Chapter 363

Hearing this news, everyone was stunned.

“Iron Man is sick?”

“I do not know how?”

“Damn, how do you know? What happened in the movie…”

“Well, why isn’t there in “Iron Man 2″?”

“Who knows!”

Even Captain China was a little confused, “Stark is sick?”

Nick said: “Yes, the last time his opponent was very strong, he beat him hard.”

“You didn’t help?” Captain China asked.

“He did it himself.” Nick said suddenly. “Do you want to see him?”

Before he agreed, Stark appeared on the rectangular glass in front of him.

He was lying on the hospital bed with various cords stuck in his body.

“Oh! Captain, long time no see, why didn’t you come to see me before? Do you know? I knocked out two opponents. Wow! That’s so handsome!”

“I never thought I was so handsome!”

“Tony, it’s time to take medicine now!” A little nurse walked in.

Tony’s gaze was instantly attracted by the little nurse, “Oh, my goodness, Lisa, you have become beautiful again today, do you have time for a date?”

“Me? When?”

“How are you now? Haven’t you seen Iron Man with so many pipes in him? Although this bed is not particularly comfortable, but…”

Captain China is speechless, “Enough, Tony, are you okay now?”

Tony came back to his senses and said to the little nurse, “Oh, sorry, I’m on the phone now, a staid, seventy or eighty-year-old man!”

There was a burst of laughter in the theater!

Seventy or eighty-year-old man…


This description is really very accurate!

“Stark!” China captain Zhou Kai was speechless.

When is this, I still have a poor mouth.

“Okay, okay, my old uncle is starting to teach people, he doesn’t know anything about style, see you at night with beautiful women!” Stark said goodbye to the female nurse.

“Miss me?” Stark turned to look at Captain China.

“No, how is your body?”

“Originally, I made an appointment with Dr. Jin, but it seems that something happened recently and he can’t do the operation.” Stark said regretfully.

After a while, the video call ended.

Obviously, Stark, who was covered in tubes, couldn’t help, and couldn’t help at all.

“Captain, your mission will be completed soon, and you will be able to go back then.” Nick said with a smile.

“I hope the next mission, don’t hide anything from me!”

After speaking, he turned and left.

When I walked to the door, the high-tech face-sweeping door rang sounded.

“Captain Zhou Kai, welcome to come again next time.”

At the same time, Zhou Kai said in a voice that Nick couldn’t hear, “I can’t go back again.”

In the theater, everyone fell silent.

Song Qian only felt hot in her eyes.

Everyone was silent.

They understood at this moment.

What the captain is looking forward to is not this era.

“He is still thinking about Dr. Wen Rui…”

Song Qian whispered.

Cao Rui gently held his girlfriend’s hand and said, “Dr. Wen Rui is still alive!”

“Um… they will meet again!”

Later, Nick discovered that his authority in SHIELD was restricted.

Night fell.

Nick drove away from SHIELD.(Read more @

“Start the communication encryption program!”

“Connect the safety line 0405.”


While driving, Nick, who discovered the anomaly, must do a little bit of his own preparation.

“I’m Hill!” A voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I want you to come to Washington, the situation is serious.”

“I’ll be there in four hours.”

“I’ll give you three hours…over!”

Everyone became serious.

The situation seems bad.

red light.

The car stopped in front of the zebra crossing, and a police car also stopped.

Everyone’s hearts are raised.

That’s it!

It won’t be from the police system…

“Do you want to see my driver’s license?”

Nick is arrogantly invincible!

The sirens sounded and left.

Can’t help but laugh in the theater!

He meows!

So serious…

“He’s meowing, he thought he was going to fight!”

“Nick is serious and funny!”

“Really laughing to death…”

The laughter in the theater hasn’t subsided yet.


A police car directly smashed Nick’s car.

The police car that had left in front quickly backed away and withstood the car.

Almost at the same time, two more cars surrounded Nick!

All are police cars!

Car interior display.

“Fracture detected… Anesthetic injection is recommended!”

A special police car stopped, and the fully armed special police quickly got out of the car.

Nick injected himself with anesthetic slowly.

“The Washington Police Department has no police force in this area!”

There was a commotion in the theater.

“Nick is in danger!”

“These policemen are bad guys!?”


“Nick is dead, it turned out to be a rifle, and the car can’t stop it…”

I’ll slap my face in the next moment.

It seemed as if it was Nick’s “Take me out of this!” order.

Countless bullets fired from the police’s muzzle!

The car was battered in an instant…

“Damn! Bulletproof car?!”


Artificial Intelligence: “The engine system is disconnected!”

Nick: “Then restart now!”

However, the outside shooting was not heard for a moment.

Da Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da!

Bullets are pouring out like money without money.

Even in Wu Jing’s car, he carried out the siege hammer…


Nick’s face was calm, but the audience in the theater grabbed their hearts.

The siege hammer fell to the ground and took root.

Intelligent system: “Warning of impending damage to car windows…”


The people in the theater suddenly wanted to laugh!

Everyone can see it!

Nick also said in a playful tone: “Really?”

“How long does it take for the engine system to restart?!”

“Calculating.” The artificial intelligence is not impatient or impatient.


With a loud noise, the car was halfway up!

“The completeness of the windows is 31%, and the system should be activated!”



“The completeness of the windows is 19%. It is recommended to initiate offensive measures!”

“Wait a minute!”

“The completeness of the windows is 1%…”

Special police are besieging over.

“It’s now!”

The position of the driver’s seat armrest suddenly opened, and a machine gun appeared instantly.

Nick quickly grabbed the machine gun.

A round of shooting, shooting down most of the policemen in front of you!

There are even missiles…

“The engine system is now connected!”

“Move at full speed!”

The car drives automatically.

“Start the vertical take-off system!”

“The flight system has been damaged…”.

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