Chapter 364

“Start the navigation camera!”

“I want to drive manually!”

Nick frustrated, dragged an injured arm, and drove the car on the road…

The camera is zoomed high, and police cars are behind them!

“Contact Agent Hill!”

“The communication system is broken!”

Nick was speechless, “Is there anything undamaged?!”

“The air conditioning system and music system are currently operating normally, providing you with a comfortable driving environment.”

The air conditioner started blowing.

There was a soothing symphony in the car.

At this moment, laughter collapsed in the theater!



“Is this artificial mental retardation?!”

“Sell scrap iron!”

“Turn on the air conditioner to its maximum, let me calm down!”

“Killing me!”

Song Qian smiled and lay on Cao Rui’s body, clutching her belly.

But Cao Rui looked serious.

Ye Shen’s skill is still perfect.

Combination of virtual and real.

In this intense and exciting street battle just now, it happened to be a little relaxed!

No director in the world can achieve such a rhythm!

Do not!

There should be no screenwriter who can master the rhythm so smoothly!

It may be short-lived someone can master it, but…

It’s really not possible to be able to do this throughout

This has to say Ye Li’s skill!

Following a chase scene, Nick, who has artificial intelligence and bullet-proof armor, rushed into the traffic.

Just when everyone felt that Nick had escaped from birth and was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

A figure appeared in the front windshield covered with bullet marks.

A figure in a black combat uniform stood in the middle of the road.

Nick was taken aback.

So bold, the other party estimates…

Then, the lens gave a slender white hand.


A ball of fire suddenly burst out of his hand.

The fireball shot out.


There was a roar of the bulletproof car that was already covered with bullet marks, and countless bullets left marks on it.

The front of the car burst.

With inertia, the car smashed towards the man in black!

Under the billowing smoke, the black-clothed man calmed down and moved a step sideways.

Avoid the rewinding car!

In the billowing smoke, the car rushed hundreds of meters!

A slim female warrior wearing a black combat uniform and ponytail with a black mask on her face.

Walk quickly towards the car.

Stretched out an iron arm and lifted it gently.

The door that was bulletproof just now was torn off in an instant.

Under the black mask, a pair of bright but stern eyes were revealed.

There is no one in the car.

“Wow!”(Read more @

“This is so handsome!”

“My three views have followed the five senses!”

“So handsome!”

“This should be Dr. Wen Rui, right?”

“Where is this a doctor? He is a killer, right?!”

“Too ferocious, isn’t it?”


“Queen of Flames!”


“Every step, I walked out of the queen’s domineering!”

Everyone guessed that this handsome appearance was definitely Dr. Wen Rui!

“But shouldn’t Dr. Wen Rui be a researcher? How…”

“Yes, it shouldn’t be!”

“How can this kind of treasure-level researcher be protected?”

“Moreover, as Dr. Wen Rui, who can make super soldier serum, Hydra should be full of super soldiers now, right?”


“Yes! Why?!”

“It feels like pitfalls everywhere…”

“Dr. Wen Rui is now holding a machete to kill the enemy! Her skill level shouldn’t be…”

Ye Li did not change the plot.

Immediately afterwards, the camera turned.

Early in the morning, the morning in North America, the sky was not yet bright.

The strong captain China runs around the lake.

A black man is also running.

Being led lap by lap, the black person is not good.

However, the opponent also clearly recognized the China captain.

The two even had some exchanges.

The camera follows Captain China towards a building.

This is his temporary residence here.

When I went upstairs, I met the female nurse next door who was washing clothes.

The two chatted for a while, “You seem to have forgotten to turn off the speaker.”

The female nurse reminded him before leaving.

Zhou Kai was taken aback.

I can’t use it!

He tiptoed in the door.

Ready to do it at any time.

Nick was lying on the sofa in the dim corner of the three-bedroom.

“I really thought I never gave you the key.”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Do you think I need it? My wife kicked me out.” Nick sat up.

“I didn’t even know you were married.”

“There are so many things you don’t know!”

“I know, Nick, the problem is here.” Captain China walked to Nick and turned on the light.



Nick made a silent gesture and immediately turned off the light.

Nick showed off his cell phone: “There are bugs everywhere.”


This guy can speak Chinese!

“Sorry, I came here uninvited! But I really have nowhere to go!”

Nick talked while typing quickly, his technique was neat, and Captain China couldn’t match it anyway.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has an insider!”

Captain China stared, “Who else knows about your wife?”

……… ……… …….

“Also, my friends!” Nick stood up with difficulty.

“Are we friends?”

“Then it’s up to you…”

As soon as the voice fell, the bullet penetrated the wall and directly hit Nick!

Captain China pulled the fallen Nick aside, and Nick handed him a USB flash drive.

“Do not trust anyone!”

“Captain Zhou Kai!” The female nurse entered with a gun, “I’m the 13th agent of SHIELD! I’m here to protect you!”

The female nurse was stunned when she saw Nick who was unconscious, “He…”

“Foxtrot is injured and needs first aid…” She gave Nick a quick treatment.

“Have you determined the location of the gunner?”

“Tell him I’m going after it!”

The captain jumped out of the window and rushed directly to the opposite house.

Breaking doors and windows all the way, the captain holding a shield, chasing frantically!

On the roof of another house.

The shield in Captain China flew out, but was caught by the opponent!

Metal arms, black mask!

Ponytail swaying in the wind.

The lens gives enough hints.


The opponent threw the shield back faster.


While Captain China caught the shield with both hands, the whole person was driven by the impact and slid for several meters!

What a powerful force!

When he looked up, the opposite side was empty.

Chase it again.

On the streets under the night, the shadows of people…

Captain China and Dr. Wen Rui met again after 75 years…Ding.

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