Chapter 362

Cao Rui took Song Qian’s hand.

“Why doesn’t Director Ye not hold the premiere!?” Song Qian was helpless, “I gave us permanent tickets for the premiere, but I always didn’t do it. Wouldn’t it be the money for our two positions? ”

Cao Rui couldn’t help but want to laugh after hearing what his girlfriend said.

“People are now the big bosses of AMC, how come they are short of this money? Maybe they have their own considerations? Maybe they are filming “Avengers 2″!”

Cao Rui said.

Song Qian’s eyes lit up suddenly, “Really? Where did you hear the news?”

Cao Rui said helplessly: “Guess, Downey has already arrived in China. It should be filming “Avengers 2.”

“It’s really possible!” Song Qian nodded.

She still agrees with this point.

Downey went to China, what would he do if he didn’t shoot “Avengers 2”?

“Finally you can watch “Captain China 2″!” Song Qian held the movie ticket.

Although the premiere was held, Ye Shen is still Ye Shen!

“This year is the third movie of Yeshen’s company! You are not satisfied with this!?” Cao Rui said with a smile.

“Almost half a year has passed this year, with only three movies. This efficiency is a bit slow!” Song Qian said.

“Do you expect Ye Shen’s movie throughout the year?” Cao Rui was speechless.

“Without Yeshen’s movie, you will make less money…”

Both of them couldn’t help laughing bitterly.

This is indeed the case. Without Ye Li’s movies, his income would be reduced.

The name Cao Gouyan came from watching Ye Li’s movie.

“Please watch “Captain China 2″ with tickets in hand and head to the 8th theater!”

With the voice of the staff, a group of people went to queue.

Go in and find your place to sit down.

My heart began to be filled with an emotion called anticipation.

“In other words, when we watched “Thor 2″, why was only the sword fairy present in the crisis of extinction?” Song Qian asked suddenly.

“I don’t know! Maybe they are not fast enough? Didn’t catch up. ¨?”

Cao Rui analyzed.

“Um… this really makes sense…”

Although this sounds like a joke, it does make sense.

What happened on your side was too fast, I can’t keep up!

This kind of extinction crisis…

Come fast!

“The corpse carpenter is coming out, right? Isn’t it terrifying?” Song Qian said suddenly.

Cao Rui also remembered.

Among the last eggs in “The Avengers”, the corpse slayer appeared in Liang Jiahui’s mouth.

At first, he thought he would appear in “Soul Resurrection”, but in Resurrection it was about another world!

It doesn’t match at all!

Then chase the corpsesmith…

Maybe it will actually appear!

“It should be, after all, it is a superhero with China characteristics, or the first one!” Cao Rui nodded.

“Isn’t it a horror movie?”

Song Qian is a little worried, she doesn’t like watching horror movies.


When I’m alone, I always think about it.

“Don’t be afraid, isn’t there still a husband!” Cao Rui felt that it was time to line up his boyfriend, her husband!(Read more @

“Yes! There are so many husbands! I’m not afraid!”

A long shot, not at home, but abroad, the headquarters of SHIELD!

A dispute broke out between Captain China and Nick.

“My mission is different from Romanov, shouldn’t you notify me in advance?!”

“I have no obligation.”

“The hostages will die!”

“I sent the most powerful soldiers in history. If they die, it is your responsibility!”

“Why don’t you send Stark?”

“He is recuperating.”

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