone has already started eating.

Seeing Downey, everyone was very enthusiastic.

“Hi! Donnie, long time no see!”

“Donny, your popularity in China is really too high!”

“I really envy you for having such a high popularity!”

“Donny, good job!”

“You have attracted attention for all of us!”

Everyone joked that Downey was really, knowing it was bitter.

However, there was still a smile on his face, “No way, the popularity is high, so Ye chose to let me attract everyone’s attention, everyone is okay?”

“Of course, Downey, you are really great!”

Anne Hathaway smiled.

“No! No! Ye! It has nothing to do with me, I just follow his instructions.” Downey gave Ye Li a look.

I’m wrong!

I was really wrong!

Ye Li laughed.

The hotel is full of laughter.(Read more @

“Well! Good luck! Box office Changhong!”

Ye Li threw away the knife in his hand and just finished cutting the suckling pig.

Then firecrackers sounded.

There was a cheer from everyone.

“Ye! I think that barbecue looks delicious…” Downey looked at the suckling pig.

I saw that Chris had no idea when he would get it in his hands.

“The skin is crispy and the meat is tender! I like it very much.” Chris is a 1.9-meter tall man with strong muscles and a little suckling pig in his hands, just like a joke!

“Wait! Give me a piece!” Robert Downey Jr. rushed up immediately.

“It’s so delicious! By the way, why didn’t we have the movie before?” Downey ate his mouth greasy.

Anne Hathaway also went and pinched a piece, “It’s really delicious!”

“Before!” Ye Li said with a smile.

In a short while, everyone of all overseas celebrities ate it.

good to eat……

Quack quack.

One by one is satisfied.

“It’s finished…” Chris Hemsworth spread his hands helplessly, “Ye, buy a larger one next time!”

Ye Li was speechless.

This is a suckling pig!

It’s not a roast pig…

“Okay! Go back and buy a bigger one!”

It doesn’t matter, you guys are happy!

“By the way, I have never eaten a roast suckling pig.” Hu Ge also feasted, with a happy face.

Peng Yuyan nodded, “Lao San, won’t you eat all the suckling pigs you used to eat?”

“Absolutely! Otherwise, where did the roast suckling pig go?” Lin Gengxin immediately interjected.

it’s good now.

The four roommates of the Magic City Film and Television Academy finally got together!

“I didn’t eat it.” Ye Li didn’t give Lin Gengxin a chance to speak at all.

If this guy speaks, it’s really endless!

“Okay, everyone is ready! “Avengers 2″ officially started shooting here, are all departments ready?!”

“Okay! Ye Dao, don’t worry!”

“No problem at all!”

“Ye Dao, I want to hear you furious again!”

“Haha, I’m not used to changing the crew, but Director Ye’s cursing makes people feel cordial!”


Now that the film has not officially started, everyone is joking.

Ye Li didn’t care either.

It’s a joke, but when you really start shooting, just don’t drop the chain!

“Move! Move! We’re about to start!”

“Field affairs! Field affairs!”

“It’s a bit close here, get it right for me quickly!”

“Make-up, clean them up, greasy, can you look at it?!”

Ye Li gets busy.

A group of actors stood by and chatted.

“Today is the premiere of “Captain China 2″? Captain, don’t you need to be there?” Downey asked.

“There is no premiere.” Peng Yuyan shrugged, “Am I going alone?”

“Why is there no premiere?”

“Who knows, Dao Ye didn’t particularly like the premiere!”

“I also made a guest appearance in 993, and I still want to meet my fans!” Downey was a little lost!

“I went too! I still have a lot of scenes!” Anne Hathaway said happily.

“Why don’t we go to the premiere today?” Chris was still unfinished, “Hu, where can I find that kind of meat?”

“Aren’t you afraid of obesity?” Peng Yuyan asked.

“This will deform your body if you eat it?” Chris asked in shock.

“Of course. Otherwise, why didn’t I eat…”

“Oh! My goodness! I have to exercise for half an hour tonight!”

“Let’s go together!”

Among all the actors, the two of them have the highest body requirements!

“Go at night? Are you not going to film tomorrow?”

“Forget it, wait until there are fewer people, otherwise we will still…danger…”

“What are you doing standing there! Come here, ready to shoot!”

After the scene was almost ready, Ye Li beckoned them to come.

Several people immediately surrounded them.

“Okay, next I want to talk about the shooting mission this time!” Ye Li beckoned, and everyone gathered.

Next he has to arrange a shooting mission!

“The first episode of “Avengers 2″, the first time! Action!”

The first night.

“Captain China 2” is also officially launched…….

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