Chapter 379

He even informed the world!

Anderson’s face was a little ugly.

At present, more than half of their company’s superhero movies have been produced, and the later production is in progress.

As for, why did you still do this thing since you broke up with Ye Li?

Damn it!

This is a profitable thing in itself, why don’t we do it? !

Don’t you make money? !

Is there a pit in the brain? !

Why not do it? !

Although our cooperation is broken, we are suppressing him!

However, it does not hinder our cooperation!

Since there are benefits, why don’t we do it?

Since he made this suggestion, it is obviously beneficial to him!


“Our superhero movie, what’s the situation now?” Anderson asked as soon as he knew the news.

“Currently, studio shooting is in progress, and it should be almost finished.”

“How long will it take later?”

“It may take half a year in the later stage. More than that, there are a lot of special effects shots.”

“Let them speed up!”


“Have you contacted Chengguo Pictures? What’s the situation now?”

“Chengguo Pictures has already started. It is said that too many companies are submitting related things, so I hope we can wait.”

“What?! Let’s wait?!”

“Yes, it is said that companies all over the world want to make superhero movies, and they are reviewing them. Moreover, it is best to bring a script…”

“Okay! I see. What about our company’s screenwriters? Also, invite some top screenwriters!”

Universal Pictures.

“Move fast, Orange Fruit Pictures now needs to read the script review!”

“Didn’t they say they can shoot first?!”

“Of course you can shoot first! But, have you ever thought about it? In case the shoot is too bad and you don’t recognize it there, we can’t do anything about it. This is the right that we have jointly fought for!”

“Okay! Now we just need a perfect script!”

Warner Bros.

“Damn it! I don’t know who it is, I got this privilege first!”

Not only the eight major Hollywood films, but also various Hollywood studios and filmmakers all want to enter Ye Li’s movie sequence!


Because if Ye Li is really caught up in it, then this movie will become popular in all likelihood!

They don’t want copyright either!

Just authorize them to shoot for free.

Of course, the 10% dividend for personal movies is simply not worth mentioning!(Read more @

Moreover, China Ye will also help revise the script…

Is there a pie in the sky? !

The whole Hollywood is in chaos!

The script became a seller’s market.

Now, the most popular is the screenwriter!

Screenwriters will never think that one day they will be so popular!

Everyone is looking for a screenwriter!

They want more screenwriters, more scripts…

“Now we have a lot of film sources!”

Mr. Lu is very happy!

This is so happy!

Ye Li laughed, but still said seriously: “Let the people over there pay attention, you can’t agree to anything, and the quality of the film must be guaranteed!”

“Of course!” Mr. Lu knew the importance of all this deeply.

“There is still some time before the National Day. “King Kong” is scheduled for National Day, “Invincible Hulk” is scheduled for November, and “Jurassic World” is scheduled for December!” Ye Li tapped lightly The desktop.

“Well, it’s already arranged.” Mr. Lu nodded.

“No movies in January, and “Avengers 2″ on the New Year file.” Ye Li continued, “Director Zhang Yi will not shoot us for the time being. I’m ready for Guo Fan’s next movie. Now, let him turn on at any time! How about Director Wu Ershan?”

“Director Wu Ershan wants to rest for a while, but he is willing to continue to cooperate with us. He also has his own desire to shoot movies!”

“Okay! All this is easy to discuss.” Ye Li smiled.

Gradually, his own small circle has begun to form.

Actors: Hu Ge, Peng Yuyan, Lin Gengxin, Cao Jun, Li Bingbing, Liu Shishi, Wang Churan, Robert Downey Jr., Anne Hathaway, Uncle Mark, Chris and more!

Directors: Guo Fan, Li Hongchou, Xing Dongdong, Zhihui, Yuzhe, Fei Zhenxiang, Xu Zheng, Wen Ziren, Liu Kai, etc.

Wu Jing has not confirmed that she is shooting the current movie.

But basically, I will move closer to myself!

0 ·Look for flowers····

The small circle is formed directly!

However, this lineup will definitely be expanded in the future!

These people are the core of the circle.

The rest is a community of interests!

Currently… the filmmakers all over the world!

After that, Ye Li is still very busy.

There are scripts that need to be reviewed, and the post-production and special effects of Liu Kai and Wu Jing’s movies need to be watched!

There is almost no time for other things.

Soon it’s National Day…

“King Kong” officially landed in theaters!

Cao Rui brought Song Qian to the premiere.

“Finally there is a premiere!” Cao Rui said with some excitement.

Song Qian also nodded, “It’s not a film directed by Ye Dao himself, but at least a hundred dollars will be saved!”

0 0 …

Cao Rui laughed, “We all rely on Yeshen to make money, what happened to watching a movie?”

“By the way, speaking of this, did you decide to participate in Ye Shen’s movie? Go for a cameo? You can also make some money, right?” Song Qian asked.

New Year’s Eve this year, maybe they will go through the process of getting married.

The house in Magic City has just been mortgaged, and the mortgage is repaid every month.

Want money!

“Of course!” Cao Rui nodded, “Is there a chance to appear in a movie and show off? Maybe in the future, we can also become a star!”

Song Qian said silently: “Just what you look like! Tsk tsk…”

“Special actors are not actors!” The two joked and walked into the theater.

Red carpet stage.

Interview stage.

Wu Ershan took Scarlett and others to sit at the front desk and had close contact with the fans.

When the time came to eight o’clock, it officially entered the stage of movie broadcasting.

“It’s getting started! It’s getting started!”

“I don’t know if this behemoth universe will bring us surprises!”

“His cat dog doesn’t know if what he said is true. If it is true, it will be interesting!”

“It should be true, Ye Shen has personally certified it!”

“I don’t know how the several series should be integrated by then! I am looking forward to it!”

At this time, Long Biao flew by.

There are six characters on the big screen!

[Works produced by Ye Li]!

The movie has officially started!

“King Kong” is released!

Everyone straightened up involuntarily! plant.

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